Monday, May 16, 2016


           Engeline Megawe, an 8 year old girl from Bali, Indonesia, went missing on 16 May 2015. Her body was found on 10 June that year. We, the comrades of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, will make her one of The 82 murdered children of Unit 1012, where we will not forget her. We also want to thank those people who showed support for Bali’s Missing Child and we congratulate you for compassion for murdered children.


Please Help Find Angeline: Bali's Missing Child
            We will post several news sources on Engeline’s case:

Chronology of violence against Angeline 
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Archipelago | Thu, June 11 2015, 2:32 PM


8 year old Engeline of Bali went missing on May 16, 2015.
The Bali Police are questioning a number of people following the finding of the remains of Angeline, an 8-year-old girl, who was reported missing for nearly a month in Bali. Her remains were found buried in the backyard of her adoptive mother's house. Here are some media accounts that reveal signs of ill treatment that Angeline may have experience before her death.

May 16 2015

Angeline’s adoptive mother Margareith C Megawe reports the girl missing after she was last seen playing in front of the family home on Jl. Sedap Malam, Sanur, Denpasar, Bali, at 3 p.m.

May 17

Angeline's family creates a Facebook fanpage "Find Angeline-Bali's Missing Child".

May 18

Police question several witnesses to locate Angeline and track down Angeline's biological mother, Hamidah.

May 24

The National Commission on Child Protection (Komnas PA) visit Angeline's house and meet Margareith.

May 25

Bali Police chief Insp. Gen. Ronny F. Sompie forms a team to find Angeline.

May 26

Bali Police investigators quiz Margareith.

June 1

Officers from the Denpasar branch of the Community Services Center for the Protection of Women and Children (P2TP2A) visit Angeline's house, but Margareith refuses to meet them.

June 2

Police search the house but find no signs of Angeline.

June 3

Safe Childhood Foundation, the Bali branch of Sahabat Anak Foundation, and Komnas PA organize an event to distribute flyers on the missing girl in the neighborhood around Angeline's house.

June 5
Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Yuddy Chrisnandi pays a visit to Angeline's house but is turned away by the family's house guards.

June 6

Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Yohana Yembise pays a visit to Angeline's house but fails to meet any of the family members.

June 10

Police unearth the decomposing remains of Angeline with her doll, wrapped in a bed cover. The body was buried under a heap of trash in between banana trees next to chicken cages.

An autopsy on Angeline's body finds that the cause of her death was head trauma. In the autopsy, the police find signs of violence, namely bruises on the face, neck, hands and legs. Police also find a burn wound from a cigarette butt on the right side of her back in addition to traces of plastic rope around the neck.

After three weeks of Angeline being reported missing and presumed dead, the police apprehend a former domestic helper, Agus who confesses to committing acts of violent against Angeline leading to her death. Police also detain Margareith. (dmr)

Source: Media accounts from Antara, Kompas and other local media.(+++)

Story behind murdered child Angeline's adoption
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | National | Thu, June 11 2015, 12:21 PM


8 year old Engeline of Bali went missing on May 16, 2015.
Hamidah, the biological mother of an 8-year-old girl named Angeline who was found dead in the backyard of her family’s home in Denpasar, Bali, cried hysterically upon seeing the body of her child at Sanglah General Hospital on Wednesday evening.

"Who killed you, child? Why were you killed? Your mother cannot accept that you are treated like that," Hamidah said as quoted by

"Mr. Policeman go and capture the killer of my daughter, Sir. Sentence them to death," said the woman, who hails from Banyuwangi, East Java.

Angelina was reported missing by her adoptive mother, Margareith, after she noticed that the child was no longer playing in front of her house a month ago at 3 p.m. local time. Her body was found buried in the backyard of her house Wednesday morning.

Hamidah explained that Angeline was her second of three children.

One of the victim's relatives, Supri, said that Angeline was adopted by Margareith when she was three days old. Hamidah was prohibited from meeting Angeline after the adoption based on an agreement between her and Margareith. Hamidah and Margareith had not met since the adoption either.

Supri explained that before the adoption, Hamidah and Margareith did not know each other. The two simply met at a clinic in Canggu, Bali.

Because Hamidah did not have any money to cover the cost of giving birth, Margareith extended help and adopted the baby. (hhr)

Angeline's death should be avenged through death penalty: Lawmaker
Dylan Amirio, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Archipelago | Thu, June 11 2015, 2:17 PM


8 year old Engeline of Bali went missing on May 16, 2015.
House of Representatives lawmaker Hidayat Nur Wahid has said that the people responsible for the murder of 8-year-old Angeline in Denpasar, Bali, should be given the death penalty for their “unspeakable action”.

Hidayat, who is a member of House commission VIII on social affairs and women’s empowerment, expressed his condolences for the death of the girl, whose decomposing body was found in the backyard of her adoptive mother’s home on June 10.

