Thursday, November 18, 2021


Paul Howell (February 23, 1954 to July 29, 1999)



“The Office of the Oklahoma Attorney General respects the statutory authority of the Governor to make this decision. I know Governor Stitt is making what he believes is the right decision. I appreciate the Governor’s condition that Mr. Jones never be released from prison. However, we are greatly disappointed that after 22 years, four appeals, including the review of 13 appellate Judges, the work of the investigators, prosecutors, jurors, and the trial Judge have been set aside. A thorough review of the evidence confirms Julius Jones’ guilt in this case and that the death penalty was warranted. Our office will continue to work for justice and for the safety of all Oklahomans, including families like Paul Howell’s. We recognize that the pain of losing a loved one never ends, and our hearts and prayers are with the Howell family.”

- Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter


For the past twenty-one years, both the state and federal judicial system have been involved scrutinizing this case. The courts have heard multiple appeals in multiple forms and at multiple levels from Julius Jones.  They have found no claim which necessitated the granting of relief. Julius Jones’ defense team’s only hope now is to create such an uproar through a misinformation campaign as to put pressure on those that grant commutation or clemency.  So for that, they turn to celebrities to help spread their misinformation…athletes and influencers with millions of followers. They turn to social justice warriors who do not have access to the transcripts, or to the legal opinions authored by the various appellate courts. Individuals who blindly trust that what they are being told is the truth. These social justice warriors, whom although well intentioned, know nothing about the rules of the evidence, trial strategy and the admissibility of evidence.

 – Justice For Paul Howell

“The fact is, Julius Jones murdered Paul Howell in cold blood in front of his sister and daughters. No celebrity imploration or profusion of misinformation will change that.”

- Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter

We, the members of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, stand with the family members of Paul Howell and we know that Julius Jones is guilty. Read this article and hear from the Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter. He is similar to Montez Spradley or Anthony Porter or Timothy Hennis. All were innocence fraud cases.

While, it was a difficult decision for Governor Stitt to commute his death sentence to LWOP, we still know the truth, Julius Jones is 100% guilty. We thank all those who supported the Howell Family. That is why Malcolm X’s warning was true: 


“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

Gov. Stitt commutes Julius Jones' sentence to life in prison without parole


Friday, November 19th 2021

OKLAHOMA CITY (KOKH) - Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt commuted the sentence of Julius Jones to life in prison without the possibility of parole on Thursday.

“After prayerful consideration and reviewing materials presented by all sides of this case, I have determined to commute Julius Jones’ sentence to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole," Stitt said.

Jones was scheduled to be executed on Thursday afternoon.

Stitt has ordered that Jones won't be eligible to apply for or be considered for a commutation, pardon, or parole for the remainder of his life.

The state’s Pardon and Parole Board recommended in a 3-1 vote on Nov. 1 that Stitt commute Jones’ sentence to life in prison with the possibility of parole.

"While we hoped the Governor would adopt the Board's recommendation in full by commuting Julius' sentence to life with the possibility of parole in the light of the overwhelming evidence of Julius' innocence, we are grateful that the Governor has prevented an irreparable mistake," said Amanda Bass, an attorney for Jones.

Jones' mother, Madeline Davis-Jones, said she was grateful that she won't be watching her son die in an execution chamber.

“For over twenty years, I have been haunted by the idea of watching my baby boy die in an execution chamber for a murder that occurred when he was home with his family," Davis-Jones said. "I am grateful that after today’s decision by the governor, that can no longer happen."

The Howell family said they recognized that Stitt had a difficult decision to make.

"We know Governor Stitt had a difficult decision to make," the Howell family said in a statement. "We take comfort that his decision affirmed the guilt of Julius Jones and that he shall not be eligible to apply for, or be considered for, a commutation, pardon, or parole for the remainder of his life."

The Oklahoma Attorney General's Office expressed disappointment with Stitt's decision.

"I know Governor Stitt is making what he believes is the right decision," the office said in a release. "I appreciate the Governor’s condition that Mr. Jones never be released from prison. However, we are greatly disappointed that after 22 years, four appeals, including the review of 13 appellate Judges, the work of the investigators, prosecutors, jurors, and the trial Judge have been set aside. A thorough review of the evidence confirms Julius Jones’ guilt in this case and that the death penalty was warranted."


Partial information will be treated as a lie. – Quote from Zero Dark Thirty


Jones was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to die for the 1999 shooting death of Paul Howell during a carjacking in Edmond.

