Wednesday, June 28, 2017


            Let us not forget Alaysha Carradine, every year on June 28 and July 15. We made her one of The 82 murdered children of Unit 1012 and Janusz Korczak’s 190+ children where we will not forget her. Let us remember how she lived on this earth.

Alaysha Carradine had no problem getting up for school in the morning. As the first person awake in her Oakland, Calif., home, Alaysha would get dressed, then climb back into bed until the rest of her family woke up. She was so quiet that it was often difficult to tell if she was awake yet or not, her step-grandmother, Sharon Smith, told msnbc. Alaysha enjoyed going to school and would enter the third grade in the fall.
Alaysha liked to sit at the kitchen table to draw and color. She drew hearts and flowers, and kept a collection of art pencils and glitter to use for her creations.
Alaysha, referred to as “Ladybug” by her family, turned 8 at the end of June. Earlier this year she joined a modeling production company where she learned how to walk like a model. But she had serious side as well, asking her mother to take her to church. She was a well-behaved child who, Smith said, was “just a joy to be around.”


Alaysha Carradine
(June 28, 2005 to July 15, 2013)


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