Sunday, January 9, 2022


Let us not forget Lieutenant Debra Clayton of Orlando Police Department, Florida, who was shot and killed on January 9, 2017. Let us honor this fallen policewoman by remembering how she lived on this earth and treasure her memories.

Lieutenant Debra Lucinda Clayton
Orlando Police Department, Florida
End of Watch: Monday, January 9, 2017

Age: 42
Tour: 17 years
Badge: 9

Incident Details

Cause: Gunfire
Weapon: Handgun
Offender: Sentenced to death

Lieutenant Debra Clayton was shot and killed when she encountered a wanted murder suspect in the parking lot of a Walmart at the intersection of Princeton Street and John Young Parkway.

A citizen approached Lieutenant Clayton in the parking lot and informed her that a wanted subject was inside the store. As she walked towards the building the man exited and opened fire on her, striking her multiple times.

The subject was wanted for murdering his pregnant ex-girlfriend and for shooting her brother one month prior. After shooting Lieutenant Clayton, the man carjacked a vehicle and fled the scene. A captain from the Orange County Sheriff's Office spotted the vehicle moments later and was shot at as he got behind it. The subject was captured on January 17th, 2017.

During the ensuing search Deputy First Class Norman Lewis, of the Orange County Sheriff's Office, was killed in a motorcycle crash at the intersection of Pine Hills Road and Balboa Drive when another vehicle turned in front of his motorcycle.

Lieutenant Clayton had served with the Orlando Police Department for 17 years. She is survived by her husband and son. She was posthumously promoted from the rank of Master Sergeant to the rank of Lieutenant.

Hero Down: What We Know About Murdered Hero Sergeant Debra Clayton

Orlando, FL -  Orlando Police Department Master Sgt. Debra Clayton, and an Orange County Deputy Sheriff, whose name has not yet been released, were killed Monday, January 9, 2017, in separate but related incidents. According to FoxNews US, the suspect, Markeith Loyd, had been a fugitive since December.

Orlando, FL - Orlando Police Department Master Sgt. Debra Clayton, and an Orange County Deputy Sheriff, whose name has not yet been released, were killed Monday, January 9, 2017, in separate but related incidents.

According to FoxNews US, the suspect, Markeith Loyd, had been a fugitive since December 13, 2016, when he shot and killed Sade Dixon, age 24, who was pregnant, after she broke up with him. During the same incident, Loyd shot and critically wounded her brother, Ronald Stewart.

Master Sgt. Debra Clayton was putting bags in the trunk of her vehicle in the Walmart shopping lot around 7:40 AM this morning when a shopper approached her. The shopper told her that Loyd, who was wanted by the Orange County Sheriff's Office for Sade Dixon's Murder and Ronald Stewart's Assault, was inside the Walmart in the checkout line. Master Sgt. Clayton walked toward the Walmart as Loyd came out of the store.

Markeith Loyd began shooting at Master Sgt. Clayton, who was struck repeatedly. A witness, James Herman, said that Loyd fired at least 12 times and was wearing a security officer uniform. James Herman also said that he witnessed the shooting and that Sergeant Clayton just asked Loyd to stop and Loyd "shot her down." The ambulance that transported Master Sgt. Clayton to the hospital was escorted by multiple Orlando Police Officers and Orange County Deputies. She was pronounced dead at the hospital.

Multiple Officers arrived to assist Master Sgt. Clayton. Markeith Loyd, age 41, began shooting at the responding officers, hitting one Deputy's unmarked SUV. He then carjacked a vehicle, and fled to another apartment complex. A massive manhunt was launched and Loyd was thought to be barricaded inside an apartment. The SWAT team was called out but has since stood down.

An Orange County Sheriff's Deputy, who was a motorcycle officer, was enroute to assist Master Sgt. Clayton, when a van pulled out in front of him. Witnesses say that the deputy had a green light when the vehicle pulled in front of him. The Deputy, who has not yet been identified, was ejected from his 2014 Harley Davidson. He was critically injured and transported to a local hospital, where he died a short time later. He was 35-years-old. The driver of the van was not injured.

