Sunday, February 2, 2020


            We, the members of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, will write this open letter to Rhonda Fields and her family in memory of her son, Javad Fields on his birthday. We write this open letter in love. 

It was deeply distressing and disturbing for me to watch my daughter tell her story while testifying in opposition of # SB100 to repeal the death penalty. My beloved, I’ll take if from here, second readings on Thursday, January 30th around 9:30 am. [PHOTO SHARED]

Dear Rhonda Fields and family,

            Let us begin by telling you that we are sorry for the lost of your son and his fiancé. Our group Unit 1012, also consists of murder victims’ families, so we walk in your shoes. We remember murder victims’ families every year on National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims and also on Tree of Angels during the Christmas Season. If you see this album, we remember them on those events. 

            We offer our most heartfelt and sincere condolences and we will never forget Javad and Vivian. We care for victims and their families regardless of race and country. We encourage you to remember how Javad and Vivian lived on this earth and not how they died. As this quote encourages you all:

"So long as we live, they too shall live and love for they are a part of us as we remember them." - Gates of Prayer

            We respect you, Rhonda Fields for being a brave politician in standing up for Victims’ Rights. You are a good mother that will always fight for justice for your son and his fiancée. The same goes to Maisha who will do the same for her brother. We wish the Memorial Fund all the best with great success!

Retaining the Death Penalty:

            Rhonda, we know that you were a former opponent of the death penalty, but changed after the murder of your son. One of our members, was a former death penalty opponent but changed his mind too, he founded Unit 1012: The VFFDP, to show support for murder victims’ families.

            We want to give you some suggestions and advice on how to retain the death penalty in your state, Colorado but first, do see this meme.

People think that I'm really into politics Nope! I hate politics! But I hate lies and distortions of the truth even more I hate seeing the media act as an arm of the leftist progressive movement manipulating the populous with propaganda and false unproven ideology I'm not into politics I'm concerned for humanity The Pacification of Humanity.

            Regardless of whether you are a Democrat or Republican, we still love you and support you. Let us not use politics to divide us, though sadly, the Democrat Party wants to repeal capital punishment, though there are also Democrats who support the death penalty, like Tom Sullivan and retired Oregon Prosecutor, Joshua Marquis.

            Here are our suggestions:

“The fiercest serpent may be overcome by a swarm of ants.” - Isoroku Yamamoto
Statement in opposition of the planned construction of the Yamato class battleships, as quoted in Scraps of paper: the disarmament treaties between the world wars (1989) by Harlow A. Hyde. In this statement, Yamamoto implies that even the most powerful battleships can be sunk by a huge swarm of carrier planes. This remark also proved prophetic as both Yamato and Musashi would be sunk by overwhelming air attacks.

1. “The fiercest serpent may be overcome by a swarm of ants.” - Isoroku Yamamoto

            We believe that teamwork can be successful in achieving our goals, like the army of ants that overwhelmed the fierce serpent that invaded its territory. Our goal is to fight for the defense of capital punishment and fight crime.

In relation to the verdict of Tbilisi City Court, a peaceful protest rally named Don't Kill Me is planned to be held at the Chief Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia in Ortachala District at 7 pm. Majority of the society slammed Prosecutor’s Office for the decision and expressed its support toward the family of the killed school boy.

            For example, From May 31 to June 11, 2018: A wave of demonstrations starts in the streets of Tbilisi to protest a perceived miscarriage of justice following the killing of two teenagers in a street brawl in December. The protests continue sporadically until June 11, when the police dismantle camps erected by the protesters in front of the parliament building in Tbilisi. Georgia's chief prosecutor Irakli Shotadze resigns over the case, while the government establishes a special parliamentary fact-finding commission chaired by an opposition politician.

We, the members of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, do admire the father of the murdered teenager, Zaza Saralidze, who led thousands of people to protest against this injustice done to his son.

A similar case in India like the 2012 Delhi Gang Rape, angry demonstrations by tens of thousands of people broke out across the vast South Asian nation, sparking soul-searching about the plight of Indian women and leading to heavier sentences for sex crimes.

The case sparked protests across India, garnered international media attention, and prompted lawmakers to toughen penalties for sex crimes

Even the Hangman, Pawan Kumar said:

'The people who are going to die are like beasts, not humans,' the third-generation hangman and father-of-seven said in his tiny flat in the northern town of Meerut. 'They are cruel people and that's why they are going to lose their lives,' the 54-year-old said.

