Wednesday, August 19, 2020


The Governor of Nebraska, Pete Ricketts received the Rayner Goddard Act of Courage Award from the members of Unit 1012. He favors the use of the death penalty and is working to retain it in his state.

We have watched him fight for justice and the death penalty in Nebraska and want him to know that he has encouraged victims' families and leaders worldwide. We honor and respect him. We hope that more judges and government officials will follow their courageous character. 

            We, the members of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, send our utmost thanks and congratulation to Governor Pete Ricketts. He is our hero in showing his care and love for the murdered victims’ families. We wish that more leaders can take his leadership example and follow it. We will pray for him all the way. 

Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts has vetoed a bill that would have increased transparency in the state’s execution process. LB 238, which passed the state’s unicameral legislature on August 13, 2020 by a vote of 27-10 with 12 members present but not voting, would have allowed witnesses to see the execution from the moment the prisoner enters the death chamber until the prisoner is declared dead or the execution is halted.
 In his August 17 veto message to the legislature, Ricketts claimed that the bill would have “add[ed] additional burdens to the process of carrying out the death penalty in Nebraska” and “would mandate changes to the [state’s] current execution protocol.” He said state law protects the identity of execution employees and that “[w]earing a mask or disguise in an attempt to conceal their identity could impede necessary procedures if the staff member’s eyesight is hindered or blocked.” Wearing personal protective equipment during the course of an execution “would make a mockery of the execution and show a complete lack of respect for the inmate, the inmate’s family, and for family of the victim,” Ricketts wrote.
Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counsellors of peace is joy.There shall no evil happen to the just: but the wicked shall be filled with mischief. ~ Proverbs 12:20-21 KJV 

God shields the Governor and his family/allies with His wings and He shelters all of them with His feathers. His faithful promises are Governor Pete Ricketts armor and protection. No evil shall befall him. No weapons brandished against him shall succeed. A thousand may fall at his side and ten thousand around him, but evil cannot come near him nor touch him. Every scheme and plan is being brought into the light swiftly. What is being done in the darkness is being shouted from the rooftops. No stone will go unturned. Governor Pete Ricketts will live a long life and all will be well with him. He will prosper in his governing role over Nebraska and Nebraska is prospering as a result. The blood of Jesus covers him while he remains hidden in Christ.
We bind every assassination & death spirit and we command the life and power of Jesus Christ. We strike the plans of the enemy with confusion and we strike them with blindness. We decree VICTORY over Governor Pete Ricketts. VICTORY VICTORY VICTORY in the mighty name of Jesus. We command the heavenly hosts and most powerful warrior angels to go forth now and seize those enemies. Amen.
A wise man fears and departs from evil, But a fool rages and is self-confident. – Proverbs 14:16 (NKJV)


1 comment:

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