Multiple schools in the area were placed on lockdown and the Walmart was closed. Traffic was diverted from several areas. A reward of up to $60,000 has been offered for information on Loyd's location. The intense manhunt continues for Loyd. Orlando Police Chief John Mina said "We're going to bring this dirtbag to justice. There's going to be someone who knows where he is." Florida Governor Rick Scott said "Any act of violence against our heroes is cowardly and shameful and our state will not stand for it."

City Commissioner Regina Hill said that Master Sgt. Clayton was her Orlando Police Department liaison. She had served for 17 years with the Orlando Police Department. She had two children and had been married for one year. Police released a video earlier today that showed Master Sgt. Clayton's flag-draped coffin leaving the hospital while multiple Officers were saluting as they stood outside and other Officers following behind. Orlando Police said via Twitter that "The Orlando Police Department family is heartbroken today. One of our own was taken in the line of duty. There are no words."

Orlando PD Chief John Mina said “Debra Clayton is a hero, and she gave her life to protect the community she loves." Orlando Mayor Buddy Guy declared today to be a day of mourning. Derrick McRae, pastor of the Experience Christian Center in Orlando, was a childhood friend of Master Sgt. Clayton. He said that he once told her that she was too nice to be a police officer, and that her reply was “I’m going to make a change." He also said that she did make a change in the community, helping various initiatives, including one where his church gave away bicycles and toys at Christmas. Pastor McRae also said that Master Sgt.

Clayton was one of the first responders at the fairly recent Pulse Nightclub mass shooting. He said that she "lived her life as an example for others."

Sergeant Debra Clayton was 42 years old, married just one year ago and her husband was at the hospital with her. She was a 17-year veteran of the department. She leaves behind her husband and her son.

We send our thoughts and prayers are with Orlando. Godspeed, sister and brother, we will take it from here. Thank you for your service.

Sergeant Debra Clayton, your life mattered.

Thursday, January 6, 2022


Capital punishment is the law in Arizona and the appropriate response to those who commit the most shocking and vile murders. This is about the administration of justice and ensuring the last word still belongs to the innocent victims who can no longer speak for themselves. 

- Mark Brnovich



My sentiments are more in favour of the victim than they are of the murderer. There is a tendency nowadays when any matter of criminal law is discussed to think far more of the criminal than his victim. - Chief Justice Rayner Goddard


The 26th Attorney General of Arizona, Mark Brnovich received the Rayner Goddard Act of Courage Award from the members of Unit 1012. He favors the use of the death penalty and is working to retain it in his state.

          We have watched him fight for justice and the death penalty in Arizona and want him to know that he has encouraged victims' families and leaders worldwide. We honor and respect him. We hope that more judges and government officials will follow their courageous character. 

         We, the members of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, send our utmost thanks and congratulation to the Arizona Attorney General. He is our hero in showing his care and love for the murdered victims’ families. We wish that more leaders can take his leadership example and follow it.


A criminal on death row has a chance to prepare his death, make a will, and make his last statements, etc. while some victims can never do it. There are many other crimes where people are injured by stabbing, rape, theft, etc. To some degree at least, the victims right to freedom and pursuit of happiness is violated. - J. Edgar Hoover


Brnovich argues for upholding death penalty for two convicted murderers

Elizabeth Troutman | The Center Square contributor

(The Center Square) - The Arizona Attorney General’s Office argued at the Supreme Court to uphold the death penalty sentence for David Ramirez and reinstate the first-degree murder conviction of Barry Jones.

“Today is about confronting convicted criminals who seek endless delays in our courts to avoid accepting responsibility for their heinous crimes,” Attorney General Mark Brnovich said in a news release. “Upholding the rule of law requires the rejection of erroneous legal arguments and misguided antics designed to delay the administration of justice.”

Arizona Solicitor General Beau Roysden argued the case before the justices on Dec. 8.