The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) lawmaker said the Child Protection Law should be revised in order to ensure greater protection for children and harsher punishment for child abusers.

“The possible revision of the law will be discussed by Commission VIII. We on the commission agree that the Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Ministry must be strengthened further to ensure the protection of Indonesian children,” Hidayat told reporters at the House complex in Jakarta on Thursday.

By suggesting the death penalty for those behind Angeline’s murder, Hidayat added that it would be a deterrent that could help lower the rate of child abuse and murder cases.

“Without punitive punishment, these kinds of tragedies can happen again and again. [Angeline’s case] is not the first major child abuse case we have seen,” he said.

Denpasar Police have arrested one person suspected of the murder: a former domestic helper who worked in Angeline’s home and who was fired two days after the girl went missing. (hhr)


8 year old Engeline of Bali went missing on May 16, 2015.

Bali killing sparks call for review of Indonesia's child protection laws

Eight-year-old girl believed to have been a victim of neglect before she was murdered
  • Jakarta Globe
  • Indonesia
  • June 15, 2015
The recent murder of an eight-year-old girl in Bali, who was believed to have been a victim of neglect before she died, has renewed calls for harsher punishments for child abusers in Indonesia.

Nearly a month after she disappeared, the search for Angeline ended in tragedy last Wednesday with the discovery of the little girl’s body buried in the backyard of her foster mother’s home in Denpasar, Bali.

A former domestic worker for the family, Agus, 25, has confessed to sexually assaulting the child before killing her and disposing of her body, police said.

His testimony subsequently lead to the arrest of Angeline’s foster mother, Margaret Christine Megawe, who had been named a suspect for child neglect.

The case has gripped the nation, inciting anger and regret over Angeline’s tragic life before her violent death.

Arist Merdeka Sirait, the chairman of Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), has called for harsher punishments for child sex offenders in light of the case, saying the current prison sentence of three to 15 years was not enough to protect children or halt the alarming increase in child abuse cases.

“There must be a longer prison sentence. The law must be revised to regulate a minimum 20 years imprisonment and a maximum life sentence,” Arist said last week.

He added that additional punishment was also crucial to create a deterrent for future offenders, recommending chemical castration, which had been called for in the past during previous cases of child abuse.

“A future revision [of the law] must include chemical castration to create more deterrent effects. This is how we provide justice for victims,” Arist said.

“Angeline’s case should be a reminder to lawmakers to make the revision. We hope [statements made by officials about the case] are not mere emotional outbursts.

“We hope lawmakers will really carry out the revision.”

House of Representatives (DPR) deputy speaker Fahri Hamzah echoed Arist’s sentiments.

“I think there should be a more comprehensive system for child protection. Therefore, the government must review the system we currently have,” Fahri said, according to Indonesian news portal

Citing the case of Angeline’s adoption, which police have found to be illegal, Fahri said a revision to the child protection law must include measures to ensure foster parents follow the required procedures before they are allowed to adopt a child.

Social Services Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa last week said Margareth and her late husband, who was a foreign national, had skipped official procedures for child adoption when they took in Angeline shortly after her birth.

Khofifah said they had not submitted any application to the Ministry of Social Services for the right to care for her. As a result, the children’s adoption permit board, PIPA, never sent an officer to inspect their home and the family‘s condition, and never issued a permit for Angeline’s adoption.

Hidayat Nur Wahid, a member of the House’s Commission VIII, which deals with religious affairs, social issues, women’s empowerment and children’s welfare, said the commission was preparing a revision on the child protection law.


Angeline was reported missing on May 16. That day she was last seen playing in the front yard of her home, with the fence locked, according to an investigation by KPAI.

Instead of reporting the incident to the police, Angeline’s foster siblings Christina and Yvonne announced the news on Facebook the day after her disappearance by creating the page “Find Angeline-Bali’s Missing Child,” asking for people to participate in a search for the eight-year-old.

On May 18, the family filed a missing person’s report with the East Denpasar Police. After refusing on several occasions to let officers into their home, Angeline’s family finally relented to allow officers to search the house.

On May 24, KPAI chairman Arist visited Margaret’s house, calling the dwelling unlivable due to its allegedly “ragged” and “dirty” condition. The property also houses dozens of dogs and chickens.

Earlier in June, state minister for women’s empowerment and child protection, Yohanna Yambise, and state administrative and bureaucratic reform minister, Yuddy Chrisnandi, attempted to visit Angeline’s home but were turned away by the family. A security guard reportedly asked them to leave.
Christina later claimed on their Facebook page that their mother was “ill” and “distressed” when the ministers visited.

On June 10, nearly a month after her disappearance, police discovered Angeline’s body, hugging a doll, buried in the backyard of her own home after spotting a mound covered with garbage near a chicken coop and detecting “a rotten smell”.

