Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Alabama Official Calls For Public Hangings Of All Cop Killers

Alabama Official Calls For Public Hangings Of All Cop Killers

Feb 6-edited
Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler wants a mandatory death penalty for cop killers with hangings in the public square.

Montgomery, AL – An Alabama elected official reached out to President Donald Trump to ask that he include a mandate for the death penalty for anyone convicted of killing a police officer in his State of the Union address.

A military guard looks on impassively

In fact, Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler said in a statement released to the media that he would like to see those convicted hung in public, the Trussville Tribune reported.

“We need an ‘express lane’ for executions such as Texas has – maybe stronger,” Zeigler said. “We need to stop these 20- to 30-year delays in executions at taxpayer expense. Justice delayed is justice denied. These potential killers are not deterred by what may happen to them in 30 years. They are thinking of instant gratification in the next 30 minutes – or 30 seconds.”

And then he got very specific about the manner in which they should be executed.

“It would be more of a deterrent to the killing of officers if would-be killers witnessed others hanging in the public square,” Zeigler said. “Nothing else makes them think. Maybe hanging would.”

The state auditor’s request comes on the heels of the murders of three police officers in Alabama in the past 12 months. Two of those officers were killed in January.

Zeigler defended his stance to WTVM.

"I believe that to get the attention of a would-be killer who might kill a law enforcement officer, he needs to know that the old-fashioned public hanging has been brought back," he said. "I agree that public hanging is extreme, but also, killing a law enforcement officer is extreme. You’ve got to get the attention of these would-be killers in order for it to be a deterrent."

Zeigler said federal law already calls for the death penalty for anyone convicted of murdering a law enforcement officer who was working with federal agents.

He told the Trussville Tribune that law should be expanded to include all law enforcement officers.

It should be automatic and it should happen as soon as the jury says GUILTY.

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