“I think that you have to look at what's the penalty. We as a society have said that certain crimes, heinous crimes such as the murder of somebody, [are punished by death], I would like to actually increase the death penalty to apply to aggravated sexual assault of a child.... There are certain things that I think you are not going to rehabilitate somebody, you're going to stick them in a correctional facility for the rest of their lives. You are going to put guards in danger sometimes trying to deal with these people. I think that the proper thing to do is to permanently terminate this person, remove them from society permanently."
- Paul Ray, Utah House of Representatives
Panoramic mosaic of the execution chamber at Utah State Prison in Draper, Utah, USA. The platform at the left is used for lethal injection. The seat at the right and the two narrow gun ports on the far wall of the room are used for execution by firing squad. Built in 1998, the first person to be executed in this chamber was Joseph Mitchell Parsons in 1999. |
We, the members of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, who have lost family members to murder, wants to save the death penalty in Utah, we do not want that State to become a State fit for murderers like Illinois, New York and any state that has no death penalty, for we know that LWOP will be abolished once capital punishment is gone.
Please see these articles before we post some contacts you can phone or email to tell them not to end the death penalty.
“Countries that give up this penalty award an unimaginable advantage to the criminal over his victim, the advantage of life over death.” [Mr. Kaczynski said in July 2006. His coalition partner, the far-right League of Polish Families, wants to change the country’s penal code so that pedophiles convicted of murder will face execution.] [PHOTO SOURCE: http://victimsfamiliesforthedeathpenalty.blogspot.com.au/2015/04/in-loving-memory-of-lech-aleksander.html & https://themightymenregiment710.blogspot.com/2017/04/in-loving-memory-of-lech-kaczynski-18.html] |
Top Utah House Republicans oppose repealing the death penalty, but say it deserves debate
Published February 4, 2022 at 3:39 PM MST
Things aren’t looking too promising for the effort by civil liberties groups, prosecutors and some GOP lawmakers to repeal the death penalty in Utah.
During a meeting with reporters Friday, the top two House Republicans said they were not in favor of a bill to eliminate it.
House Majority Leader Mike Schultz, R-Hooper, said the death penalty goes to the state’s worst criminals and he wouldn’t want to take that away.
House Speaker Brad Wilson, R-Kaysville, did say the bill, H.B. 147, would still get a committee hearing, though.
Senate President Stuart Adams, R-Layton, said he’s been opposed to it but now has an open mind.
“I'm starting to see a little bit of both sides of this issue,” he said. “I'm concerned for the families of the victims that have gone through that death row process, along with the perpetrators.”
If the criminal taking of a human life does not merit forfeiture of one's own life, then what value have we placed on the life taken? - Pat Buchanan [PHOTO SOURCE: https://quozio.com/quote/5hvg8xggccvn/1318/if-the-criminal-taking-of-a-human-life-does-not-merit] Article: http://victimsfamiliesforthedeathpenalty.blogspot.com/2015/11/scalia-v-pope-whos-right-on-death.html |
Still, the top two House Republicans publicly disapproving of the legislation doesn’t bode well for its chance to pass.
The ACLU of Utah’s Marina Lowe said she’s glad the bill will at least get a public hearing.
“The time is right to do right by our criminal justice system to use our money more efficiently, to make sure that we aren't asking our victims to endure decades of appeals, of unwanted media attention,” she said.
Utah has not executed anyone since 2010. About half of the country’s states have abolished capital punishment.
Utah County repealed its death penalty in October.
This marks the third time in the past five years lawmakers have introduced legislation to prohibit the use of capital punishment statewide. In 2016, former Republican Sen. Steve Urquhart sponsored a similar bill that came close to passing. In 2018, another bill was introduced by former Republican Rep. Gage Froerer.
INTERNET SOURCE: https://www.kuer.org/politics-government/2022-02-04/top-utah-house-republicans-oppose-repealing-the-death-penalty-but-say-it-deserves-debate
A statement was issued Wednesday by the Chief of Criminal Appeals at the Attorney General Office, Tom Bunker. He said while the office is sensitive to the frustration and pain of families like Sharon Weeks,
"The office strongly feels that a punishment needs to be in place for the worst of the worst violent criminals--as in the Lafferty case."
