Monday, September 13, 2021


 “The fact is, Julius Jones murdered Paul Howell in cold blood in front of his sister and daughters. No celebrity imploration or profusion of misinformation will change that.”

- Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter


We, the members of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, stand with the family members of Paul Howell and we know that Julius Jones is guilty. Read this article and hear from the Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter. He is similar to Montez Spradley or Anthony Porter or Timothy Hennis. All were innocence fraud cases.

She saw her dad slain at 9. Now she sees celebrities plead for convicted killer Julius Jones' release

Barbara Hoberock Sep 13, 2021 Updated 5 hrs ago

OKLAHOMA CITY — Rachel Howell was 9 years old when her father was shot and killed in front of her.

Contacted by the Tulsa World, Howell, now 31, agreed to talk about her father, the crime and the convicted killer who is waging a public relations campaign to avoid the death penalty.

The state has requested an execution date for Julius Jones. On Monday, he is expected to go before the Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board seeking to have his sentence commuted from death. If his request is approved there, Gov. Kevin Stitt would have the final say.

Kim Kardashian was among the first of a line of celebrities, athletes, social media influencers and others who have lined up to support Jones, who says he is innocent.

Silent slaying

Howell, her sister, their aunt and their father had been out shopping for school supplies on July 28, 1999. They swung into Braum’s for ice cream before pulling into the driveway at her grandparents’ house in Edmond.

She said a Black man walked up to the vehicle.

“I was sitting in the back seat behind the driver’s seat, and my dad was in the driver’s seat, while my little sister was next to me and my aunt was in the passenger seat up front,” she said. “I remember waving to him at first when he was walking up, not really sure what was about to happen.”

She said her father had cracked his door open when the man shot him in the head, without saying a single word. Her sister and aunt rushed out of the car with her, she said. She remembers a second gunshot.

“He was clearly shooting at us but missed,” she said.

The killer left in the family’s car, a brown Suburban.

“I remember going to the hospital and seeing my dad and saying goodbye,” she said. “It was hard seeing him like that.”

After the murder, she dealt with post-traumatic stress disorder and extreme panic attacks.

She grew up with close family who lived nearby and graduated from Oklahoma State University with a bachelor’s degree in hospitality business management. Now she works in finance out of state.

Although it has been more than two decades since her father’s murder, Howell’s memories of him are vivid.

She remembers her father taking her and her sister to the park to play “Lion King” because the rocks looked like Pride Rock, she said.

“He would pretend to be the monkey, Rafiki, and chase us around the park,” she said.

He would take her to swim in her uncle’s pool next door.

“He would throw me high in the air,” she said. “It always felt like I was flying. My mom always called him the ‘human pool toy.’”

She remembers vacations to South Padre Island and the beach.

“I also had a huge obsession with Beanie Babies,” she said. “He would drive around rural Oklahoma so he could find the one I wanted at the time.”

A website for the family,, includes information about the prosecution and conviction of Julius Jones and states: “The overwhelming evidence in this case supports the courts’ decision/conviction that Julius Jones murdered Paul Howell on July 28, 1999. … Jones’ defense team’s only hope now is to create such an uproar through a misinformation campaign as to put pressure on those that grant commutation or clemency.


So for that, they turn to celebrities.”

‘It is a movement’

Howell said she is all-too-aware of the claims Jones and his supporters are making. Some claim evidence was planted when the red bandana worn by the killer was found wrapped around the murder weapon in Jones’ home. Others claim Jones was at home with his family at the time of the slaying. Prosecutors say the claims are false.

The nonprofit Represent Justice has contracted with Amber Integrated, an Oklahoma City public affairs firm, to support Jones and his advocates.

“At its core, Represent Justice is about using the power of the media to engage audiences in reimagining the justice system and creating real demand for change,” according to the group’s website, which features Jones.

Alex Weintz, a partner with Amber Integrated, declined to say how much the firm has been paid by Represent Justice or any of his other clients. Weintz is a past spokesman for former Gov. Mary Fallin.

