A pacifist
has a lot of difficulty reconciling pacifism with scripture. – Mark Driscoll
[PHOTO SOURCE: http://www.azquotes.com/quote/918548]

A pacifist
has a lot of difficulty reconciling pacifism with scripture. – Mark Driscoll
[PHOTO SOURCE: http://www.azquotes.com/quote/918548]
21 Oct Is God a pacifist?
at 22:12h in Blog
knows the Bible says “Thou shalt not kill”—or does it? The sixth commandment is
one of the most well known of the Ten Commandments, but also one of the most
misunderstood and misused.
Some have tried to use the sixth commandment (Exod. 20:13) to promote pacifism, an ideology that sometimes goes so far as to argue that no violence is ever justified. But if we examine this commandment a little closer, we will see that God is not a pacifist.
What does the sixth commandment actually say?
Part of the confusion stems from the fact that some older translations of the Bible, most notably the King James Version, have translated the command using the word “kill,” which could lead to the misconception that all killing is always prohibited: “Thou shalt not kill.” However, the best modern translations, including the ESV, NASB, NIV, and others, use the word “murder.”Our English Bible is accurate and reliable, but it’s interesting to note that the original Hebrew version of Exodus 20:13 is just two simple words, comparable to “No murder.” The first word is not debated, but the second word—ratsah in Hebrew—is more complicated. Biblical scholar Alan Cole explains that this word “is a comparatively rare word for ‘kill,’ and usually implies violent killing of a personal enemy . . . ‘murder’ is a good translation.” However, ratsah does go beyond the English meaning of “murder,” as the ESV footnote points out: “The Hebrew word also covers causing human death through carelessness or negligence.”
The sixth commandment against murder is not pacifism.
Commentator John Durham notes that the verb “occurs just over forty times in the OT, far less frequently than the more general term [hrg] ‘kill, slay, destroy,’ (more than 160 times) and the hiphil of [mwt] ‘cause to die, kill’ (more than 200 times).” He continues, explaining that the word “plainly refers to killing that can be understood to be murder (Psalm 94:6; 1 Kings 21:19), and some translators so render it (see NEB, for example); but [ratsah] can also refer to unintentional killing, ‘manslaughter,’ as in Deut. 19:3, 4, 6, and Josh. 20:3.”
Moreover, the sixth commandment is quoted several times in the New Testament (e.g., Matt. 5:21; Matt. 19:18; Rom. 13:9), and in each case the Greek word used by the inspired writers is phoneuo (to murder) rather than the more generic word for “kill.” In effect, the sixth commandment should be understood to prohibit murder, manslaughter, violent and unauthorized killing, and killing for personal vengeance.
What does the sixth commandment mean for us?
Here’s the big idea: the Bible distinguishes between killing and murder. This is important, because many people don’t understand the difference. The sixth commandment does not say, “Thou shalt not kill.” It does say, “Thou shalt not murder.”Murder is a sin against a person and the God who made them. However, there are situations in which, sadly, the death of a person is both justified and necessary. Just a few paragraphs after giving the sixth commandment, for example, God allows for killing in self-defense (Exodus 22:2) and also instructs Israel to punish murderers with the death penalty (Exodus 21:12–14). Similarly, throughout Israel’s history we see that the prohibition against murder did not exclude God’s people from going to war when necessary (Exod. 17:16; Num. 31:1–3; 1 Sam. 15:1–3).
The Bible makes it abundantly clear that God’s prohibition against murder in the sixth commandment is not intended to apply to lawful taking of life, such as self-defense, capital punishment, and just war. At the same time, these decisions are complicated and painful, in part because courts, governments, and any system that includes sinners will have flaws. The answer, however, is not to reject a biblical framework of justice in favor of blind pacifism, but to work within the authority God has ordained and the means God has allowed to prayerfully and carefully align our imperfect efforts with the perfect will of God.
The Bible distinguishes between killing and murder.
God is the author of life and sovereign over death, and Romans 13:1–4 shows us that, to an extent, God delegates his authority over life to those lawfully appointed leaders—the state, or the “governing authorities” (Rom. 13:1). Sometimes, in order to encourage virtue, discourage vice, and reduce personal vengeance and anarchy, it is right for the state to take the life of a criminal or to use violence to defend against oppression and attack.
