Blazing: 20 Questions with TheBlaze’s Tomi Lahren
Dedicated to being the voice for the
average American, TheBlaze's Tomi Lahren shoots straight on today’s hot-button
By Donald J. Mihalek on October 26,
Editor’s Note: The author of the
questions for this interview with Tomi Lahren are brought to you by Donald J.
Mihalek, a frequent Athlon Outdoors contributor and a career law enforcement
officer with more than 23 years of experience. Although the photographs of Tomi
Lahren were taken using toy guns as props, the topics discussed here are no
laughing matter. After reading Tomi’s pointed answers, you should come to the
conclusion that if statist politicians in this country have their way, and if
we don’t continue the fight to protect and preserve our Second Amendment
rights, someday all we’ll have left to protect ourselves and our loved one are
plastic squirt guns.
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Mom, you've sacrificed a
lot so I could pursue my passion. Your kind heart and selflessness inspires me
everyday. Thank you and Happy Mother's Day. I wouldn't have the courage to be
this fearless without you. I wouldn't have the strength to stand up for myself
if not for your example. #happymothersday #TeamTomi #Mom #blessed
When did you learn how to shoot,
and who taught you?
My dad is a gun collector. I grew
up with guns in the house and an appreciation for “gun culture.” I was born and
raised in Rapid City, South Dakota. My house is about 20 minutes from the
closest police station. If something were to happen, my family would be armed
and ready to confront the threat. Self-protection and home protection has
always been a reality for my family. I had many toy guns growing up. My parents
always reinforced the notion that guns, even fake guns, are not to be pointed
at anyone, anytime. I was never scared of guns.
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Firearms were never a mystery to
me. I understood their purpose and power. I went to school in Las Vegas, then
moved to California—two places where gun culture is skewed. I didn’t own a gun
or wish to own one until I moved to Texas. I say controversial things. I have a
target on my back. I will not be a sitting duck. My gun makes me feel safer. I
know if I needed to defend myself, I have the means. It’s locked in a safe and
I rarely use it, but I know it’s there, and I feel safer because of it.
What would you say to those who might be afraid of firearms?
We fear what
we don’t understand. Guns are not scary if you understand their power and their
purpose. I find most people that are anti-gun have never held a gun, bought a
gun or shot a gun. The only thing they know of guns is the misinformation the
mainstream media tells them. Most young people are afraid to ride a bike or
drive a car until they learn. The same can be said for firearms.
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Tomi Lahren: “Women should be empowered to
carry. Our potential assailants are likely bigger and stronger than we are. A
gun is a great equalizer.”
What kind of advice would you give women looking to carry a firearm
There’s a
false narrative circulating that those who own firearms are either gang-bangers
or rednecks. But that’s not the case. Women should be empowered to carry. Our
potential assailants are likely bigger and stronger than we are. A gun is a
great equalizer. I wish I had a concealed-carry gun back in my college days. I
often had late-night classes and would be forced to walk through campus alone
at night. I would have felt much better with a means to protect and defend
myself and my body.
Here’s a tip
for my ladies out there: If learning to shoot intimidates you, don’t learn from
your husband or boyfriend. I’ve found it doesn’t usually go well. There are
many female instructors in the field who know how to teach and communicate with
women far better than men. I would recommend it. Women learn to shoot in
different ways than men, and having that female support is appreciated!
What are your thoughts on pink guns for women?
I’m all for it!
I’ve found that some of the most badass women carry customized firearms. It’s
great to see women combine a love for the Second Amendment with a love for the
prettier things in life. I say deck it out and have fun with it.
If you could only own one gun, what would it be?
I’m a Glock fan. I own a Glock now, and it fits me
In a shooting contest between the anchors of Fox News, MSNBC, CNN and TheBlaze, who would win?
hands down. We have Dana Loesch!
What is the biggest lesson you have learned as a gun owner, shooter and
hunter? How has this influenced you?
I didn’t own
a gun before the San Bernardino
terrorist attack. I didn’t think I had reason to. But I realized that this
country is becoming a more dangerous place. The only way to gain a little peace
of mind is to be armed. It’s amazing how much better I feel at home knowing I
can defend myself if someone walks through my door uninvited. It’s a powerful
feeling, but with great power comes great responsibility. Gun education is
first and foremost.
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Tomi Lahren: “If you think terrorists and
lunatics are going to be deterred by a plastic sign, you’re either stupid or
living in La La Land.”
How do
you feel about “gun-free zones”?
If you
think terrorists and lunatics are going to be deterred by a plastic sign,
you’re either stupid or living in La La Land. This is the most idiotic defense
of gun control put forth by the anti-gun left. A sign isn’t going to save or
deter anyone. If anything, a gun-free sign paints a giant target on law-abiding
would you say to folks who believe there should be more gun restrictions on
law-abiding citizens?