“I wouldn’t describe the effort to free Julius Jones as a public relations campaign,” Weintz said. “It is a movement led by people who have seen the evidence of Julius’ innocence and do not want the state to kill an innocent man. They are demanding justice for the Jones family, but they are also demanding justice for Paul Howell, because the evidence suggests that his real killer is walking free.”

“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

- Malcom X


Jones’ supporters have held rallies, marches, runs and press conferences and have written letters about their belief in his innocence. They have signed online petitions and taken his case to social media and television.

Jones was sympathetically featured on ABC in a piece called “The Last Defense” and CBS’ “The Late Late Show.”

Howell said she is not questioning the hearts or motives of Jones’ supporters.

“I am very confident that the jury and appellate courts got the right man,” she said. “The facts and evidence are there.”

She said his supporters should do their research before putting information out.

She wants them to think about the impact it has on the victims.

“Not one of these celebrities or athletes have tried to reach out to me or my family,” Howell said.

“It’s easy to just click a button and sign a petition and think you are doing the right thing.
“I am not trying to sway anyone’s opinion, but I would like for these ‘high profile’ people to dig deep into the case, or any case, for that matter, and read all the facts and see both sides before stating their opinion.

“Little do they realize, they are advocating for someone who shot a father in front of his sister and children, all to steal a car.”



Gallery: Oklahoma death-row inmates who may be scheduled for execution
Nicholas Alexander Davis
Nicholas Alexander Davis

Name: Nicholas Davis

Birthdate: 05/28/1974

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 08/31/2007

On death row since: 09/10/2007. Click here to read more. He has exhausted his court appeals and may be scheduled for execution.
Marlon Harmon
Marlon Harmon

Name: Marlon Harmon

Birthdate: 07/12/1980

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 07/02/2008

On death row since: 07/14/2008. Click here to read more. He has exhausted his court appeals and may be scheduled for execution.
Alfred Mitchell
Alfred Mitchell

Name: Alfred Mitchell

Birthdate: 12/23/1972

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 07/10/1992

On death row since: 7/15/1992. Click here to read more. He has exhausted his court appeals and may be scheduled for execution.
Anthony Sanchez
Anthony Sanchez

Name: Anthony Sanchez

Birthdate: 11/01/1978

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Cleveland

Conviction date: 06/06/2006

On death row since: 6/7/2006. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
Benjamin Cole
Benjamin Cole

Name: Benjamin Cole Sr.

Birthdate: 04/08/1955

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Rogers

Conviction date: 12/08/2004

On death row since: 12/27/2004. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
Bigler Stouffer II
Bigler Stouffer II

Name: Bigler Stouffer II

Birthdate: 09/25/1942

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 03/05/2003

On death row since: 3/10/2003. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
Carlos Cuesta-Rodriguez
Carlos Cuesta-Rodriguez

Name: Carlos Cuesta-Rodriguez

Birthdate: 10/04/1955

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 08/15/2007

On death row since: 8/20/2007. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
Donald Grant
Donald Grant

Name: Donald Grant

Birthdate: 12/17/1975

Offense: First-degree murder, two death sentences

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 01/06/2006

On death row since: 1/23/2006. After the Supreme Court declined to review his case in January 2019, he exhausted court appeals and awaits execution.
Emmanuel Littlejohn
Emmanuel Littlejohn

Name: Emmanuel Littlejohn

Birthdate: 11/09/1971

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 11/23/1994

On death row since: 11/30/1994. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
Gilbert Postelle
Gilbert Postelle

Name: Gilbert Postelle

Birthdate: 05/22/1986

Offense: First-degree murder, two death sentences

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 10/02/2008

On death row since: 10/20/2008. He has exhausted his appeals and awaits a schedule for execution.
James Pavatt
James Pavatt

Name: James Pavatt

Birthdate: 11/10/1953

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 10/21/2003

Death row rulings: Put on death row in 2003, Pavatt had his death sentence overturned in 2017. A federal court overturned that ruling, reinstating Pavatt's death sentence on June 27, 2019. His appeals have been exhausted, and he awaits execution.
James Ryder
James Ryder