Medical examiners revealed they had found wounds across Angeline’s body, including her face, back and limbs. Blunt-force trauma to the head was determined to be the cause of death.

Less than 24 hours later, Agus was named a suspect in Angeline’s murder.

According to police, Agus confessed to raping and killing the child, although medical examiners had not found evidence of sexual violence. He said he had assaulted Angeline twice, most recently on May 16, the day the girl was reported missing.

“He did not want anyone to find out [about the assault] so he killed her,” said Denpasar Police chief Sr Comr Anak Agung Made Sudana, according to

Still, doubts have been raised over Agus’s role in the crime, with critics questioning the involvement of Angeline’s foster family, despite their public campaign on social media.

Angeline reportedly inherited her late foster father’s wealth, which, along with reports of alleged abuses and neglect she had suffered prior to her death, has triggered speculation that she was killed for her inheritance.

On Sunday, police arrested Margaret after declaring her a suspect for child neglect. Her daughter, Yvonne, was detained along with her, although it is not immediately clear whether she has also been named a suspect.

Officers reportedly found a blood-smeared tissue paper in Margaret’s room and are currently processing the evidence for any connections to Angeline’s death.

RIP Engeline, Bali’s Missing Child (19 May 2007 to 16 May 2015)


8 year old Engeline of Bali went missing on May 16, 2015. This photo shows her with her pet.

Engeline's adoptive mother jailed for life
The Jakarta Post
Posted: Mon, February 29 2016 | 03:40 pm


Margriet Cristina Megawe ( right ), the defendant in the murder case of 8-year-old Engeline Margriet Megawe, listens to the panel of judges deliver her verdict at Denpasar District Court on Monday. The court declared Margriet, Engeline's adoptive mother, guilty as charged and sentenced her to lifetime imprisonment. ( Antara/Wira Suryantala )
The panel of judges at the Denpasar District Court sentenced the adoptive mother of Engeline Margret Megawe to life in prison on Monday for the murder of the 8-year-old.

The judges lead by Edward Harris Sinaga said the evidence presented by the prosecutors in the court proved that defendant Margriet Christina Megawe was guilty as charged, as reported by

The sentence was in accordance with prosecutors' demands as Margriet was charged with premeditated murder.

However, her legal team plans to file an appeal, lawyer Dion Pongkor from the Hotma Sitompul firm said.

Margriet was seen bowing her head and crying after the judges delivered their verdict.

Meanwhile, Engeline's birth mother Hamidah who attended the trial was hysterical when she found out Margriet was sentenced to life in prison.

"I am not satisfied with the judges' verdict. If she is only going to be given life in prison, it would be better that I kill her.  Because she doesn't know the torture I have been through," Hamidah said as quoted by

Engeline's case caught the public's attention after her family reported her missing in May 2015. Police found her body buried in the backyard of her adoptive mother's house in  Denpasar in June.

Police also named Margriet's house helper Agustinus Tay a suspect. Prosecutors sought 12 years for Agus in the Engeline murder case. ( rin )( + )

Engeline's murderer gets life in prison
Ni Komang Erviani
Posted: Tue, March 1 2016 | 08:39 am 


The sentence: Margriet Christina Magawe leaves the Denpasar District Court in Bali on Monday after receiving a life sentence for the murder of her adoptive daughter Engeline. Margriet will appeal the guilty verdict.(JP/Zul Trio Anggono)(JP/Zul Trio Anggono)
The sentence: Margriet Christina Magawe leaves the Denpasar District Court in Bali on Monday after receiving a life sentence for the murder of her adoptive daughter Engeline. Margriet will appeal the guilty verdict.( JP/Zul Trio Anggono )

The Denpasar District Court in Bali on Monday agreed to the demand from prosecutors to punish Margriet Christina Megawe, 60, with life in prison for murdering 8-year-old Engeline Margriet Megawe.

The court's sentence concluded the four-month-long trial that captivated the entire nation.

The court also sentenced the other defendant, Agustay Handa May, to 10 years in prison for helping Margriet, the victim'€™s adoptive mother, cover up her crime.

A panel of three judges agreed that Margriet was guilty of violating Article 340 of the Criminal Code on premeditated murder, which carries a maximum sentence of life in prison or capital punishment.

The judges also declared Margriet guilty of violating multiple articles in the 2002 Child Protection Law by exploiting Engeline for economic reasons and abandoning her.

'The defendant is found guilty of premeditated murder, child exploitation, child abandonment and discrimination. She is therefore sentenced to life in prison,' presiding judge Edward Harris Sinaga said.

The judges said that based on witnesses and evidence presented during the trial, Margriet was incapable of taking care of Engeline as she had no steady income for the past few years. Thus, starting several years ago, she used her backyard to raise chickens and sell them to people. She forced Engeline to take care of all the chickens.

