We, the comrades of Unit 1012, will always remember
Brazilian Couple, Kleber,
27, and Lilian Dos Santos, 25 on August 22, every year. They were murdered by Michael Adam Sigala in Texas on August 22, 2000.
Justice was served on March 2, 2010, when Sigala was executed by lethal
injection in that State. Praise God that justice had been done.
The murders of Kleber and Lilian Dos Santos occurred five
years before the murders of Javad Jay Marshall Fields and Vivian Wolfe in
Aurora, Colorado, seven years before the Tennessee Couple, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom on
January 7, 2007 and eight years before the murders of Californian Couple, Jan Pawel Pietrzak and Quiana Jenkins Pietrzak
on October 15, 2008. We will remember all these slain couples.
"So long as we live, they too shall live and love for they are a part of us as we remember them."- Gates of Prayer
We will post information about
Kleber and Lilian Dos Santos from a news source:
![]() |
Kleber Pescone dos Santos, 28, and his wife, Lillian D'Ascanio Carla dos
Santos, 25.
[PHOTO SOURCE: http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/cotidiano/eua.html] |
SOURCE: http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/cotidiano/eua.html
Pai de brasileira morta nos EUA teme que crime fique sem solução
de Souza
da Folha Online
O químico Luigi D'Ascanio, 50, pai da Lilian D'Ascanio dos Santos, 25, morta no dia 22 de agosto na cidade de Plano, no Texas (EUA), disse que está preocupado com a possibilidade do assassinato de sua filha ficar sem solução.
Lilian, que estudava Farmácia na USP, foi morta junto com o marido, o engenheiro Kleber Pescone dos Santos, 28. A polícia prendeu na quinta-feira (19) Michael Adam Sigala, na cidade de Arlington, próxima a Plano, que confessou apenas o assassinato do rapaz e negou ter matado a estudante.
Sigala afirmou que quem matou Lilian foi outra pessoa, cuja identificação ele não quis detalhar para a polícia americana.
"Estamos preocupados enquanto ele (Sigala) não declarar que foi o assassino. Se ele não fizer o depoimento, pode se safar. Ou o bandido pode estar na rua", afirmou o pai da estudante em entrevista por telefone. "Mas a polícia diz que é uma questão de tempo."
Lilian foi violentada antes de ser morta. No Texas há pena de morte e a confissão da agressão e assassinato da estudante poderia complicar ainda mais a situação do assassino.
A família de Lilian mora em Mairinque, cidade a 62 km de São Paulo.
"Estamos um pouco mais tranquilos, pois ele poderia estar fazendo mal a outras pessoas e agora está preso. Mas ele ainda não confessou a morte de minha nora", disse o microempresário Jonas Alves dos Santos, 56, pai de Kleber.
A prisão de Sigala ocorreu depois que o caso foi relembrado pelo programa "America's Most Wanted" (O mais procurado da América), atração em rede nacional da televisão norte-americana semelhante ao programa "Linha Direta", da Rede Globo, em que são relembrados crimes e a população é convidada a fornecer pistas de assassinos.
Segundo D'Ascanio, a polícia ainda não revelou detalhes de como chegou ao assassino. Foi revelado apenas que objetos roubados do casal ajudaram a levar a Sigala.
O pai de Kleber esteve na semana passada em Plano, onde auxiliou a polícia a verificar o que foi roubado do apartamento do casal.
De acordo com o jornal "Plano Star Courier" (www.planostar.com), após o programa de televisão, a polícia de Arlington avisou ter achado uma câmera fotográfica que pertencia ao casal vendida a uma loja da cidade.
A câmera tinha sido vendida por um cúmplice de Sigala, envolvido junto com outra pessoa, uma mulher, em um acidente de carro em Plano. Foi descoberto que esta mulher penhorou uma guitarra roubada do casal.
Os detetives ligararam Sigala ao homem que vendeu a câmera e depois descobriram que o assassino também havia penhorado jóias roubadas do casal.
O pai de Kleber reconheceu os objetos roubados por meio de fotos enviadas por e-mail. Amigos do casal que moram em Plano também reconheceram os objetos.
Sigala, de acordo com os pais dos brasileiros, tem origem mexicana e estava em liberdade condicional por roubo.
Father of dead Brazilian US fears that crime go unsolved
da Folha Online
The chemist Luigi
D'Ascanio, 50, father of Lilian D'Ascanio dos Santos, 25, killed on August 22
in the city of Plano, Texas (USA), said he is worried about the murder of his
daughter stay unsolved.
Lilian, who was studying pharmacy at USP, was killed along with her husband, the engineer Pescone of Kleber Santos, 28 The police arrested on Thursday (19) Michael Adam Sigala in the city of Arlington, near Plano, who confessed only the murder of the boy and denied killing the student.
Sigala said who killed Lilian was another person whose identity he did not detail to the American police.
"We are concerned as he (Sigala) not state that was the killer. If he does not make the statement, you can get away with. Either the villain can be on the street," said the father of a student in a telephone interview. "But the police say it's a matter of time."
Lilian was raped before being killed. Texas's death penalty and the confession of the assault and murder of student could further complicate the situation killer.
The family lives in Mairinque Lilian, a town 62 km from São Paulo.
"We're a little more quiet as it could be doing harm to other people and is now stuck. But he has not confessed to the death of my daughter," said small business owner Jonas Alves dos Santos, 56, father of Kleber.
The arrest of Sigala occurred after the case was recalled by the program "America's Most Wanted" (The most wanted of America), attraction national network of similar to the "Hotline", Rede Globo program American television, they are crimes and reminded the public is invited to provide clues to the killers.
According to D'Ascanio, the police have not revealed details of how the killer came. It was just revealed that the couple's stolen objects helped carry Sigala.
The father of Kleber was last week in Dallas, where he assisted the police to check what has been stolen from the couple's apartment.
According to the newspaper "Plano Star Courier" (www.planostar.com), after the television program, police warned Arlington have found a camera that belonged to the couple sold to a store in town.
The camera had been sold by an accomplice of Sigala, involved with another person, a woman in a car accident in Plano. It was discovered that this woman pawned a guitar stolen from the couple.
Detectives ligararam Sigala the man who sold the camera and then discovered that the killer had also pawned jewelry stolen from the couple.
Kleber's father recognized the stolen goods through photos sent by e-mail. Friends of the couple who live in Plano also recognized objects.
Sigala, according to the parents of Brazilians has Mexican origin and was on probation for theft.
QUOTE: Relatives of Kleber Santos and his wife, Lilian, did not speak with reporters afterward, but the parents of both victims issued statements saying they were grateful justice had been done. “For many people facing such tragedy, life would be worthless. For us, however, we have faith and we find meaning in an eternal life that our merciful God will provide us. We really believe that we will meet our dear son and daughter-in-law one day in heaven,” Jonas and Lizete Santos, Kleber Santos’ parents, said in their statement.AUTHOR: Relatives of Kleber Santos and his wife, Lilian – A Brazilian couple who were murdered by Michael Adam Sigala on August 22, 2000. He was executed by the state of Texas on March 2, 2010.
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