If the criminal taking of a human life does not merit forfeiture of one's own life, then what value have we placed on the life taken? - Pat Buchanan



In July, Brnovich announced his office asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals’ decisions in two death penalty cases. The Court agreed to hear Brnovich’s appeal in June. Brnovich filed the petition for certiorari at the Supreme Court in January, arguing that the Ninth Circuit had violated a federal statute by basing its decisions in these two cases on evidence the inmates had never before presented to the Arizona courts.

David Ramirez was convicted for the murder of Mary Ann Gortarez and her 15-year-old daughter and sentenced to death in 1989. Arizona courts upheld his murder convictions and death sentences, but the Ninth Circuit remanded his case to the federal district court to consider Ramirez’s claim of ineffective counsel.

Barry Jones was convicted of child abuse, sexual assault, and felony murder of his girlfriend’s four-year-old daughter in 1995, but a federal district court granted him habeas relief based on a new expert testimony that he had not presented in court. In 2019, the Ninth Circuit agreed with the district court to retry him.

“I will always stand up for victims, their families, and our communities,” Brnovich said.




Today we are one step closer to justice for 8-year-old Vicki Lynne Hoskinson and 21-year-old Deana Bowdoin and their families. We filed motions with the Arizona Supreme Court requesting to move forward with the executions of their killers. - Mark Brnovich



"In criminal law legislation, our priority is the security and well being of law-abiding citizens rather than the rights of the criminal to be protected from incriminating evidence." – Lee Kuan Yew


Arizona AG pushing state to move forward with executing 2 death row inmates

The two inmates have been convicted of murder and have lost all attempts to appeal their sentence.

Author: 12 News

Published: 4:07 PM MST January 5, 2022

Updated: 5:07 PM MST January 5, 2022

PHOENIX — Arizona’s attorney general is pushing the state to move forward with the process to perform the first execution of death row inmates in Arizona since 2014.

Mark Brnovich requested on Wednesday for the Arizona Supreme Court to schedule a meeting with his office so he may file a warrant for the state to execute Frank Atwood and Clarence Dixon.

Atwood was sentenced to death for the kidnapping and murder of an 8-year-old Tucson girl in 1984. Dixon was convicted for the brutal rape and murder of a 21-year-old ASU student in the 1970s that went unsolved for decades until DNA tracking technology pointed Tempe police to him.

Both men have lost all attempts to appeal their death sentence, according to Brnovich's office.


“As regards capital cases, the trouble is that emotional men and women always see only the individual whose fate is up at the moment, and neither his victim nor the many millions of unknown individuals who would in the long run be harmed by what they ask. Moreover, almost any criminal, however brutal, has usually some person, often a person whom he has greatly wronged, who will plead for him. If the mother is alive she will always come, and she cannot help feeling that the case in which she is so concerned is peculiar, that in this case a pardon should be granted. It was really heartrending to have to see the kinfolk and friends of murderers who were condemned to death, and among the very rare occasions when anything governmental or official caused me to lose sleep were times when I had to listen to some poor mother making a plea for a criminal so wicked, so utterly brutal and depraved, that it would have been a crime on my part to remit his punishment.”

– Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States


"Justice has been a long time coming in some of the most heinous crimes committed in our state,” Brnovich said.

The last time Arizona carried out an execution was in 2014 when convicted murderer Joseph Wood died by lethal injection.

Wood’s death stirred controversy after what was alleged to be an ethical, 10-minute execution process ended up taking more than two hours with the 55-year-old inmate gasping for air and convulsing before dying.

A total of 37 people have been executed in Arizona since capital punishment was reintroduced in 1976, and more than 100 inmates are currently on death row.

Brnovich’s office said that the Arizona Supreme Court has not responded to his request yet.


You killed a person and you are put in prison for life? The one you killed is not in jail but he is dead." - Yoweri Museveni


Mark Brnovich (born November 25, 1966) is an American lawyer and politician who has served as the 26th Attorney General of Arizona since 2015. A member of the Republican Party, he is a candidate for its nomination in the 2022 U.S. Senate election in Arizona. He is married to Susan Brnovich, a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Arizona.