Jones maintains he is innocent and claims he was framed by the actual killer, a high school friend and co-defendant who testified against Jones and was released from prison after 15 years.

Supporters of Jones have been camped out in support at the Oklahoma State Capitol most of the week.


You killed a person and you are put in prison for life? The one you killed is not in jail but he is dead." - Yoweri Museveni

Justice 4 Peggy Coalition Releases Statement On Julius Jones Execution

Thursday, November 11th 2021, 5:10 am

By: News 9

Though the Howell family is not commenting at this time, they have approved the following by close friends and supporters: 

Close friends & victim advocates from Justice 4 Peggy coalition confirm the Howell family met with Governor Stitt and his team yesterday to discuss the Pardon and Parole Board’s recommendation of clemency for Julius Jones, who was convicted of murdering Paul Howell and sentenced to death in 2002. To us, they expressed gratitude that Governor Stitt and his team took the time to personally meet with the family. Though the details of this meeting are strictly confidential the Howell's very much appreciated the opportunity to share their concerns directly with the Governor and answer any questions he had for them. 

As close friends of the Howells and victims' advocates, we are incredibly proud of the Howell family. The bravery and courage they have demonstrated for twenty years cannot be overstated. They are thankful, as are we, for the growing body of support uplifting their family.  

As victims & victim advocates, we know all too well the Howell's pain of losing a loved one to violent crime and even unexpected loss of non violent crimes, It never subsides. We encourage Howell family supporters and friends to continue sending them your positive messages along with your prayers. We also ask that you continue supporting them by using your voice and contacting Governor Stitt’s office @ 405-521-2342 (then press 0) to ask him to deny clemency for Julius Jones.  

We will continue posting the facts of the case, directly from the transcripts, throughout social media to ensure the family receives justice rightfully decided by a jury of twelve in 2002.  



It diminishes the victims when people burn candles and mourn someone who has committed a heinous crime. People on death row are some of the worst individuals that appear on the face of the earth. The abolitionists refuse to acknowledge that evil exists and evil has to be put down. – Marc Klaas


'If he is executed tomorrow, that's justice': Victim supporters in Julius Jones case say

by Lily Cummings, KTUL Staff

Thursday, November 18th 2021

TULSA, Okla. (KTUL) —
This could be the last night Julius Jones sits on death row. 

Governor Kevin Stitt is expected to weigh in on whether he will grant Jones clemency or proceed with his execution tomorrow. 

The State Pardon and Parole Board has recommended clemency twice now. 

The family of the man Jones is convicted of murdering in 1999 is speaking out. 

Paul Howell was an Edmond businessman and father. 

Paul Howell's daughter, Rachel, said Jones is guilty. 

"He 100 percent did this. He murdered my father," Howell said. 

Rachel Howell was young at the time but witnessed the entire thing. 

"That's the main image that I remember is my dad's head falling," Howell said. 

It's now been 22 years, but regardless of the outcome, it won't be the end for either the Jones or Howell families. 

Jennifer Harmon, co-founder of Justice 4 Peggy, said she's in touch with the Howell family multiple times a day. 

Harmon said Justice 4 Peggy is an organization founded after Peggy Gaytan was murdered in 2011 at a midtown convenience store. 

"I can only imagine what Paul Howell's family is going through," Harmon said, "I mean we and the Gaytan family have just barely had a taste of it."

We asked if she believed the Howell family wants to see Jones executed. 

"What they have conveyed is that if he is executed tomorrow that's justice," Harmon said. 
Jones's family was denied their request to meet with the Governor. 

"They got used. They got used by people who were just anti-death penalty," Harmon said, "People that say I know he's guilty but we need a martyr."

Gov. Stitt has met with both parties' attorneys and the Howell family. 



Telling the truth is not easy, and false accusations can be made with great ease. – Walid Shoebat


Let us learn the facts of the case: 

The overwhelming evidence in this case supports the courts’ decision/conviction that Julius Jones murdered Paul Howell on July 28th, 1999.