Once we
accept the fact that the Democrats want to take away guns, everything else
comes into focus. The anti-gunners say they don’t want to infringe on your
rights, but that’s the first lie. The Second Amendment states our right to bear
arms “shall not be infringed.” That means no arbitrary restrictions on the type
or size of firearms we own. The notion that an “assault” rifle assaults on its
own is ludacris. The notion that some D.C. bureaucrat who has never owned,
bought or shot a firearm should be calling the shots for law-abiding Americans
is ludicrous. “Shall not be infringed” means shall not be infringed. Here
is the difference between Republicans and Democrats: Democrats don’t like guns.
They don’t own guns. They don’t want you to own guns, either. Republicans might
not like guns. We might not own guns, but we support your right to bear arms. Gun-control
laws neuter law-abiding citizens.
After the
2015 terror
attack in Chattanooga, you gave a powerful “Final Thoughts” monologue about
our troops and President Obama’s lack of leadership. Did you get any backlash
for that?
The truth
hurts. I know I’m hitting a nerve when the backlash starts. The truth is, if
what I was saying were baseless, they wouldn’t get so angry. I’ve had more
death threats in the last month than you could imagine. I take the Black Lives
Matter movement head on. I get a lot of heat for it. I will not sit back like
so many other conservatives and mince my words so as to not offend anyone. I
stand behind everything I say. I don’t say it for ratings or views or
attention. I say it because I feel it. The labels will not silence me. For
every ounce of hate I get, I have a ton of support. The emails I get from
military members, law enforcement officers and families and average everyday
Americans keep me going. They call me “ballsy,” but I am just fiercely
patriotic and unafraid. Stick and stones.
attacks have occurred since then, including those in San Bernardino and
Orlando. How do we, as a voting public, promote change?
correctness is intellectual dishonesty. If we cannot name our enemy, radical
Islamic terrorists, we cannot defeat them. Radical Islamic terrorists have
declared war on the United States, our culture, our Western values and our way
of life. It is not racist, xenophobic or Islamophobic to protect our way of
life. It’s American. Look at what’s happening in Europe today. European
countries have embraced an open-door immigration policy, and it’s a disaster.
Outsiders seeking to fundamentally change Europe, not be a part of it, have
trampled the culture and way of life. We will see that in the United States if
we prioritize Muslim sensitivity over national security and realism. We will.
We already are.
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If the
Democrats spent half as much time regulating the border as they do regulating
our healthcare, our guns and our speech, it would be secured by now. We promote
change by electing leaders unafraid to put America first. We are not
“Islamophobic” because we aren’t scared of them. Call us rednecks, call us
right-wing nuts, but don’t forget to call us armed!
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Tomi Lahren: “We fear what we don’t understand.
Guns are not scary if you understand their power and their purpose.”
What does
the NRA get right for gun-owning Americans?
Are there areas for improvement?
has improved in recent months. The NRA doesn’t need to change its actions—it
needs to market the message better. The left is masterful at storytelling. They
use emotional pleas and feelings to dominate the narrative. The NRA needs to
flip the narrative. The best thing gun groups can do is relay facts to the
public. Every time we experience a gun-related tragedy, the left is quick to
blame the gun. Commonsense gun rights groups need to remind the public how few
of these tragedies are carried out by legal gun owners. It’s not the gun’s
fault. If the laws we have now are not enforced, what good will more laws do?
Laws only limit the rights of law-abiding gun owners. These groups need to demonstrate
how legally owning, obtaining and using a firearm is the best method for
self-protection. The NRA recently came out with an ad featuring various gun
rights advocates. My friend Antonia
Okafor was one of the faces. She’s a young African American campus-carry
advocate. We need more diversity in the gun movement. This is a great start.
With the
increase in violent crimes in several major U.S. cities, what is your advice to
women in America?
Our law
enforcement officers are fantastic, but they cannot be everywhere at once. The
only way women can be confident and protected is to be armed. As I’ve said
before, gun safety and education is first and foremost. It’s not enough to
simply own a gun if you don’t know how to safely and effectively use it.
thoughts on the first woman running for POTUS?
Clinton has “experience,” but I call it a 40-year crime spree. She’s lied.
She’s lied countless times. She lies about lying. This woman prioritizes her quest
for power and money above all else. She is not to be trusted. Hillary would be
disastrous for gun rights. Realistically, she’s not going to repeal the Second
Amendment, but that doesn’t mean your right to bear arms is safe, my friends.
She’s made limiting your rights a central part of her campaign.