Brnovich: China Is 'Intentionally' Contributing to U.S. Drug Crisis 'to Undermine our Country'

Pro Death Penalty Quotes {Utah}:

Local lawmakers support capital punishment in Utah

Ex-deputy Utah County attorney chides efforts to abolish death penalty

Pro Death Penalty Quotes {Texas}:

He Supports the Death Penalty for Abortion; Big Companies Are Backing Him

Pro Death Penalty Quotes {India}:

"It is necessary that rapists get strict punishment. We are going to send a letter to the Centre to make necessary amendments to award capital punishment to rapists." - Yogi Adityanath

Pro Death Penalty Quotes (Pedo Hunters):

On a personal level, do any of you disagree with the fact that child rapists deserve the death penalty? I used to be not really pro-death penalty. I'm super pro-death penalty now. – Steven Crowder

Pro Death Penalty Quotes:

 ‘This case screams for justice’: Idaho AG argues for death row inmate’s execution

Idaho Gov. Little won't commute sick death row inmate's sentence

Christianity and Capital punishment:

Capital punishment and the exercise of justice. Allie Beth Stuckey | The death penalty is not flippant about human life



1. “We need justice for him,” said Parker’s sister Melodee Shepherd. “I strongly believe in the death penalty, but if we can see maybe a life sentence, I would be OK with that.”

2. “We want the death penalty,” Pickett said. “I want her to feel the same way my mom did.”

3. Suspect indicted by grand jury in kindergartner's 2020 shooting death



"There are no guarantees whatsoever, not even an inkling of a guarantee, that replacing the death penalty with life without the possibility of parole will guarantee these people will stay inside." - Marc Klaas




It diminishes the victims when people burn candles and mourn someone who has committed a heinous crime. People on death row are some of the worst individuals that appear on the face of the earth. The abolitionists refuse to acknowledge that evil exists and evil has to be put down. – Marc Klaas


4b. PHOTO:


5. 'I grieve really hard': Mother of slain Arizona Rattlers player supports death penalty for suspect

6. Stacy Kuykendall Willinghamgirlslivesmattered - "Talking Evil" [VIDEO SHARED]


VFFDP {India}:

7. “The death penalty to the rapist and murderer would give eternal peace to my daughter’s soul. Not a single day has passed in the past 11 months when I didn’t pray to the Almighty for the maximum punishment to the culprit. Such criminal does not have any moral right to live in society,” said the mother of the 5-year-old girl who was abducted, raped and killed on the intervening night of December 20 and 21 last year.


8. ‘We’ve been waiting for this’: Widow of HPD cop killed during traffic stop 30 years ago speaks out after execution date set for husband’s killer

VFFDP (Prison Death):

9a. Convicted killer Schenato dies, victim’s daughter says the fight for justice is over

9b. VK LINK:

10a. Sergeant Marlene Rittmanic; Bradley Police Department, Illinois [End of Watch Thursday, December 30, 2021]


10b. 'She was my soulmate and I vow swift justice and vengeance': Wife of slain cop Marlene Rittmanic breaks down as she pays tribute to her 'hero' at memorial after officer was executed in cold blood by career criminal over call about his dogs

Seek the DP (Cop Killers):

11. Two Suspects Arrested for Allegedly Killing Illinois Police Sergeant, Wounding Partner

12a. Kankakee County prosecutors ask feds to seek death penalty in fatal shooting of Bradley cop

12b. Prosecutors Push For Death Penalty For Suspects In Bradley Police Officer's Murder

13. “I hope that he will get the death penalty for what he’s done to my sister and my niece,” said Spencer…… Family of shooting victims wants death penalty for man responsible

14. "My mother has fought so hard for 36 years for justice for my sister. At this point we are praying for a conviction and the death penalty," Rebecca said. "This does not mean closure; we will never have real closure. This will start the healing process we have all needed. We express our gratitude for everyone involved in the arrest of that evil monster." …. …. Gutierrez family wants death penalty for man accused of kidnapping, killing 4-year-old in 1986