If someone tries to murder you, and you defend yourself with lethal force in order to protect the lives of you and your family, that’s not murder. When a police officer gets out of their car and suddenly comes under heavy fire, if they return fire and kill the person who’s trying to murder them, the officer is not guilty of sin.
Because human life is made in the image and likeness of God, we value human life greatly and any loss of life is occasion for grief. But engaging evil in order to protect others is not evil. That’s holy and just.
Jesus is not a pansy or a pacifist
One of the defining attributes of God’s coming kingdom is shalom—perfect peace untainted by sin, violence, or bloodshed of any sort. Such a kingdom is only possible if an all-powerful, benevolent Authority vanquishes his enemies. In other words, the Prince of Peace is not a pacifist.God is the author of life and sovereign over death.
Those who want to portray Jesus as a pansy or a pacifist are prone to be very selective in the parts of the Bible they quote. But the God of the bloody Old Testament is Jesus Christ. When he became a man, he walked the earth as a working-class carpenter. The European, long-haired, dress-wearing, hippie Jesus is a bad myth from a bad artist who mistook Jesus for a community college humanities professor. But if we want to learn all about Jesus we have to read all that the Bible says about him.
Here’s how Jesus will appear one day:
Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and seated on the
cloud one like a son of man, with a golden crown on his head, and a sharp
sickle in his hand. And another angel came out of the temple, calling with a
loud voice to him who sat on the cloud, “Put in your sickle, and reap, for the
hour to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is fully ripe.” So he who
sat on the cloud swung his sickle across the earth, and the earth was reaped.
Today is a season of patience as Jesus Christ waits for people to come to repentance. Jesus is not a pansy or a pacifist; he’s patient. He has a long wick, but the anger of his wrath is burning.
Once the wick is burned up, he is saddling up on a white horse and coming to slaughter his enemies and usher in his kingdom. Blood will flow.
Then there will be peace forever as the Prince of Peace takes his rightful throne. Some of those whose blood will flow as high as the bit in a horse’s mouth for 184 miles will be those who did not repent of their sin but did wrongly teach that Jesus was a pacifist.
Jesus is no one to mess with.
INTERNET SOURCE: https://markdriscoll.org/is-god-a-pacifist/
Mark Driscoll: Killing Is Justifiable in Some Cases
By Kevin Porter , Christian Post Reporter
By Kevin Porter , Christian Post Reporter
Jan 27, 2017 | 11:49 AM
Should the
Bible's commandment "thou shalt not kill" be taken literally, or is
there a deeper meaning? Pastor Mark Driscoll of Trinity Church in Phoenix,
Arizona, says that some killing is justified, but murder is not. And not all
killing is murder.
In a video posted
to his website this week, the pastor responds to the question of whether or not
Christian military should be considered "killing machine[s]."
Driscoll explains that some killings are "justified."
we're getting into is the 'just war defense,'" Driscoll
says. "That is: legitimate authority operating in
a defensive manner for a noble cause of proportional force ... " The
pastor says that if those criteria are met, then most Christian theologians and
Bible teachers would agree that killing is justifiable. He adds that justified
killings include capital punishment, police officers who shoot defensively, and
Driscoll says that there is another, more literal
interpretation of the Exodus 20:13 verse, "thou shalt not kill." He
explains, "This has been a point of theological disagreement for a long
This interpretation argues that God forbids killing
of any kind, under any circumstances. The pastor refers to the modern-day
example of the popular Mel Gibson film "Hacksaw Ridge," which depicts the true
story of how Seventh-day Adventist soldier Desmond Doss rescues 75 men during
WWII without once firing a single shot. According to Driscoll, this is
considered to be a pacifist point of view.
The pastor counters this belief system, saying, "In the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament, there [were] more than two dozen capital offenses. Things in God's law [where] you [could] be put to death by the state under the Old Testament theocracy."
In the New Testament, Driscoll points to Romans 13:
"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers.
For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and
they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation ... "
Pastor Discoll, however, draws a distinct line
between killing and murder. Unlike lower creation, such as animals and
plants, mankind is conferred with dignity and worth, he explains. Murder is the
taking of an innocent life that is made in the image and likeness of God.
Driscoll points to Genesis 9:6 (KJV), "Whoso
sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God
made he man."
He adds, "So the
reason [why] God says you're not allowed to run around murdering each other is
that I (God) made you in my image and likeness, and when someone does evil to
you, they are also sinning against me (God), because I made you in my image,
and you belong to me."
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