Thursday, April 13, 2017


            Let us not forget Reat Underwood, every year on May 21 and April 13. We made him one of The 82 murdered children of Unit 1012 and Janusz Korczak’s 190+ children where we will not forget him. Let us remember how he lived on this earth.

Reat Underwood
(May 21, 1999 to April 13, 2014)

On April 13, 2014, a pair of shootings committed by a White American domestic terrorist occurred at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City and Village Shalom, a Jewish retirement community, both located in Overland Park, Kansas. A total of three people were killed in the shootings, two who were shot at the community center and one who was shot at the retirement community.

The gunman, 73-year-old Frazier Glenn Miller Jr. of Aurora, Missouri, originally from North Carolina, was arrested in the attack and was subsequently tried, convicted of murder and other crimes, and sentenced to death. He was a Neo-Nazi and former political candidate.


Reat Underwood
(May 21, 1999 to April 13, 2014)

Reat Underwood
(May 21, 1999 to April 13, 2014)

A 14-year-old boy, Reat Griffin Underwood, and his 69-year-old grandfather, physician Dr. William Lewis Corporon, were killed at the Jewish Community Center. Both were Christians and attendants at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood. A 53-year-old woman, Terri LaManno, who was an occupational therapist in Kansas City, was killed at the parking lot of Village Shalom, where her mother resided. LaManno was also a Christian who attended St. Peter's Catholic Church in Kansas City, Missouri. Initial reports indicated a fourth person who was shot and wounded, but it was later confirmed that all of the people who suffered gunshot wounds were killed. Including the people shot at but escaping uninjured, only one person targeted by gunfire was Jewish.



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