Thursday, April 8, 2021



He has told you, O man, what is good;
    and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
    and to walk humbly with your God? – Micah 6:8 (ESV)

 Prayer for Victims of Injustice



Oh Heavenly Father, our hearts are heavy. Broken. Please give us eyes to see and ears to hear where Your Spirit is working. Help us to see every person the way that You see them. Break our hearts for what breaks Yours, God. Let us not merely say that we love each other. Give us strength to mourn with those who mourn, to weep with those who weep. Let Your justice roll like waters. Let your righteousness and love flow from us like rivers of living water. Purify our hearts, Lord, and fill us with genuine hunger for justice, for mercy, and for true peace. Heavenly Father, let justice and mercy start with me.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



Eternal Father, We pray that You will right all the wrongs that are taking place in our world and vindicate those that are being treated unjustly. May the injustice that they have had to endure be the means to draw them into Your saving arms of grace - we ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.



No, I do not believe in revenge. I believe in justice. But only a true hatred of evil compels us to fight wickedness with every legitimate means at our disposal. – Rabbi Shmuley Boteach [The Petit murders: we must hate evil November 10, 2010]


10 Encouraging Prayers for an Unjust Situation

Everyone has heard the saying “Life’s not fair,” but it doesn’t make it any easier when things arise in our lives that we feel are uncalled for. Here are 10 of the most encouraging prayers for an unjust situation.

Prayer for the Truth to Prevail
God of my rescue, rally Your mighty power and come to save me from this unfair situation. You know I am innocent in this matter. Restore me, O God, and cause Your face to shine upon me so that I can be delivered out of this state of affairs. Look down from heaven and take note of this unrighteousness that has come against me, and set things right, I pray. May the truth prevail! Amen.

Prayer for Righteousness and Justice
Lord of Power, cover me with Your protection so that those who are bringing this injustice against me will see and be ashamed. Lord, I am submerged in these waves of trouble, reach down Your holy hand and pull me out. My God, righteousness and justice are the foundations of Your throne, and I claim them now for my cause. I thank You, dear Savior, that I can walk in the light of Your presence. Amen.

Preside over My Case Prayer
Light in the Darkness, I ask that You shine Your light on these false accusations and may the truth be evident to all. I call out to You in my distress; rescue me, my Lord. Preside over my case, Lord, and render Your righteous judgment. You know I’ve been judged unjustly, please uphold my rights because I am oppressed by unrighteousness. Save me from the deceit of the ungodly. Amen.

Prayer to Defend My Cause
God my Refuge, I am weak and needy. Deliver me from the hand of the wicked. Defend my cause. O God, do not be silent. See the cunning with which my adversary has conspired against me. Lord, may this unjust circumstance blow away like a tumbleweed, like chaff before the wind. Cover the face of my adversary with shame; may he repent and seek Your Name, O Lord. Amen.

Prayer in the Valley of Shadows
God of Victory, though I walk through this valley of shadows, facing the arrows of injustice, I know I’m not forsaken. Fight for me, God of heaven’s armies, for You are all I need. Even though things seem hopeless, I trust You. I plead the blood of Jesus over this situation. I know that You are for me, and no weapon that comes against me will prevail. I will not be overcome, in Your Mighty Name, Amen.

Prayer to My Darkness Crusher
O Lord, Darkness Crusher, intervene for me I pray, in this injustice that has been perpetuated against me. Give ear to my prayer, Lord of Hosts. Look with favor on me, and be my shield. Let me retrieve what has been taken from me. Lord, You give grace and glory to those who call on Your Name. I am blessed that You withhold no good thing from those who walk with integrity. Amen.

Prayer for God’s Loving Devotion
God my Fortress, how blessed is the person who trusts in You. I ask that You show me Your loving devotion, and grant me a favorable outcome in this corrupt situation. Lord, I thank You that You go before me, You reign forever, and You are a friend of mine. Crush this situation under my feet. My strength is in Your Name, for You alone can save. Yours is the victory. Amen.

Prayer when Encountering Unfair Circumstances
God my Rock, I am so blessed that You are always by my side. Nothing formed against me shall stand. Faithful Lord, I hold to Your promises as I encounter unfair circumstances. I know that You will indeed provide justice, for Your righteousness goes before You. I know that You will bring increase to me – I will overflow with Your mercy, Your provision, Your love, Your prosperity. Amen.

Prayer in the Day of Distress
Invincible Lord, incline Your ear to me and answer me. In the day of distress, I call to You. Preserve my reputation in the face of this unjust affair. Be merciful to me, O Lord. To You I lift up my soul; bring joy to Your servant. You, Lord, are rich in loving devotion to all who call on You. Attend to my plea. O Lord, for there is no one like You, nor any works like Yours. I praise You for being my defender. Amen.

Prayer for Mountain-Moving Power

O God, my Sun and my Shield, I thank You that the same overwhelming power of Your Holy Spirit that raised Your Son Jesus from the grave lives in me. I thank You that I have this mountain-moving power as I face these seemingly insurmountable and unjust attacks. Teach me what to do now, Lord, as I confront what has risen against me. Grant me strength and help me in this battle. Amen.



O Lord our God, You alone are the Most Holy King and Ruler of all nations.
We pray to You, Lord, in the great expectation of receiving from You,
O Divine King, mercy, peace, justice and all good things.
Protect, O Lord our King, our families and the land of our birth.
Guard us we pray Most Faithful One.
Protect us from our enemies and from Your Just Judgment
Forgive us, O Sovereign King, our sins against you.
Jesus, You are a King of Mercy.
We have deserved Your Just Judgment
Have mercy on us, Lord, and forgive us.
We trust in Your Great Mercy.
O most awe-inspiring King, we bow before You and pray;
May Your Reign, Your Kingdom, be recognized on earth.



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