Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Activists from Im Tirtzu hang signs across Jerusalem calling for the death penalty for terrorists in wake of murder of Ori Ansbacher.

Signs in Jerusalem: Death penalty now
Activists from Im Tirtzu hang signs across Jerusalem calling for the death penalty for terrorists in wake of murder of Ori Ansbacher.
Hezki Baruch, 11/02/19 04:04

Activists from the Im Tirtzu movement on Sunday hung huge signs across Jerusalem with the portrait of 19-year-old Ori Ansbacher, who was murdered by a terrorist from Hevron near Jerusalem last Thursday.

The signs were accompanied by a Hebrew and Arabic script demanding the death penalty for terrorists, as well as figures hanging on a string illustrating the death penalty.

The signs were hung on the walls of the Old City near the Jaffa Gate and the Damascus Gate, on the Chords Bridge, on the Malcha Bridge as well as in Ein Yael, near the site of Ori's murder.

The Im Tirtzu movement was active in the last Knesset in order to promote a "deterrent package" against the terrorists.

Among other things, a preliminary reading of an amendment to the existing death penalty for terrorists was approved, which seeks to change the composition of judges who rule on the death penalty for terrorists from an absolute majority to a normal majority.

A woman holds up a sign with ‘Too many terrorists in prison’ written on one side and ‘Kill them all’ written on the other during a rally in Tel Aviv on April 19, 2016 to support Elor Azaria. (Photo: Jack Guez/AFP)

Matan Peleg, Chief Executive Officer of the Im Tirtzu movement, said that "the time has come to continue to advance the deterrent package against the terror that is raging throughout Israel. Ori’s blood cries out from the ground. Without a strong deterrent package against terror, the potential terrorist has no reason to abandon his decision to go out and murder. Without expelling the families of terrorists, demolishing their homes to the ground, offsetting salaries and the death penalty for despicable terrorists who murdered innocent girls and whole families, we will not succeed in stopping terrorism."

“It would be better to drown these prisoners in the Dead Sea if possible, since that's the lowest point in the world.” - Avigdor Lieberman

Israeli officials call for death penalty for murderer of teen Ori Ansbacher
February 11, 2019 by JNS
Justice Minister Ayalet Shaked and former Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman are among the high-level Israeli officials calling on Israel to execute Arafat Irfayia, the Arab man believed to have murdered 19-year-old Tekoa resident Ori Ansbacher in a what has been described as a grizzly and gruesome slaying.

Ansbacher, who was serving in National Service in Jerusalem until she was reported missing, was discovered unconscious and unresponsive with multiple stab wounds in her chest in the forest of Ein Yael on the outskirt of Jerusalem on Thursday.

Additional details have been censored, but authorities said the attack was exceptionally gruesome.

Irfayia, who was found near Ramallah on Friday morning and arrested, is from the Abu Sneina neighbourhood of Hebron. Local Jewish residents called for a protest outside his family home, which was mapped and prepared by the Israel Defense Forces for demolition, in accordance with Israeli policy pertaining to the perpetrators of murder against Jews.

On Saturday, Shaked told Channel 13 news that “the military prosecution needs to ask for the death penalty, and that Irfayia, who had previously served time for possessing a knife while in Israel illegally, “killed Ori because she was a Jewish girl.”

Avigdor Liberman took to Twitter, declaring: “It is inconceivable that a 19-year-old girl is murdered on nationalistic motives and her vile killer will live for many years in the luxurious conditions of Israeli prison. We must change this reality; we need a death-penalty law for terrorists!”

Ansbacher is the first terrorist victim of 2019.

Lieberman attempted to pass death-penalty legislation before abandoning the coalition, but did not make sufficient headway. Shaked did not provide significant backing for the law, stating that one already exists. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed his support for using the death penalty in the past.

National Union Party chairman Betzalel Smotrich praised security forces for the arrest on Twitter, and said that the Justice department should be responsible for “speedy justice and the death penalty for the terrorist, the immediate destruction of his house and the expulsion of his whole family to Gaza.”

The only time Israel has utilized the death penalty was on Nazi officer Adolf Eichmann, one of the architects of the Holocaust. He was hanged in Jerusalem in 1962 and then cremated.

Use of the death penalty can only be made in specific circumstances and requires a unanimous decision from a panel of three judges.

“The terrorists are no longer afraid,” Bennett said in a statement. “At this moment, [they] are preparing the next terrible murder of Jews,” he said, urging the government to implement legislation that would subtract the amount of money paid to the families of convicted terrorists from the amount of taxes Israel collects for the Palestinian Authority.

But Samuel said, “As your sword has made women childless, so shall your mother be childless among women.” And Samuel
hacked Agag in pieces before the Lord in Gilgal.
- I Samuel 15:33 (NKJV)
Samuel kills Agag
Artist: MERIAN, Matthaeus the Elder

“The Wicked Must be Put to Death”
Monday, February 11, 2019 | David Lazarus

The brutal slaying of a teenaged girl, Ori Ansbacher, has stirred government officials and Israelis across the nation to call for the death penalty for the 29-year-old Palestinian who murdered her in cold blood.

Unlike most modern democracies that reject the death penalty, in Israel there are two specific crimes that are punishable by death: crimes against the Jewish people and humanity (the law for the punishment of Nazis and their accomplices), and murder in the context of a terrorist act (under the emergency regulations act).

According to Israeli law, the death penalty requires a unanimous vote by the Supreme Court.

The caution against rashly implementing the death penalty in Israel is based in large part on Jewish tradition, in which, despite the existence of this punishment, it is almost never invoked. As it is written: The Sanhedrin that kills one person every seven years is considered damaging.In other words,Jewish law requires moderation in dealing with murder cases.

In scripture, God provided Israel with a detailed toolbox for determining the crime and punishment in murder cases (see for example Numbers 35). As the Children of Israel were about to enter the Land, knowing that setting up a nation would require dealing with the complexities of human sin, cities of refuge were established to which a murderer could flee until the case was properly judged.

A major breakthrough in the laws that governed ancient civilization came with the biblical allowance for Israel to discuss a person’s intent in crime, not only the results of his or her action. The Bible makes a distinction between malicious and accidental murder. The concept is found first in Leviticus 4, where the person who acted without intent is given an opportunity to pay for the murder, but not with his life. Today, we distinguish between manslaughter and murder, wrongdoing and malice. Incredibly, the Bible had recognized all these scenarios a long time ago.

The basis of the Bible’s approach to these laws is to protect the sanctity of life, while also taking into consideration the weaknesses and complexities of humanity. Yet,the biblical guidelines would not be considered “humane” by modern politically-correct standards. In the Book of Numbers, chapter 35, we have the clearest standards for judging murder. The chapter concludes with a strong warning not to go easy on the “wicked criminal.” There is a severe prohibition against any kind of plea deal, payment or political considerations to ease the punishment of a convicted murderer. The murderer "which is wicked must be put to death.” However, it is also commanded that the murderer will be executed, not killed for revenge.

All of the scriptural regulations were given to protect the “sanctity of the land,”to maintain personal security for the individual and the public, and to prevent further bloodshed. What will happen to a society whose leaders renounce their responsibility to protect the sanctity of life when there is “wickedness in the land”? Perhaps it is the chaos, mayhem and anger we see on the streets of Israel, and around the world. God help us in these troubling times.

Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, - Exodus 21:24 (KJV)

Liberman: Targeted assassinations and tougher death penalty now

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