Saturday, November 10, 2012


Four years ago on this day (10 November 2009), The D.C. Sniper, John Allen Muhammad was executed at Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt, Virginia. Unlike other States in the America, he was executed in seven years after being sentenced to death on 17 November 2003, he was not executed ‘voluntarily’ (state suicide assist). I hope other states can follow Virginia’s example, as they did it with Michael William Lenz. Here are quotes from the victims’ families whose loved ones were killed by The D.C. Sniper. May we not forget them! 

QUOTE 1: Cheryll Witz, who's father, Jerry Taylor, was fatally shot on a Tucson, Ariz., golf course in March 2002, said she was unhappy that Muhammad didn't say anything before he died. But she said his execution begins a new chapter in her life. "I've waited seven long years for this," she said. "My life is totally beginning now. I have all my closure, and my justice and my peace."

QUOTE 2: "When Muhammad was put to death, I thought justice was served," Cheryll Shaw said at a family home.  Her father, Jerry Taylor, was killed by D.C. snipers John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo on a Tucson golf course.

QUOTE 3: "The first thing that went across my head when the execution started was just reliving everything of how my dad was killed," she said.

QUOTE 4: "But then you think, 'this is another life being taken,' but then when you sit back and realize that this was my father he took place in killing, I believe he got what he deserved," Shaw said.

AUTHOR: Cheryl Shaw whose father, Jerry Taylor was shot dead by John Allen Muhammad in March 2002. He was executed by the state of Virginia on 10 November 2009.

QUOTE 5: Nelson Rivera, whose wife, Lori Ann Lewis-Rivera, was gunned down as she vacuumed her van at a Maryland gas station, said that when he watched Muhammad's chest moving for the last time, he was glad. "I feel better. I think I can breathe better," he said. "I'm glad he's gone because he's not going to hurt anyone else."

AUTHOR: Nelson Rivera whose wife was shot dead by John Allen Muhammad, she was his 7th victim. He was executed by the state of Virginia on 10 November 2009. 

QUOTE 6: John Allen Muhammad was a cold-blooded murderer.  He never gave any sort of apology to any of the families of the victims he murdered.  He stole so many precious lives from the families and friends who loved them.  He deserves the punishment he was given.  "Our loved ones will never come back."  I believe justice has been served.

QUOTE 7: I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard on this case.  I'm so proud that the United States government has laws set in place to protect its citizens from people like Muhammad and Malvo.  These men thought they were above the law and could get away with the horrible things they did.  The American law enforcement community has proved them wrong, and for that I am very grateful.  Thank you.  Muhammad's death has brought me and my family a measure of peace.  I wish that Malvo could face the same punishment.

AUTHOR: Kwang Im Szuska whose sister, Hong Im Ballanger, was murdered on 23 September 2002 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana by the D.C Sniper, John Allen Muhammad. John Allen Muhammad was executed by lethal injection in Virginia on 10 November 2009.   

QUOTE 8: Sonia Hollingsworth-Wills, the mother of Conrad Johnson, the last man slain that October, sat in the back seat of a car outside the prison before the execution, which she chose not to witness. But she said she wanted to be there and was counting the minutes until Muhammad's death. "It was the most horrifying day of my life," she said. "I'll never get complete closure but at least I can put this behind me."

AUTHOR: Family members of Conrad Johnson who was shot dead by John Allen Muhammad on 22 October 2002. He was executed by the state of Virginia on 10 November 2009.


1 comment:

  1. Finally breathing once more. The return of the ability to sleep once more. Beginning a new chapter. I prayed the other night, for this - and so much more for my Kessa. As we are getting ready to start the trial, I prayed too - that our murderer gets the Death Penalty for what he chose to do to us. How can someone plan to take anyone's life, let alone so many lives... And I don't know which I hate him for most - choosing to kill us, or FAILING to kill us all! Because the wreck he's made of our lives just is not in any way worth living... Emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially he's ruined us.
