Saturday, May 22, 2021


                We, the members of Unit 1012, are truly well aware that once the death penalty is abolished, the Marxist-ACLU Demons will want to end LWOP.

   We, DO NOT TRUST them at all and we know that they are nothing but liars who value the lives of murderers and evildoers, with the plan on putting innocent people’s lives at risk of getting murdered.

          Convicted Chicago child killer paroled: Ray Larsen among rising number of aged convicts to be released. He’d been doing 100 to 300 years after confessing he killed Frank Casolari, 16, in 1972. In recent years, Illinois has paroled a double ax-murderer, other heinous killers, too.


Ray Larsen, who confessed he killed 16-year-old Frank Casolari in the Schiller Woods Forest Preserve near O’Hare Airport on May 17, 1972, has been paroled. He was serving a sentence of 100 to 300 years in prison. Illinois Department of Corrections

             We will post the news link before giving our comments.

Convicted Chicago child killer paroled: Ray Larsen among rising number of aged convicts to be released

He’d been doing 100 to 300 years after confessing he killed Frank Casolari, 16, in 1972. In recent years, Illinois has paroled a double ax-murderer, other heinous killers, too.

By Frank Main on May 21, 2021 3:00 pm

Convicted Chicago child killer paroled: Ray Larsen among rising number of aged convicts to be released

He’d been doing 100 to 300 years after confessing he killed Frank Casolari, 16, in 1972. In recent years, Illinois has paroled a double ax-murderer, other heinous killers, too.

By Frank Main on May 21, 2021 3:00 pm

Ray Larsen, who confessed he killed 16-year-old Frank Casolari in the Schiller Woods Forest Preserve near O’Hare Airport on May 17, 1972,has been paroled. He was serving a sentence of 100 to 300 years in prison. Illinois Department of Corrections

A 76-year-old man convicted of killing a teenager in a Northwest Side forest preserve in 1972 has been paroled.

Ray Larsen is the latest inmate serving an indefinite prison term — a so-called “C-number” inmate — the Illinois Prisoner Review Board has ordered released, a list that also includes a double ax-murderer.

Larsen had been serving a sentence of 100 to 300 years in prison after confessing he killed 16-year-old Frank Casolari in the Schiller Woods Forest Preserve near O’Hare Airport on May 17, 1972.


Illinois has paroled double ax-murderer, other heinous killers, offering Gangster Disciples boss hope

He was paroled May 13, according to state corrections records, which also show his last name spelled “Larson.”

At the time of the killing, Larsen was 27 and on furlough from the Stateville Correctional Center near Joliet, where he was doing time for robbery. He was in a program that allowed inmates with good prison records to visit their families and was supposed to be spending a three-day weekend with his grandmother.

Casolari was fishing in the forest preserve when he was shot to death and his body buried.

News of Ray Larsen’s arrest was front-page news in 1972. At the end of this story, you can click on a link to read the May 20, 1972, Chicago Daily News report. Chicago Daily News

In prison, Larsen was classified with a C-number — the prison identification that was given in Illinois to convicts sentenced before 1978, when the state did away with indeterminate sentences that gave a range for a prison term rather than a set number of years.

Today, those who are convicted of first-degree murder in Illinois are required to serve their full sentences without the possibility of parole.

But killers, like Larsen, who were convicted before the law was changed in 1978 can get repeated shots at parole. Under the law as it stood when they were sentenced, they are entitled to a parole hearing at least every five years.

In recent years, the Illinois Prisoner Review Board — which approved Larsen’s parole on a 9-3 vote — increasingly has granted parole to C-number inmates.

One of the most infamous of the recent C-number parolees is Chester Weger, accused of the 1960 killings of three women at Starved Rock State Park southwest of Chicago. He was convicted of killing one of the women after he confessed.

Early last year, Weger was released from prison at 80. He’d been the longest-serving inmate in Illinois. Weger has said he was innocent and was coerced into confessing.

Larsen was serving his sentence at the Pontiac Correctional Center.

His registered address now is on the Far South Side.




We do not need psychologists to tell us the simple truth that if you reward bad behaviour you will get more of it. We should not be surprised that we are now engulfed in crime. The offenders have taken their cue from us.

- A Land Fit for Criminals by David Fraser


            It has been 10 years since Illinois abolished the death penalty on March 9, 2011. It was a sad day for murder victims and their families and a victory for murderers. As we have consistently warned: Once Capital Punishment is abolished, the ACLU (and any Pro Murderer rights Groups) will start abolishing prison sentences next.

            If they can release Ray Larsen (served ‘100 to 300’ years) and Chester Weger who both had served more than 40 years in prison, claiming that they would never be released. Do not be surprise, that in the future, more elderly inmates might be paroled.

            Beware of elderly inmates who might kill again, here are two examples:


Dennis Stanworth in 2013, left, and in the 1960s ( (Mike Jory/Times-Herald; Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office)

On this date, January 9, 2013, 70-year-old Dennis Stanworth phoned the Police to confess that he had murdered his own mother. Keep in mind; he had murdered two teenage girls in 1966. Those murders had all happened in the State of California. The SAFE California and the A.C.L.U are as usual keeping quiet about it. Dennis Stanworth’s case is similar to the one of Robert Lee Massie who had his death sentence overturned, only to be paroled to kill again in California. []


Albert Flick was convicted of killing Kimberly Dobbie, 48, years after he murdered his wife

On this date, August 9, 2019, Albert Flick, a 77-year-old man previously deemed "too old to be a threat" was sentenced to life in prison on Friday for fatally stabbing a woman in front of her children, four decades after he was convicted of a nearly identical crime. This is another great example of why Prisoner Rights Activists will remain silent as it is too extremely embarrassing for them to talk about recidivist killers. []

            That is why Robert Blecker was right when he was quoted in one of his articles, Death is only justice:


Thousands of hours in prisons and over 25 years interviewing more than 100 convicted killers (along with dozens of correctional officers) has taught me: Life without parole can't substitute for the death penalty. - Robert Blecker




Life Without Parole Is Replacing the Death Penalty – But the Legal Defense System Hasn't Kept Up. Just ask a Dallas woman who spent a year in jail without talking to a lawyer

By Cary Aspinwall • Published May 22, 2021

Why Life Without Parole Is A Death Sentence With Fewer Legal Protections

Ames NAACP event examines racial disparity in justice system, which is severe in Iowa

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