Monday, November 5, 2012


       Tomorrow on Tuesday 6 November 2012, there will be a vote on Proposition 34 in California, to abolish or retain the death penalty. I strongly urged everybody to vote No!
            We often hear those churches against the death penalty, speaking out and claiming that those on Death Row are human beings and human life are sacred from the beginning of life. While I agree that those killers are human beings, I know that they have unlawfully took the lives of others, they have to forfeit theirs too.
When I was a strong opponent of the death penalty, I would have been on the side of those churches but since I became a supporter, I denounce what they are doing.
          I will say a prayer for California to preserve the death penalty (see those words in blue ink):

Oh God who art the Author of Peace and Lover of Concord, in knowledge of whom standeth our eternal life, whose service is perfect freedom, defend us thy humble servants in all assaults of our enemies that we surely trusting in thy defence may not fear the power of any adversaries, through the might of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen [The Second Collect, for Peace in The Morning Prayer 1662]
            Merciful God and Heavenly Father, we pray that the government and voters in California will not abolish the death penalty. By abolishing that penalty, the state has sinned against you (Genesis 9 verse 6; Romans 13 verse 4). Evildoers will grow in numbers and more innocent people will be murdered for sure. Please help the government in that state to make the right decision and protect its citizen from evildoers. O Lord, please do not allow the public to get fooled by the ACLU who are protecting the worst criminals in California. Please help those churches who want to abolish capital punishment to come to their senses that they are twisting the scriptures. We also pray for the conversion of those Death Row Inmates that they will repent and come to know you.
As John Murray once said,

“Nothing shows the moral bankruptcy of a people or of a generation more than disregard for the sanctity of human life. And it is this same atrophy of moral fiber that appears in the plea for the abolition of the death penalty. It is the sanctity of life that validates the death penalty for the crime of murder. It is the sense of this sanctity that constrains the demand for the infliction of this penalty. The deeper our regard for life the firmer will be our hold upon the penal sanction which the violation of that sanctity merit.” (Page 122 of Principles of Conduct)

Please bind the work of Satan who wants to make the California judicial system go easy on criminals. We know that the Bible prophesies that things in this world will get worse before it gets better. The world has to reach a point of oblivion then you, our lord Jesus will return and destroy all evil doers. We are definitely on the countdown to that glorious day. When it happens then Jesus will be executioner and evil will be wiped away and justice and peace put in its place.


For some resources about Christianity and capital punishment, click on the following links:

1. Matthew Henry’s Commentary on Genesis 9 verse 6

2. John Calvin’s commentary on Romans 13 verse 4

3. Thou Shalt Not Kill & The New Testament

4. Saint Thomas Aquinas in defense of the death penalty

5. John Murray (Page 122 of Principles of Conduct)

6. Born Again Christian Journalist, Peter Hitchens

7. The Last Rites

8. Article 37 of the 39 Articles of Religion in 1571

9. Avery Cardinal Dulles’s article: First Things ~ Catholicism & Capital Punishment

1 comment:

  1. Prop. 34 proponents are perpetuating a huge FRAUD against California voters, knowing that with the millions of out-of-state dollars they can repeat their lies enough times that voters will begin to accept them. A Study by Judicial Watch concludes that Prop. 34 is “both disingenuous and deceptive.” Three former CA governors and every major law enforcement group in CA OPPOSE Pro. 34.

    Pro. 34 is dangerous, will cost taxpayers more, and was poorly thought through.

    Prop. 34 will NOT save money, but instead COST TAXPAYERS BILLIONS of dollars more in additional trials, prison changes, and escalating health care costs.

    Claims that Prop. 34 will save money are based upon a paper written by a former judge who has been advocating for abolishing the death penalty for decades (neither unbiased nor accurate). A review of these numbers by the Legislative Analyst’s Office concludes that the assumptions supporting these claimed savings “may well be wrong.” Michael Genest, former State Of California Finance Director, found that these “savings claims are grossly exaggerated.” Also, the loss of the threat of the death penalty will substantially increase the total number of murder trials by taking away a major incentive for murderers to plead guilty.

    Prop. 34 ignores the escalating costs of medical care for life-time inmates. Prop. 34 will cost CA taxpayers billions more over the next several years. (It is these huge medical costs that are fueling the attack on life sentences under 3-strikes under Prop. 36.)

    Prop. 34 is DANGEROUS. Experts conclude that Pro. 34 will increase the number of murders in California. Criminals will be more brazen in their crimes without the death penalty. Also, there will be no deterrent for the 34,000 inmates already serving life from killing a guard or an inmate. They are already serving the maximum penalty.

    One of the key methods for “saving” money under Prop. 34 is to move death row inmates into the general population and house them from single-person cells with other inmates. One strong proponent of Prop. 34 admits this is unworkable– the risk of danger posed by mixing the prison population is too great, and would increase costs associated with such an arrangement.

    Life without parole is means they WILL GET OUT. Efforts are already being pursued by the same people supporting anti-punishment ballots and legislation to get rid of life sentences. (Human Rights Watch, Old Behind Bars, 2012.) On 9/30/12, Brown passed the first step, signing a bill to allow 309 inmates with life sentences for murder to be paroled after serving 25 years. Someone who has committed a brutal murder at age 20 could get out by age 45! Governors are also notorious for releasing inmates who should never be released. Convicted killers get out and kill again, such as Darryl Thomas Kemp, Kenneth Allen McDuff, and Bennie Demps.

    ARGUMENTS OF INNOCENCE BOGUS. Proponents can’t identify one innocent person executed in CA. They can’t identify one person on CA’s death row who has exhausted his appeals and has a plausible claim of innocence. Quite simply, CA’s appellate process, designed by the very same people promoting Prop. 34, is 100% effective in weeding out the innocent. Every person Prop. 34 proponents refer to are either non-death-penalty cases or out-of-state cases where defendants do not get the benefit of CA’s appellate process.

    Don’t get fooled by the bombardment of lies. See cadeathpenalty.webs. com and voteno34. org for more facts explaining why you should NOT SUPPORT Prop. 34.