"The Attorney General’s office fully acknowledges and is sensitive to the frustration and pain families like Sharon Weeks feel at the decades-long delay in carrying out death sentences.
However, the office strongly feels that a punishment needs to be in place for the worst of the worst violent criminals—as in the Lafferty case. A severe sentence must exist to set a standard for severity in our criminal justice system.
Repealing the death penalty won’t eradicate prolonged and repetitive litigation. The review process is the same in all cases, and there are many non-death cases where the convicted persons file endless petitions for review.
Worse, repealing the death penalty will add many years of delay to the existing cases, exacerbating the pain their family members are suffering. And there will be little savings on the other end—Utah hasn’t imposed a death sentence in more than 14 years.”
Utah Attorney General's Office opposes death penalty repeal bill
By: Ben Winslow
Posted at 5:54 PM, Feb 04, 2022
and last updated 9:02 AM, Feb 05, 2022
SALT LAKE CITY — A bill to repeal the death penalty in Utah will likely get a hearing, House Speaker Brad Wilson told reporters on Friday.
The bill has been stuck in the powerful Rules committee, which determines if bills go forward in the legislative session. However, Speaker Wilson, R-Kaysville, said he remains opposed to ending capital punishment in Utah.
On Friday, Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes' office told FOX 13 News it will oppose the bill by Rep. Lowry Snow, R-Santa Clara, and Sen. Dan McCay, R-Riverton, to "repeal and replace" the death penalty with a 45-to-life in prison sentence.
"We need to reserve the death penalty for the worst of the worst," said Thomas Brunker, an assistant attorney general who works on death penalty litigation.
The bill proposes to keep the existing men on death row, but Brunker said there were concerns that may be unconstitutional. A coalition of prosecutors, including Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill, are trying to persuade the legislature to repeal the death penalty. Utah County Attorney David Leavitt said he will no longer seek it in homicide cases.
Senate President J. Stuart Adams, R-Layton, said he was "keeping an open mind" on the death penalty repeal bill and whether Utah should end capital punishment. Sen. McCay said he understood the attorney general's opposition.
"While they may feel that way, it is important to keep in mind it’s a difficult issue. It isn’t easy and there are victims families that have a lot of deal with," he said. "I’m hopeful if we do move forward with repealing the death penalty in the state of Utah, it will be based on policy and it will be based on the fiscal impacts and it will be based on long-term issues related to the death penalty."
Copyright 2022 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
INTERNET SOURCE: https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/utah-attorney-generals-office-opposes-death-penalty-repeal-bill
Refuting the costs of capital punishment:
Whenever an Anti-Death Penalty campaigner claim that capital punishment is more expensive than LWOP, please keep in mind, they are the reason why the death penalty system is expensive. If they claim that the money saved can be use for victims’ services, why not help fight for the end of the inhumane parole. Truth is ‘expensive’ is a word use to manipulate the public in order to leave criminals unpunished. Do not be surprise, as they are also complaining that mass incarceration and victims’ rights services are also expensive and need to be abolished too. [http://victimsfamiliesforthedeathpenalty.blogspot.com/2019/09/message-to-prisoner-rights-activists.html]
Much of the expense results from obstruction by opponents of the death penalty. The same arguments they use against the death penalty are the same they are going to use against LWOP.
If you look at another State, Nebraska, the Death Penalty Supporters were able to dispute the costs of the death penalty written by Ernie Goss. They found out that he was not honest at all. https://victimsfamiliesforthedeathpenalty.blogspot.com/2016/09/nebraskans-for-death-penalty-cost-of.html
The main reason is that evil is not interested in ridding the world of evil. Evil is simply interested in ignoring the problem at hand. Blame someone else by creating additional enemies to keep the sheep from paying attention to the wolves. – Walid Shoebat
That quote above best describes Larry Householder. He claims that he had lost support of the death penalty because it is expensive, but he did not admit the fact that he was involved in a $60 million Ohio nuclear bribery scandal in exchange for passing a $1.3 billion bailout for the struggling nuclear power operator. He most probably was attacking the ‘costs’ of the death penalty to prevent the public from discovering his political scandal, which was more expensive than the death penalty and prisons etc.