All eyes
on the Supreme Court. We’ve already got one space to fill for sure; it could be
four. Four progressive anti-gun justices on the Supreme Court. That means get
ready for an assault weapons ban. Get ready for a repeal of the Protection
of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. No gun dealer or manufacturer, or sporting
goods store, or ammunition company would be immune to frivolous lawsuits, and
they all would be sued out of business. Welcome to Hillary’s America, a land of
regulation from guns, to coal, to healthcare and everything in between.
guards have protected Hillary Clinton for decades thanks to taxpayer dollars,
yet she is one of the most boisterous when it comes to peeling away our Second
Amendment rights. If you could have a sit-down with her to discuss this, how
might things shake out? What questions might you ask her?
First of
all, Hillary only takes questions from interviewers and outlets friendly to her
campaign. She only takes questions that are pre-planned, pre-written and
pre-meditated. As of the time of this interview, she hasn’t held a press
conference in months. If by some miracle I did have an opportunity to interview
her, I would ask her why the American people should trust anything she says or
does. I would ask her if honesty and transparency are important qualities in a
leader. I would like to put her in the hot seat. Listen, Democrats will always
be anti-gun. They know gun rights are a fundamental part of self-reliance,
which is the complete antithesis of what the left desires. The Democrats teach
us it’s not about faith, family and freedom. For them, faith has been replaced
with government programs, family has been replaced by welfare and freedom has
been replaced with dependence and victimhood. Once we understand it, it’s not
difficult to see why they are anti-gun.
enforcement officers around the country have come under attack lately. Blue
Lives Matter has been a rallying cry, but some say it’s just a way to minimize
the Black Lives Matter movement and shut down calls for “racial justice.”
What’s your take?
five officers were ambushed and slain at the Black Lives Matter protest in
Dallas, did every white person say, “White Lives Matter”? No, we said, “Blue
Lives Matter” because police officers do not come in one size, shape, color,
religion or walk of life. Police officers go out every day with a giant target
on their back simply for wearing the badge and uniform. Officers make an
average of $45,000 per year. If anyone believes a person chooses to become a
cop, to work long and strange hours for little pay, to satisfy some pent-up
racism, they are fooling themselves. Blue Lives Matter, and I will always
back the blue.
Have you always been political?
How did you get into political commentary?
My parents say I came out of the
womb talking. I have always taken an interest in politics. My parents are not
political. They are conservative by nature but have never been overtly
political. They are simply hard-working Americans. They did teach me to pay
attention. I am an only child. I grew up watching the news with my parents at
dinner every night. We would watch and discuss. As I got older, I found myself
reaching for the pause button at least once every news story. I couldn’t
believe how one-sided and passively liberal the mainstream media is. I have
always wanted to be a voice for the average American. I have always wanted to
cut through the BS and tell it like it is. I am proud I have found a means to
do it.
How did you get started in the
media? How did you get your first job with OAN?
I hosted a political roundtable
show at UNLV called The Scramble. Two months before I graduated, I started
looking for internships. The first place I applied was Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze. I
didn’t make the cut. I Googled “conservative news outlets” and found an
up-and-coming network based in San Diego: One America News Network. I applied
for an internship, but the network wasn’t looking for interns.
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The owner, Robert Herring, Sr.,
invited me to San Diego to interview for a job. I jumped in my 2008 Chevy
Cobalt and made the trip from Las Vegas to San Diego. It was my first time in
California. After meeting with Mr. Herring, I told him I would do anything to
work at OAN. I would write, edit, research or get his coffee. He offered me my
own show. My jaw hit the floor. I went back to UNLV, finished my last two
months of school and moved to San Diego. I started working on my first show, On
Point with Tomi Lahren, from the ground up. It debuted in August of 2014. I was
21 years old. I was and still am the youngest political talk show host in
Ever think of running for
political office?
I am too young and will be too
young for quite some time. I have certainly considered it. I care. I care about
this country and its people. I seek to understand what people go through. All
Americans, not just the ones that look like me. I want to show people that
victimhood and government dependence shackle freedom and potential. If that
turns into a political career, I will walk that path.
Tell us about your newest gig at
My “Final Thoughts” segment
following the Chattanooga terrorist attack went viral. I caught the eye of the
folks at TheBlaze. I moved to Dallas and started working on my new show, Tomi.
It is an hour-long nightly show on TheBlaze. My “Final Thoughts” segments are
very popular, and I post them on Facebook, where I have garnered over 200
million views and counting. My Facebook page was set up less than a year ago,
and I am already at 2.2 million page likes. I owe my career to my social media
followers. They are my bread and butter. Check me out at, or on
Twitter and Instagram: @TomiLahren
article was published in ‘Pocket Pistols’ #186. For information on how to
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