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President Yoweri Museveni
in military uniform
We, the
members of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, who are families and friends of murder
victims, agree with the Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni in what he said
about capital punishment. We will also post an article from Dudley Sharp.
Convicted Murderers Should Be Sentenced to
In Summary
Museveni was speaking at the Benedicto Kiwanuka
Memorial day.
by Babirye Sania News / Latest
President Museveni has lashed out at Judges for handing a life sentence Imprisonment to convicted murderers instead of a death Penalty.
Speaking at the Benedicto Kiwanuka Memorial day, at the High Court Headquarters in Kampala, President Museveni said that people who murder others do not deserve to live and that as an African he believes in "an eye for an eye"
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You killed a person and you are put in prison for life? The one you
killed is not in jail but he is dead." - Yoweri Museveni
[PHOTO SOURCE: https://quozio.com/quote/fhnhdnbm6dzm/1273/you-killed-a-person-and-you-are-put-in-prison-for-life-the] |
" You killed a person and you are
put in prison for life? The one you killed is not in jail but he is dead.
" - President Museveni
President Museveni added that the question of committing the death sentence can come later, emphasizing that it must be 'a life for a life'.
According to President Museveni an eye for an eye is the way people understand justice in the villages and him as a freedom fighter.
President Museveni contended that it was a very big provocation if murderers are jailed for life and advised judges to be careful.
INTERNET SOURCE: https://capitalradio.co.ug/news/latest/2021-09-28-convicted-murderers-should-be-sentenced-to-death-museveni/
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that give up this penalty award an unimaginable advantage to the criminal over
his victim, the advantage of life over death.”
Kaczynski said in July 2006. His coalition partner, the far-right League of
Polish Families, wants to change the country’s penal code so that pedophiles
convicted of murder will face execution.] [PHOTO SOURCE: http://victimsfamiliesforthedeathpenalty.blogspot.com.au/2015/04/in-loving-memory-of-lech-aleksander.html
& https://themightymenregiment710.blogspot.com/2017/04/in-loving-memory-of-lech-kaczynski-18.html] |
Herald editor lied about capital punishment
Oct 3, 2021
This rebuts the editorial on Saturday’s Opinion
Page, “Innocent on death row: Abolish capital punishment to end chance of worst
Why Editor Jeff Gerritt refuses to fact check is a mystery (or not).
Ask him.
A rebuttal of all of Mr. Gerritt’s points:
First, 185 death row inmates have not been exonerated. That number is based upon both “innocent” and “exonerated” being redefined, as if “lie” had been redefined as “truth” which is, very easy to verify.
The anti-death penalty group, Death Penalty Information Center, has been coming out with their bloated, false numbers, which were found to be false, as far back as 1998, as well as by the New York Times, 71% false (2005) and the Florida Commission on Capital Cases, 83% false (2011) and many other such reviews, such as my 2000 op/ed.
Editor’s note: The non-profit DPIC does not take a formal position on the death penalty. The exoneration figures are correct. As defined legally, exoneration occur when a person convicted of a crime is officially cleared, based on new evidence of innocence, including DNA.
Second, many acts by the state are far more egregious than (unknowingly) executing the innocent.”
Since 1973, the U.S. has allowed some 20,000 innocents to be murdered by those known murderers that we have allowed to murder, again — recidivist murderers.
Our criminal justice experts knew of the high risk of releasing or not incarcerating violent and recidivist criminals.
We might have a proven case of innocents executed — two brothers, from 1915.
Where are the innocents at risk?
Moreover, innocents are more at risk without the death penalty. Living murderers harm and murder, again, executed ones do not (no fact checking needed).
Never has the deterrent effect of any severe sanction, or any possible bad outcome, been negated, nor can they be.
Life is preferred over death. Death is feared more than life. What we prefer more, deters less. What we fear more, deters more.
Editor’s note: The death penalty’s deterrent effect has not been disproved. But neither has it been proven. Violent crime rates are higher in death penalty states.