The Howell Family Speaks Out

The Howell Family Speaks Out for the First Time

Paul Howell's daughter speaks out against misinformation surrounding father's murder, Julius Jones

Members of the Howell Family Respond to the OK Pardon & Parole Board’s Clemency Recommendation

For the past twenty-one years, both the state and federal judicial system have been involved scrutinizing this case. The courts have heard multiple appeals in multiple forms and at multiple levels from Julius Jones.  They have found no claim which necessitated the granting of relief. Julius Jones’ defense team’s only hope now is to create such an uproar through a misinformation campaign as to put pressure on those that grant commutation or clemency.  So for that, they turn to celebrities to help spread their misinformation…athletes and influencers with millions of followers. They turn to social justice warriors who do not have access to the transcripts, or to the legal opinions authored by the various appellate courts. Individuals who blindly trust that what they are being told is the truth. These social justice warriors, whom although well intentioned, know nothing about the rules of the evidence, trial strategy and the admissibility of evidence.

Fact vs. Fiction

Criminal Past

FICTION: Jones stated at the
time of his trial he had not been involved in any violent criminal activity.

FACT: Jones pled guilty to a
robbery with a firearm that occurred just six days prior to the murder. He was
positively identified by the victim in this case. Jones was also involved in an
additional armed carjacking and attempted kidnapping.

Jones’ criminal history was filled with the use
and threat of violence: armed robbery, carjackings, and assault. The State
presented evidence that Jones
had on at least three occasions taken property by force and by gunpoint.

Learn more

State’s Alleged Deal with Jordan

FICTION: Jones alleges
Christopher Jordan had a secret plea deal with the State.

FACT: Jordan’s release was
not at the hands of the State, or even the Pardon & Parole Board, rather Jordan was released due to an updated
operating procedure (OP060211), which amended how earned
credits were applied to prisoners with split life sentences. The departmental
authority responsible for time calculations, sentence interpretations and
offender release dates signed
an affidavit confirming the details of Jordan release. In fact,
in a 2012 letter to the Pardon & Parole Board, the State objected to the
parole of Jordan and requested he serve his entire sentence. Additionally, both
of Jordan’s attorneys have signed affidavits stating there was no secret deal
with the State.

Jones and his
supporters are fully aware of the circumstances of Jordan’s release (Jones
refers to the updateed operating procedure in his Commutation Application), yet
they continue to knowingly spread misinformation.

Affidavit From DOC Confirming Release Details

DA's Letter to Pardon & Parole Board

Inconsistent Alibi

FICTION: Jones and his family
claim he was at his parents’ house at the time of the murder.

FACT: Initially, Jones told his attorneys that his
parents were mistaken and he was not at his parents’ home the
night of the murder.

FACT: Two uninvolved
eye-witnesses placed Jones with the Suburban at Ladell King’s apartment shortly
after the murder.

FACT: Jones’ then-girlfriend
testified that Jones told her he was on the South side of Oklahoma City at the
time of the murder.

FACT: Jones’ family claimed
a family-friend was also present at their house the night of the murder. The family-friend testified she was not
there that night.

Learn more

DNA Testing

FICTION: Jones stated that the
DNA testing of the red bandana would exonerate him and he could not have worn
the bandana because his saliva was not found on it.

FACT: A partial DNA profile
was obtained from the red bandana; the major component of the DNA profile was consistent with Jones. The
conclusive results
of the DNA profile shows the probability of randomly selecting an unrelated
individual with the same DNA profile is approximately 1 in 110 million in the
U.S. African American population.

The lab
stated a negative test for saliva does not mean that Jones was not wearing the
red bandana, and further clarified that any saliva present may have broken down
over time or the saliva could have been diluted below the sensitivity of the

Christopher Jordan’s
DNA was not found.

Learn more

Jones’ College Academics

FICTION: Jones was referred to
as a an outstanding engineering student at the University of Oklahoma.

FACT: Jones was not even
enrolled at the University of Oklahoma at the time of the murder. During his
Fall 1998 semester, Jones was been placed on academic probation and eventually
did not complete the Spring 1999 semester. Jones attempted to re-enroll for the
1999/2000 school year, but his application for financial aid was declined
because he had not met specific standards of academic performance — minimum
number of hours, minimum cumulative GPA and minimum combined cumulative GPA

Student Record

Financial Aid Letter

Ineffective Counsel

FICTION: Jones claims he was
denied effective assistance of trial counsel.

FACT: The subsequent appeals
and evidentiary hearing, the court has ruled that Jones’ counsel made informed
decisions and applied reasonable strategies in his defense. Jones failed to
demonstrate any prejudice from the trial counsel’s performance resulting in a
different outcome.

Ineffective assistance of counsel claims are
made in every capital appeal.