Name: James Ryder

Birthdate: 03/30/1962

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Pittsburg

Conviction date: 06/21/2000

On death row since: 6/23/2000. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
Jemaine Cannon
Jemaine Cannon

Name: Jemaine Cannon

Birthdate: 11/13/1971

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Tulsa

Conviction date: 03/26/1995

On death row since: 4/8/1996. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
John Fitzgerald Hanson
John Fitzgerald Hanson

Name: John Fitzgerald Hanson

Offense: First-degree murder

County convicted: Tulsa

Conviction date: 05/23/2001, 01/24/2006

On death row since: 2002. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
John Grant
John Grant

Name: John Grant (spelled in some records as Jon M. Grant)

Birthdate: 04/21/1951

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Osage

Conviction date: 05/08/2000

On death row since: 5/8/2000. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
Julius Jones
Julius Jones

Name: Julius Jones

Birthdate: 07/25/1980

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 04/19/2002

On death row since: 6/13/2006. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
Kendrick Simpson
Kendrick Simpson

Name: Kendrick Simpson

Birthdate: 10/02/1980

Offense: First-degree murder, two death sentences

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 10/26/2007

On death row since: 11/5/2007. SCOTUS denied certiorari 10/15/2019.
Kevin Underwood
Kevin Underwood

Name: Kevin Underwood

Birthdate: 12/19/1979

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Cleveland

Conviction date: 04/03/2008

On death row since: 04/07/2008
Michael Smith
Michael Smith

Name: Michael Smith

Birthdate: 06/24/1982

Offense: First-degree murder, two death sentences

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 10/14/2003

On death row since: 10/20/2003. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
Phillip Hancock
Phillip Hancock

Name: Phillip Hancock

Birthdate: 02/15/1964

Offense: First-degree murder, two death sentences

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 10/25/2004

On death row since: 11/01/2004. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
Raymond Johnson
Raymond Johnson

Name: Raymond Johnson

Birthdate: 03/25/1974

Offense: First-degree murder, two death sentences

County Convicted: Tulsa

Conviction date: 07/28/2009

On death row since: 08/10/2009. SCOTUS denied certiorari 11/25/2019.
Richard Fairchild
Richard Fairchild

Name: Richard Fairchild

Birthdate: 11/17/1959

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 01/08/1995

On death row since: 02/12/1996. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
Richard Glossip
Richard Glossip

Name: Richard Glossip

Birthdate: 02/09/1953

Offense: First-degree murder, two death sentences

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 06/01/1998, 08/27/2004

On death row since: 08/31/1998. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
Richard Rojem
Richard Rojem

Name: Richard Rojem Jr.

Birthdate: 12/19/1957

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Washington

Conviction date: 07/15/1985

On death row since: 07/15/1985. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
Ricky Malone
Ricky Malone

Name: Ricky Malone

Birthdate: 06/10/1974

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Comanche

Conviction date: 06/16/2005

On death row since: 06/20/2005. SCOTUS denied certiorari 10/7/2019.
Scott Eizember
Scott Eizember

Name: Scott Eizember

Birthdate: 01/10/1961

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Canadian

Conviction date: 03/24/2005

On death row since: 03/28/2005. He has exhausted his court appeals and awaits execution.
Termane Wood
Termane Wood

Name: Termane Wood

Birthdate: 10/09/1979

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Oklahoma

Conviction date: 05/07/2004

On death row since: 05/17/2004. He has exhausted his appeals and awaits an execution date.
Wade Lay
Wade Lay

Name: Wade Lay

Birthdate: 02/28/1961

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Tulsa

Conviction date: 10/24/2005

On death row since: 10/31/2005. He has exhausted his appeals and awaits execution.
Wendell Grissom
Wendell Grissom

Name: Wendell Grissom

Birthdate: 10/11/1968

Offense: First-degree murder

County Convicted: Blaine

Conviction date: 06/17/2008

On death row since: 06/30/2008. SCOTUS denied certiorari 5/13/2019.



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