Thursday, April 24, 2014


            In loving memory of Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr. (END OF WATCH: APRIL 24, 2005) and other murdered victims of California, Unit 1012 endorses this Pro Death Penalty and Victims’ Rights Organization, ‘Californians for Death Penalty Reform and Savings’. 

            If you are a registered Californian Voter, please sign the petition and pray as the death penalty is reformed in that State. Please see our blog post, ‘DEFEATING THE DEVIL’S GAME: VOTING NO ON PROPOSITION 34’, to learn more on what the ACLU did to destroy the good people. 


Please sign the petition by going here:

Voters support reform of California’s death penalty. It has become ineffective because of waste, delays, and inefficiencies.  Fixing it will save California taxpayers millions of dollars every year, assure due process protections for those sentenced to death  and promote justice for murder victims and their families. Death row inmates have murdered over 1000 victims, including 229 children and 43 police officers; 235 victims were raped and 90 victims were tortured.  It’s time California reformed our death penalty process so it works.

This initiative will ensure justice for both victims and defendants by:

Reforming the Appeals Process

  • Death penalty appeals will first be heard by the California Court of Appeal and then heard by the California Supreme Court if necessary.
  • The California Supreme Court is overloaded with death penalty appeals, causing lengthy and unnecessary delays.  Spreading these death penalty appeals cases among the Courts of Appeal (like the federal courts do) will allow the defendant’s claims to be heard sooner.
  • A defendant’s claim of actual innocence should not be limited, but frivolous and unnecessary claims should be restricted.

Reforming Death Row Housing and Victim Restitution

  • According to the Legislative Analyst’s Office, eliminating single cell housing of death row inmates will save tens of millions of dollars every year.
  • Death row inmates should be required to work in prison to pay restitution to their victims’ families consistent with the Victims’ Bill of Rights (Marsy’s law). Refusal to work and pay restitution should result in loss of special privileges.

Reforming the Appointment of Appellate Counsel and Agency Oversight 

  • Reforming the existing inefficient appeals process for death penalty cases will ensure fairness for both defendants and victims. Capital defendants wait 5 years or more for appointments of their appellate lawyer. By providing prompt appointment of attorneys, the defendant’s claims will be heard sooner.
  • The state agency that is supposed to expedite secondary review of death penalty cases is operating without any effective oversight, causing long delays and wasting taxpayer dollars. California Supreme Court oversight of this state agency will ensure accountability.
California’s death row includes serial killers, cop killers, child killers, mass murderers, and hate crime killers. The death penalty system is broken, but it can and should be fixed. 

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