Wednesday, September 29, 2021



Such an extreme act of pure evil can only be met by the most extreme of responses - and that can only be death. All my life I've been against the death penalty. I genuinely never thought I'd say this, but I am now convinced that the monster who executed this young woman in cold blood should, in turn, be killed as punishment for his crime. - John Stevens, Baron Stevens of Kirkwhelpington


            There are some death penalty opponents who changed their position on capital punishment after someone they loved were murdered. John Stevens, Baron Stevens of Kirkwhelpington, a former Met Police Chief, changed his mind on the death penalty after the murder of PC Sharon Beshenivsky.

            We, the members of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, who have lost loved ones through murder, endorse the Thin Blue Line Act would enhance sentences for people convicted of fatally shooting (or attempting to fatally shoot) law enforcement officers. We thanks those politicians for calling for the death penalty for cop killers. Although we believe the death penalty should be use for all murders, we are happy that he spoke out in favor of it.


This morning on "Fox & Friends," Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke said that every murder of a law enforcement officer should be classified as a capital crime punishable by death.


U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey offers death-penalty bill for cop killers

Federal juries considering the death penalty for convicted murderers of local police officers would have to take into account the victim’s job as a factor in their deliberations under a bill co-introduced by U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey on Thursday.

“America’s law-enforcement officers put themselves in harm’s way every day to keep our communities safe,” Toomey, R-Lehigh County, said in a joint statement. “They deserve our gratitude.”

Toomey said society has “an obligation” to police to “send a clear message that if you kill or target a police officer, you should expect to pay a high price.”

Introducing the Thin Blue Line Act during National Police Week, Toomey said, “We remember the sacrifice our fallen officers and their families have made and show all law enforcement that we support them and are grateful for their service.”

U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., partnered with Toomey on the bill.

“Law-enforcement officers go to work every day not knowing whether they’ll return home safely to their families,” Tillis said. “The men and women in blue risk their lives to protect ours, and the Thin Blue Line Act will enact new laws that will make criminals think twice before targeting them.”

Currently, federal juries must consider it an aggravating factor that a victim was a federal law-enforcement officer or federal prosecutor when weighing whether to impose the death penalty. Toomey’s bill would extend that requirement to local police and prosecutors, as well as first responders.

The legislation is endorsed by several police organizations.

Similar legislation was introduced in the U.S. House in January by U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla., and referred to the House Judiciary Committee.



I mean that the function of the police is to solve problems that have law-enforcement consequences in a way that is based on a genuine partnership with the neighborhood in both the venting of the problem and the discussion of the solution. - James Q. Wilson


Congressman's 'Thin Blue Line Act' could make death penalty more likely for cop-killers

By Josh Cascio

Law would give harsher penalties to those who harm officers

Josh Cascio reports

BRADENTON, Fla.On the heels of a tragic weekend, when a Nassau County deputy was shot and killed and a blue alert was issued for Patrick McDowell, Republican U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan believes it is time to act. 

"Our first responders don’t need to hide or waver in their commitment to public safety. We need to have their backs," he said. 

He's re-introducing the ‘Thin Blue Line Act’ to Congress. The bill would make the murder or attempted murder of a police officer or other first responders an "aggravating" factor in death penalty determinations. 

The bill requires, however, that the killing involve federal jurisdiction – for example, an officer murdered on federal land or while serving as part of a joint task force or the interstate killing of an officer.

"Getting this bill passed will protect those that serve our communities and send a clear message that targeting or killing first responders will not be tolerated," Buchanan continued.


Snakes are poisonous wherever they are. You can't underestimate a snake just because there's only one. It's dangerous wherever it is. - Ashin Wirathu


Under Florida law, killing a law enforcement officer is already considered an aggravating factor that can lead to a death sentence. Congressman Buchanan’s bill would apply nationwide.

"This change is necessary for the protection of our first responders against the violent attacks as they are rising," agreed Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody. 

"When those folks, the true face of evil, attack, our brave men and women in law enforcement, we will hold them accountable," Buchanan added. 


Criminals who kill police officers deserve the death penalty. Period. The Defend our Defenders act I introduced with @TomCottonAR will make sure cop killers face the harshest possible punishment for their crimes.