'The defendant tried to hide the fact that she was no longer able to take care of the victim. Thus, she wanted to kill her because it was impossible to give the victim back to her biological parent,' Edward said.

The judges also emphasized that Margriet had prepared a murder plan as she had told Agustay, her former domestic worker, to dig a burrow in the backyard before killing the victim.

'The defendant prepared a carefully thought-out plan before and after the murder,' the verdict said.

Margriet was surprisingly calm when her sentence was read out.

She did not shed tears like she did when the prosecutors read out their sentence demand on Feb. 4.

In contrast, Engeline’s biological mother, Hamidah, who was present on Monday, cried after the judges read out the sentence.

'She should have been sentenced to death. She must feel what my daughter felt,' Hamidah said.

Margriet's lawyer, Hotma Sitompoel, meanwhile, said that his client would file an appeal against the court's guilty verdict in a higher court.

Engeline's body was found buried in the backyard of Margriet's house in June last year after she was declared missing several weeks beforehand.

Engeline's disappearance attracted public attention and the family created a Facebook page for Engeline called 'Find Engeline' Bali's Missing Child'.

However, a police investigation later led to accusations that Margriet had killed Engeline by slamming her head into the floor and then ordered Agustay Handa May, her domestic worker, to bury the corpse.

The police named Agustay a suspect immediately after they found Engeline'€™s body. They named Margriet the main suspect a couple of weeks later.

Both suspects have been undergoing separate trials in the murder case since October last year.

When testifying as a witness in Margriet's trial, Agustay said his employer had tortured Engeline by pulling her hair and repeatedly slamming her head into the floor prior to her death.

He also said Margriet ordered him to cover Engeline's body, along with her doll, with bed linen and a curtain and that she burned Engeline's back with a cigarette to ascertain whether or not she was dead.

After he took Engeline's body to the backyard and buried her there, Agustay testified that Margriet told him to cover the spot with a big red basket and put some chicken feed on it to avoid suspicion.

Agustay's sentence was lighter than the 12 years' imprisonment sought by prosecutors.

Reading out Agustay's sentence, judge Edward, who also served as the presiding judge in Agustay's trial, said that the defendant had helped Margriet bury Engeline's body and was thus guilty of violating Article 181 of the Criminal Code for concealing evidence and articles 76 and 80 of the Child Protection Law.

The panel of judges, however, declared that Agustay was not guilty of premeditated murder.

Agustay's lawyer, Hotman Paris Hutapea, said that his client would challenge the sentence. He said that the sentence was too heavy for Agustay because he was forced to help Margriet bury Engeline's body.


Engeline was found buried in her adoptive family's backyard in Sanur, Bali on June 10, 2015. Photo: Facebook
Timeline of Engeline murder case

May 16, 2015

Eight-year-old Engeline Margriet Megawe Engeline is reported missing

June 10, 2015

Engeline's body is found buried in the backyard of Margriet Christina Megawe's house on Jl. Sedap Malam in Denpasar. Police name Margriet's former domestic worker Agustay Handa May a suspect.

June 14, 2015

Police name Margriet as a suspect in a child abandonment case.

June 18, 2015

Agustay retracts his previous statement that he had raped and killed Engeline, saying that Margriet, the victim's adoptive mother, had murdered her.

June 28, 2015

Police name Margriet as main suspect in Engeline's murder

Sep. 7, 2015

Bali Police investigators hand over dossiers and supporting evidence in the murder case to the Denpasar Prosecutor's Office. The office confirms that the dossiers are sufficient to bring the case to trial.

Dec. 21, 2015

Agustay testifies that Engeline was tortured on the day she was killed.

Feb. 2

Prosecutors demand the Denpasar District Court sentence Agustay to 12 years in prison and a fine of Rp 1 billion ( US$75,000 ).

Feb. 4

Prosecutors demand a life sentence for Margriet.

Feb. 29

The Denpasar District Court sentences Margriet to life imprisonment, Agustay to 10 years in prison.


Engeline of Bali (19 May 2007 to 16 May 2015)

Lagu untuk "Angeline" - Tenanglah Di Syurga
Published on Jun 22, 2015
'' Lagu 'Angeline Tenanglah Di Surga '' Bikin Menetes Air Mata.. :'(


DNP01. Denpasar (Indonesia), 13/06/2015.- Balinese light up candles in front of a poster depicting the killed eight-year-old Indonesian girl, Angeline, during a vigil in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, 13 June 2015. Angeline was reported missing by her adopted mother in May. Police found Angeline's body buried with her doll in the backyard of her adopted family's house in Denpasar on 10 June 2015. The discovery of Angeline's body shocked Indonesia following a widespread social media campaign to find her. EFE/EPA/MADE NAGI

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