Alleged Racial Bias

FICTION: Jones claims that
racism played a role in his conviction and sentence, specifically citing an
arresting officer referred to him using a racial epithet, prosecutors appealed
to vicious racial stereotypes, and a juror harbored a racial animus against

FACT: Jones never made the
allegation of an arresting officer using a racial epithet until the airing of The Last Defense.

Jones’ only alleged example of
racializaiton was the prosecutions use of the word “prowl.” The truth is the
word “prowl’ is very apt for what Jones did when he drove around until he found
his prey.

FACT: During the trial, a
juror notified the judge of a comment overheard by another juror, but it was
never reported as hearing the use of a racial slur. The reporting juror went on to admit
that the evidence was so overwhelming that she “still believes to this day,
that Mr. Jones is guilty of shooting and killing the victim.” 

Description of the Shooter

FICTION: Jones claimed that the
eye-witness’s description of the shooter matched Jordan, who wore his hair in

FACT: The eye-witness’
description is being misconstrued. She testified that she could see about a
half an inch to an inch of the shooter’s hair between the stocking cap and his
ear, referring to the space between, not the length of the hair.

The eye-witness
specifically denied seeing braids or cornrows.

An independent
eyewitness placed two, young black males in the Braum’s parking lot moments
before the murder, testifying that the driver undoubtedly had cornrows.

Trial Transcript

Trial Transcript

District Attorney

FICTION: Justice for Julius and the
ACLU have both stated that Bob Macy was the lead prosecutor in Jones’ trial.

FACT: Bob Macy did not
prosecute Jones. In fact, Macy was not even in office at the time of the trial.
Wes Lane was the District Attorney in office at the time of the trial.

Jones Didn’t Have the Opportunity to Testify

FICTION: Jones claims he was
not afforded the opportunity to testify in court.

FACT: The trial transcript
reflects that the judge specifically asked Jones if he wanted to testify in his
own defense. Jones waived
his right to testify.

Trial Transcript

Relationship with Jordan

FICTION: Julius Jones claims
that his relationship with Jordan was only casual.

FACT: Jones’ girlfriend
testified that Jones and Jordan were best friends, especially during the Summer
of 1999.

The main reason is that evil is not interested in ridding the world of evil. Evil is simply interested in ignoring the problem at hand. Blame someone else by creating additional enemies to keep the sheep from paying attention to the wolves.

– Walid Shoebat


On the night

of July 28th, 1999, Paul Howell was brutally murdered in front of his sister and two young daughters as he pulled his Suburban into his parents’ driveway after an evening of back-to-school shopping. 

Julius Jones walked up to the car and put the gun to Paul’s head, pulling the trigger.  As Paul’s sister was rushing the girls out of the car and towards the house, Jones fired another shot before driving away in the Suburban.  The victim’s sister told police that the killer was wearing a red bandana, a white shirt and a black stocking cap.

On July 31st, Julius Jones was arrested and charged with the murder of Paul Howell. Police found a .25 caliber handgun (the murder weapon - confirmed by ballistics testing) wrapped in a red bandana in the attic space above Jones’s bedroom closet at his parents’ home.  The magazine for the gun was in the doorbell chime housing and .25 caliber ammunition was recoverd from Jones’ vehicle which had been taken to a mechanic shop in the immediate days following the murder.  Jones also had a white T-shirt with black trim and a black stocking cap in his bedroom.

Jones had a history of criminal and violent activity leading up to the murder of Paul Howell, including two other armed carjackings and attempted kidnapping. Jones had also pled guilty, before the murder, to unlawful use of a fictitious name, false declaration to a pawnbroker, concealing stolen property, and larceny from a retailer. 

Jones was found guilty of the murder of Paul Howell in a court of law and convicted of felony murder, possession of a firearm and conspiracy, and conspiracy to commit a felony (armed robbery). 

Julius Jones has had his day in court, numerous times. His case has been granted reviews in the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals (“OCCA”) 4 times. All told, because of changes in the composition of the OCCA, a total of 13 appellate judges have reviewed Jones’s conviction and sentence. For each appeal the OCCA found “overwhelming” evidence of Jones’s guilt. 

In 2017, DNA testing of the red bandana found wrapped around the murder weapon in Jones’s home further incriminated Jones by testing positive for his DNA. 

“The fact is, Julius Jones murdered Paul Howell in cold blood in front of his sister and daughters. No celebrity imploration or profusion of misinformation will change that.”

- Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter

In all, a total of 13 appellate judges have reviewed Jones’s conviction and sentence —this includes 9 OCCA judges, District Judge Timothy DeGuisti, and 3 Tenth Circuit Judges. The Supreme Court has turned down 4 opportunities to review Jones’s case.


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“What honors the victims of the crime, what helps the families, is to know that the public is informed. So if you are going to take a position that somebody is actually innocent, read the case transcripts before you just hop on a bandwagon because what you are really doing is dishonoring a victim of a crime. If you’re not familiar with the case, don’t advocate for something you know nothing about.” Thank you Jennifer Harmon for continuing to advocate for our family, and all families of violent crimes. To watch her entire interview with NewsNation, click here:

“No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.” - Plato



Justice for Paul Howell:

1a. For the past twenty-one years, both the state and federal judicial system have been involved scrutinizing this case. The courts have heard multiple appeals in multiple forms and at multiple levels from Julius Jones. They have found no claim which necessitated the granting of relief. Julius Jones’ defense team’s only hope now is to create such an uproar through a misinformation campaign as to put pressure on those that grant commutation or clemency. So for that, they turn to celebrities to help spread their misinformation…athletes and influencers with millions of followers. They turn to social justice warriors who do not have access to the transcripts, or to the legal opinions authored by the various appellate courts. Individuals who blindly trust that what they are being told is the truth. These social justice warriors, whom although well intentioned, know nothing about the rules of the evidence, trial strategy and the admissibility of evidence.

– Justice For Paul Howell


2. Rachel Howell, one of Paul Howell's daughters, addressed the documentary during Monday's commutation hearing.


3. Julius Jones is 100% guilty [VIDEO SHARED]

4. Oklahoma sets 7 executions in 6 months; 1st since 2015

5. A young college student contacted me about writing a paper referencing MURDER VICTIMS, THEIR FAMILIES, AND FRIENDS and how the Justice System, or in most all of our cases, the INJustice System has impacted US.

6. Julius Jones Is Guilty And Here's Why [VIDEO SHARED]

7. ‘I am not accepting the Pardon and Parole Board’s recommendation,’ Gov. Stitt says he won’t decide on commuting Julius Jones until after clemency hearing

8. Judge OKs grand jury probe of parole board, county jail

9. Paul Howell's daughter speaks out against misinformation surrounding father's murder, Julius Jones

Justice for Paul Howell:

10. The Howell family has a roundtable discussion of all the misinformation in the media regarding Paul Howells murder. In this episode, we talk about evidence, DNA, and Julius Jones’ guilt. Check out the YouTube page ‘Justice for Paul Howell’ to learn more!


Tulsa community advocate, Jennifer Harmon joins Roberta to tell all about the Free Julius Jones movement. Harmon explains how the red state of Oklahoma became captivated and ultimately captivate to a campaign to free Paul Howell's killer.

Paul Howell's daughter speaks out against misinformation surrounding father's murder, Julius Jones

Paul Howell's daughter speaks out against misinformation surrounding father's murder, Julius Jones


Poll: Oklahomans continue to strongly support capital punishment

Chris Casteel

Dovie Dean, the last woman put to death in Clermont County

Grandmother of 3-year-old Del City murder victim supports the death penalty, calls for justice

Setting a Precedent: Deadly mistakes and Oklahoma’s Pardon and Parole Board


“No one can demand that you be neutral toward the crime of genocide. If there is a judge in the whole world who can be neutral toward this crime, that judge is not fit to sit in judgment.” – Gideon Hausner


“I care more about how the families feel than I care about this guy being trapped or not being trapped. And if the families are telling me that the way they’re going to get closure is by him being put to the death penalty, then so be it. Because the priority, for me, is the families that had those lives stolen from them.” – Ana Navarro said, referring to the alternative of him spending life in prison.


Parents of Murdered Children Demand Steeper Penalties for Killing Kids

Pro Death Penalty Column:

2. Time to bring back the death penalty? | Rebecca Jane column. In 2016 for my legal dissertation I delved into the world of the ‘death penalty’. More importantly, should we bring it back, or is it right to not have it here in the UK?

3. Columnist dead wrong on death penalty – Dudley Sharp


4. SARAH VINE: The case of morgue predator David Fuller was so evil that it's changed my mind about the death penalty

5. Capital Punishment Still Serves Its Purpose. Don't Abolish It | Opinion

Josh Hammer , Newsweek opinion editor

Vigilante {UK}:

6. Mum whose dead daughter was raped by man in mortuary went to police station with knife to kill him

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