Monday, June 26, 2017


            As we support the second amendment, we encourage people to support and donate to Gun Rights Advocate, Vicki Kawelmacher, we endorse her organization:


Vicki Kawelmacher, founder, ower and CEO of Women’s Shooting Academy  

Vicki’s handgun training began in 2002 with a Basic Pistol NRA Certification. Since then she has continuously increased her knowledge and certifications in handgun carry and personal safety.

Vicki has a commitment to teaching women how to protect themselves from becoming a victim of a violent crime. Her passion for teaching has led her to become a speaker about developing a preparedness strategy in your daily life.

“The greatest gift you give those who love you is when you can take care of yourself. You are loved, valued and worth protecting.”
– Vicki Kawelmacher

Vicki values her family, her freedom, her rights and her safety. Vicki’s story and her messages are not about what she does; they have become who she is.

What propelled Vicki to become a staunch supporter of personal safety was a series of events that began in 2004. Vicki and her husband were accosted while sitting on a beach. In 2007, their ten-year old daughter barely escaped an abduction in their ‘kid-friendly’ neighborhood. In 2008, their 28-year old son was a victim of a home invasion he barely survived. Were these incidents sheer coincidences or signs of a calling?

Vicki’s hopes to foster the WARRIOR within every woman and teach them the gift of self-preservation.

As the founder of Help Me Help Her I am excited, excited to meet many of you in the coming months. It’s time to tell your stories, show your faces and listen to your voices. The voices of women across this country, that’s you, that’s me, that’s all women who believe their right to protect themselves and their family are in jeopardy.

New Energy | "Vicki Kawelmacher"
Published on Jul 9, 2013
NRA Women presented by Smith & Wesson After her daughter was nearly abducted, Vicki opened The Women's Shooting Academy to "educate, encourage and empower" women. The firearms instructor strongly believes every woman is responsible for her own personal safety, and offers free classes to any woman with a signed protective order. Watch more New Energy profiles on NRAWomen.TV:



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