Saturday, March 14, 2020


"Thus if we speak about bringing back death penalty in some concrete cases, when we refer to maniacs, mass murders, terrorists, but we should have absolutely strong evidence that the person committed it and he wasn't forced to take this guilt, such things can take place in future," Patriarch Kirill believes.

The Primate reminded that the church tradition does not condemn or refuse death penalty, Christ Himself "was crucified, He went through death penalty, but He has never said that criminals shouldn't be executed and holy fathers don't say it either. Rejection of death penalty is not the result of Christian tradition, but the result of a new liberal philosophic idea that appeared in West European space," he said.


The church tradition does not condemn or refuse the death penalty, Christ Himself was crucified, He went through the death penalty, but He has never said that criminals shouldn't be executed and holy fathers don't say it either. Rejection of the death penalty is not the result of Christian tradition, but the result of a new liberal philosophic idea that appeared in West European space. - Patriarch Kirill of Moscow


Russia's Patriarch Reminds the World: Pacifism is NOT a Christian Ideology

“Christianity has nothing to do with the so-called ideology of pacifism. Christ talked about the virtues of forgiveness, love for enemies and of not repaying evil with evil as one’s personal achievement and one’s inner spiritual work,”

His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, stressed that Christianity and the ideology of non-resistance are not the same thing. It is essential to resist evil, but in a way so that evil does not seize us, he said.

“Christianity has nothing to do with the so-called ideology of pacifism. Christ talked about the virtues of forgiveness, love for enemies and of not repaying evil with evil as one’s personal achievement and one’s inner spiritual work,” noted the Patriarch on Monday, January 27 during the plenary meeting of the XXVIII Christmas Readings.

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church continued, saying that meanwhile “pacifism … calls for renouncing resistance to evil at the social and state level, jeopardizing the system of social relations and principles of justice and civil accord”.

“And when people unwittingly and meekly accept evil, agree with it and bow their heads before it, it inevitably wins,” His Holiness Patriarch Kirill added.

“It is impossible to end wars in a world filled with hatred and anger. But we must resist evil so that this evil does not capture us, does not enslave our consciousness, does not blind our hearts with hatred, cruelty, and recklessness,” concluded the Patriarch.

The evangelical commandment of "non-resistance to evil" teaches humility and generosity in personal matters, and not limpness of will, not cowardice, not treachery and not obedience to evildoers. – Ivan Ilyin


"In calling to love our enemies, Christ had in mind personal enemies of man, not God's enemies, and not blaspheming molesters, for them drowning with a millstone around their neck was recommended. Urging to forgive injuries, Christ was referring to personal insults to a person, not all possible crimes; no one has the right to forgive the offenses suffered by others or provide for the villains to offend the weak, corrupt children, desecrate churches and destroy the Fatherland. So therefore a Christian is called not only to forgive offenses, but to fight the enemies of God's work on earth. The evangelical commandment of "non-resistance to evil" teaches humility and generosity in personal matters, and not limpness of will, not cowardice, not treachery and not obedience to evildoers." - Ivan Ilyin


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