“As regards capital cases, the trouble is that emotional men and women always see only the individual whose fate is up at the moment, and neither his victim nor the many millions of unknown individuals who would in the long run be harmed by what they ask. Moreover, almost any criminal, however brutal, has usually some person, often a person whom he has greatly wronged, who will plead for him. If the mother is alive she will always come, and she cannot help feeling that the case in which she is so concerned is peculiar, that in this case a pardon should be granted. It was really heartrending to have to see the kinfolk and friends of murderers who were condemned to death, and among the very rare occasions when anything governmental or official caused me to lose sleep were times when I had to listen to some poor mother making a plea for a criminal so wicked, so utterly brutal and depraved, that it would have been a crime on my part to remit his punishment.”– Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States
“As regards capital cases, the trouble is that
emotional men and women always see only the individual whose fate is up at the
moment, and neither his victim nor the many millions of unknown individuals who
would in the long run be harmed by what they ask. Moreover, almost any
criminal, however brutal, has usually some person, often a person whom he has
greatly wronged, who will plead for him. If the mother is alive she will always
come, and she cannot help feeling that the case in which she is so concerned is
peculiar, that in this case a pardon should be granted. It was really heartrending
to have to see the kinfolk and friends of murderers who were condemned to
death, and among the very rare occasions when anything governmental or official
caused me to lose sleep were times when I had to listen to some poor mother
making a plea for a criminal so wicked, so utterly brutal and depraved, that it
would have been a crime on my part to remit his punishment.”
– Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th
President of the United States [PHOTO SOURCE: https://www.deviantart.com/pathtoenlighten/art/Theodore-Roosevelt-support-for-the-death-penalty-714061647] |
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“Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent.” – Ayn Rand Learn More: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=350015208928496 [PHOTO SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/AtlasSociety/photos/a.10150124236450351/10159937329080351/] |
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