The super due process protections of pre trial, trial, appeals and executive considerations, within death penalty cases, make it far more likely that an innocent will die serving life without parole, than an innocent will be executed. Gerritt is, likely, unaware that many anti death penalty folks consider LWOP worse than the death penalty/execution.
Nobel Prize Laureate (Economics) Gary Becker stated in 2007, as quoted by the New York Times: “The evidence of a variety of types — not simply the quantitative evidence — has been enough to convince me that capital punishment does deter and is worth using for the worst sorts of offenses.”
About 5,000 of those incarcerated in the nation die, in custody, every year. How many are innocent? Gerritt’s logic would lead to no arrests and no incarcerations.
Gerritt did not fact check the DPIC nonsense of “20 likely cases” of innocents executed since 1976. Correct? It’s BS.
Editor’s note: Editor Jeff Gerritt did fact-check those cases.
The editorial states that “African Americans have accounted for up to 65% of Pennsylvania’s death row, compared to 12% of the state’s population.”
The writer is unaware that folks are put on death row based upon committing capital, death penalty eligible murders, not because of their populations counts.
Surprise! Does Gerritt complain that 50% of those imprisoned and on death row should be women, as they make up 50% of the population? Of course. He must.
For your information, 4 percent of Pittsburgh’s population are black males. Pittsburgh’s homicide offenders are 80% African American, 93% male. 88% had at least one prior arrest, 51% were under the age of 25.
The editorial stated, “Securing death penalty convictions and defending them on appeal have cost the state nearly $1 billion since 1976.”
Your $1 billion is an average of $46,000/death row inmate/year. In 2012, the average annual cost/inmate in Pa was $42,339 and, likely, at least $46,000, now, excluding pre trial, trial, appeals.
But with LWOP for a capital murder, we will be talking about maximum security, which, I believe, is about $75,000 per inmate per year, also, excluding pre trial, trial, appeals, all of which you included in your $1 billion, which, I bet, you did not fact check.
Please fact check the “about $75,000/inmate/yr”. It was from memory.
Editor’s note: The numbers were fact checked. It costs Pennsylvania roughly $42,000 a year to incarcerate each inmate. Last year, former Pennsylvania Auditor General Eugene DePasquale issued a report indicating the state death penalty cost taxpayers $1 billion from 1978 to 2018.
Going forward, DNA makes the death penalty and all other sanctions more safe and more accurate.
Using an accurate measure of actual innocents found on death row (1976-2021), we are looking at about 0.4% proven actually innocent, but going forward, minus the DNA cases, we might expect 0.3% proven innocent, after being sent to death row, with all of those being released, or a 99.7% accuracy rate in guilty findings, with 100% of the actual innocents freed.
Quite likely, the most accurate criminal sanction.
The editorial states, “Extrapolating from DNA exonerations and other evidence, criminologists and other experts estimate 2 percent to 5 percent of prisoners are innocent.”
Or, more likely, as one “other expert” found, “a
reasonable (and possibly overstated) calculation of the wrongful conviction
(factually innocent) rate appears, tentatively, to be somewhere in the range of
Dudley Sharp,
INTERNET SOURCE: https://www.ncnewsonline.com/news/local_news/herald-editor-lied-about-capital-punishment/article_d9afcf92-24ac-11ec-a1e0-77e087f1ee68.html
Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3350621811720081/posts/4347993291982923/
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Partial information will
be treated as a lie. – Quote from Zero Dark Thirty [PHOTO SOURCE: https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/7c51fe31-7e90-41f8-b946-e655dd008069/gif] |
As murders increase, support for the death penalty will too. A gut-level sense of right and wrong, not any debater’s argument, is what determines most Americans’ view on executing killers. By Jeff Jacoby
Time to bring back the death penalty? | Rebecca Jane column. In 2016 for my legal dissertation I delved into the world of the ‘death penalty’. More importantly, should we bring it back, or is it right to not have it here in the UK?
Retain death penalty only for terror cases: Law Commission
Opinion: Do not abolish the death penalty. The best argument for keeping it is that it can be used to entice defendants to plead guilty to a lesser charge, saving taxpayers time and money
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