Florida AG backs bill to punish cop killers with death penalty

"We will not tolerate the rise of lawlessness against our police officers," said Attorney General Ashley Moody

Yesterday at 12:23 AM

By Ryan Callihan

The Bradenton Herald

BRADENTON, Fla. — With support from Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan is hoping to push his proposed legislation, which ups the penalties against cop killers, across the finish line.

Buchanan, R-Longboat Key, first introduced the Thin Blue Line Act in 2017, but it has never been signed into law. In a joint press conference Monday morning at the Bradenton Police Department, Moody announced that the bill has her full support.

"We will protect those that have signed up for these dangerous jobs to protect us. We will not tolerate the rise of lawlessness against our police officers," Moody said.

The Thin Blue Line bill would allow juries to consider any murder or attempted murder of a police officer, firefighter or other first-responders as an "aggravating factor" in death penalty considerations. The rule already applies to federal law enforcement officers who are killed in the line of duty. 

The U.S. House of Representatives previously voted in support of the Thin Blue Line Act in 2017. Buchanan said he's hopeful that the House will vote to pass it again and get the bill to the U.S. Senate, which also needs to vote on the bill before it heads to President Joe Biden's desk. 

According to Cornell Law School's Legal Information Institute, an "aggravating factor" applies to the facts around the case that could increase the severity of the punishment issued for committing a crime. 


If the death penalty was not imposed then "wrong really has finally totally triumphed over right and all civilised society, all we hold dear, is the loser." - John Stevens, Baron Stevens of Kirkwhelpington


In a press release, Buchanan's office noted that the Thin Blue Line Act's increased penalties would only apply to cases that involve federal jurisdiction, such as police killings that take place on federally owned land or while serving on a joint task force. 

"Law enforcement, frankly, is under attack," said Buchanan, who is up for re-election in 2022. "It makes me sick to see these sick individuals target law enforcement personnel and first-responders. They need to know they face severe consequences for targeting men and women in uniform." 

Monday's press conference comes after a deadly attack on a law enforcement officer Friday in Florida. Officials are still searching for a 35-year-old man who allegedly killed a Nassau County Sheriff's Office deputy, shooting him in the face and the back during a traffic stop in Callahan, just north of Jacksonville. 

"It doesn't take a strong leap to see that the rise in anti-police rhetoric across our nation has caused an increase in attacks on law enforcement," Moody said. 

According to the Officer Down Memorial Page, a website that keeps track of law enforcement officers who die in the line of duty, 44 officers have been killed by gunfire in 2021. That's a 13% increase over last year, the website said. 

Bradenton Police Chief Melanie Bevan and Manatee County Sheriff Rick Wells both praised Buchanan and Moody's efforts to protect law enforcement officers. Neither agency has lost an officer in the line of duty in more than 30 years. 

"Congressman, your introduction of the thin blue line act clearly displays your dedication and resolve to support our first-responders and their families," Bevan said. "Likewise, you and Attorney General Moody have incredible support from the law enforcement community, evident by the number of personnel here today." 

"I want to thank Congressman Buchanan and Attorney General Moody for all they've done throughout the years to keep us safe," Wells added. "We continue to train harder and to help these young men and women that choose law enforcement as a career. We stay focused on officer safety. 

"I'll be honest with you — I never had to worry about sitting in a restaurant, eating my dinner and worrying about someone attacking me," he continued. "You have to worry about that now. Your head has to be on a swivel every second of the day when you are out here serving and protecting."

(c)2021 The Bradenton Herald (Bradenton, Fla.)



Execution of defendants—Engel, Fischer, Parsons, and Spies



Ray Hanania: Reinstate death penalty in the killing of police


Why we need the federal death penalty for cop killers: Opinion

By Donald j. mehalek and Richard m. Frenkel

May 22, 2019, 5:54 PM ET

Alabama Official Calls For Public Hangings Of All Cop Killers

Sheriff Clarke: All Cop Killers Should Get the Death Penalty

Local Police Chief Wants Death Penalty For Those Killing Police Officers


Sen. Toomey pushes act that would increase death penalty chances for convicted cop-killers 

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