From left: State Rep. Tom Sullivan, a Centennial Democrat, and state Sen. Rhonda Fields, an Aurora Democrat. Sullivan’s son, Alex, was murdered in the 2012 Aurora theater shooting and Fields’ son, Javad, and his fiancee, Vivian Wolfe, were killed in a 2005 shooting. Both Sullivan and Fields are against repealing the death penalty. (Photos by Kathryn Scott, Special to The Colorado Sun)

            We strongly suggest you get Tom Sullivan and George Brauchler and any politician that is for capital punishment to speak out and not keep silent. We recommend getting your daughter, Maisha and your family members to speak out and protest like the Georgians, Indians and Israeli as Mark Shields said:

There is always strength in numbers. The more individuals or organizations that you can rally to your cause, the better. - Mark Shields

2. Let the people vote, politicians do not represent the public.

            In this blog post, BELARUS AND POLAND STAND AGAINST THE EU

            We will present two countries, Belarus and Poland who stand against the EU when the Marxist Empire told them to go soft on criminals.

            The quote about disliking politics but caring for humanity, applies to us here. We do not endorse Lukashenko as a political figure or here to discuss politics. However, we agree that he is right by allowing his citizens to vote for capital punishment in a referendum.

            The quote about disliking politics but caring for humanity, applies to us here. We do not endorse Lukashenko as a political figure or here to discuss politics. However, we agree that he is right by allowing his citizens to vote for capital punishment in a referendum.

 A group calling itself the Men’s Defence of Jasna Góra (Męska Obrona Jasnej Góry) was one among other groups standing bodily in the paths to the shrine while police lined the marchers’ official route, keeping them far from the children’s event.

            The lesson here is this, if we allow politicians to vote, they will not listen to the public at all. 

3. We need to tell truth, in Unit 1012: The VFFDP, we expose the fact that once the death penalty is abolished, LWOP will be their next target.

If you see this article by Shari Silberstein, ‘Ending the Death Penalty Is One Step Toward Ending Mass Incarceration By Shari Silberstein’

            Only last year on December 23, 2019, Coloradan Governor, Jared Polis granted Commutation To Erik Jensen, Convicted In Murder Of Julie Ybanez

DENVER (CBS4) — Gov. Jared Polis announced pardons for five people and commutations for three others on Monday — including Erik Jensen. Jensen was convicted of first-degree murder in the 1998 death of Julie Ybanez of Highlands Ranch. Jensen said he helped his friend, Nathan Ybanez, clean up the crime scene after Ybanez killed his mother.

Ybanez claimed he was being abused. Jensen said he did not participate in the killing but he was convicted of murder under the state’s complicity theory. Jensen was 17 at the time of the crime and Ybanez was 16.

In 1999, Jensen was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole for criminal conspiracy to first degree murder, 24 years for first degree murder and six years for criminal accessory to first degree murder. Then in 2012 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that mandatory sentences of life without the possibility of parole for juveniles are unconstitutional.

In 2019, Jensen was resentenced to life with the possibility of parole after 40 years.

“Erik went in when he was a juvenile,” said Curtis Jensen, Erik’s father. “He has served 5 more years in prison than he was alive before he got into prison.”

Gov. John Hickenlooper commuted the sentence of Ybanez, the man who actually committed the murder, but did not commute Jensen’s sentence. Ybanez could be released in 2020.

While in prison, Jensen got his G.E.D. and an associates degree. He also started a CrossFit program for inmates to help combat addiction. He is considered a model prisoner.

“I think that a lot of them, like Erik and the people that he works with in there, should be given a second chance,” said Curtis Jensen. “They should be given a second look.”

The commutation issued by Gov. Polis means Jensen will now be released in a matter of weeks.

“The commutations announced today include immediate parole eligibility and mandatory parole on March 1, 2020,” the governor’s office stated.

“Clemencies are a tremendous responsibility given to a governor that can change a person’s life,” said Gov. Polis. “These decisions were not taken lightly and were made after careful consideration of each individual case. These are people looking for a second chance and the opportunity to move beyond the mistakes from their past. They have taken important steps to turn their lives around and shown remorse for their actions.”
The governor also granted commutations for two other individuals: William Hoover Jr., and Abron Arrington.

Pardons were also granted to Ingrid LaTorre, Eric Edelstein, John Furniss, Brandon Burke, and Jamie Matthews.

“The pardons restore rights and remove limitations that result from criminal convictions.”


Dear Rhonda Fields and families,

            The three suggestions we give, we recommend you should use. We must not stop the fight. We will not forget your son and keep you in prayers.

Colorado's best-known supporter of capital punishment waiting to address death penalty repeal bill




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