Please contact those in Utah Senate:
Don Ipson, 29 District Utah Senate
Casey Snider
Dan Johnson
Paul Ray
Brad Wilson
Evan Vickers
Mike Schulz
Parole Watch {Utah}:
1a. Police officer seeks changes in the Utah Board of Pardons
Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3350621811720081/posts/4568996176549299/
1b. Utah officer who survived murder attempt wants parole board accountability
Pro Death Penalty Quotes {Utah}:
1. Local lawmakers support capital punishment in Utah
2. Ex-deputy Utah County attorney chides efforts to abolish death penalty
3. Proposed bill would prohibit Utah from seeking death penalty
4a. Another Utah Senator, Republican Don Ipson, said that, while he believes the death penalty as it stands is broken, he doesn’t want to “take tools out of the prosecutor’s toolbox.”
4b. ‘We want to hear from the people’: Southern Utah legislators sound off on how constituents can be heard
Last week, Utah County Attorney David Leavitt was accused of inappropriately dismissing a stalking charge against a campaign donor who also served an LDS mission with Leavitt’s brother.
Execution of Pedophile {1996 Event} {Utah}:
John Albert Taylor (June 6, 1959 – January 26, 1996)
PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/Samurai-Police-1109-101692122046786/photos/262087989340531
Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3350621811720081/posts/4761911680591080/
Troy Michael Kell (born June 13, 1968) is an inmate on death row in Utah. Troy Kell was sentenced to life in prison by the State of Nevada for the 1986 murder of James "Cotton" Kelly. Shortly after his conviction he was transferred to the Utah State Prison as part of a prisoner exchange program. On July 6, 1994, Troy Kell attacked and killed inmate Lonnie Blackmon at the Utah Department of Corrections Gunnison facility, stabbing Blackmon a total of 67 times while his associate, Eric Daniels, held Blackmon down. Kell was sentenced to death by firing squad for his part in the murder. Once in prison, Kell became a white supremacist gang leader. Prior to the attack on Blackmon, Kell had been involved in race-related altercations with several black inmates, including Blackmon. The murder was captured on the prison security closed-circuit TV camera.
PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/Samurai-Police-1109-101692122046786/photos/138403808375617
VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/101692122046786/videos/4174524762630499
Pro Death Penalty Column:
Time to bring back the death penalty? | Rebecca Jane column. In 2016 for my legal dissertation I delved into the world of the ‘death penalty’. More importantly, should we bring it back, or is it right to not have it here in the UK?
Columnist dead wrong on death penalty – Dudley Sharp
SARAH VINE: The case of morgue predator David Fuller was so evil that it's changed my mind about the death penalty
Capital Punishment Still Serves Its
Purpose. Don't Abolish It | Opinion
Josh Hammer , Newsweek opinion editor
Inventor of 3D-printed coffin-like 'suicide capsules' reveals plans to create a body implant for people with dementia that would KILL its user if they forget to deactivate it
LETTER: Death penalty drug controversy
A headline on the Dec. 17 Review-Journal front page read, “Doctor unsure on execution drug mix.” For the people who are concerned about the drug mix that is given to death row inmates: They should look into the drugs that eight states use for euthanasia. If it’s good enough for grandma, it’s good enough for a murderer.
VK: https://vk.com/wall-184585082_405
Letter: No option but to bring back the death penalty By John Anson
VK: https://vk.com/wall-184585082_402
Vigilante {UK}:
Mum whose dead daughter was raped by man in mortuary went to police station with knife to kill him
Why child killers should now face death penalty following Star Hobson tragedy in Keighley – Yorkshire Post Letters
VK Link: https://vk.com/wall-184585082_409
Death penalty for dealers
Guns & Bibles:
Examples of Defensive Gun Use at End of 2021
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