Sunday, January 19, 2020


New York is ringing in the New Year with major criminal justice reforms:
11:44 AM - 28 Dec 2019

Everybody knows that Helen Prejean fights to end the death penalty, the above post she twitted about proves that she is for the rights for Criminals and none for victims of crimes. The next time when you hear her and her followers mention that they care for Victims’ families, remember this post. She had lied to you all, truth is she was happy with the 2019 New York Bail Reform.

We, the comrades of Unit 1012, are truly well aware that once the death penalty is abolished, the ACLU will want to end LWOP. The death penalty is now declared unconstitutional in New York, now the murder victims’ families are pleading with the parole boards not to release their loved ones’ killers. This incident proves what we mean.

A group of people attend a rally to voice their opino of the bail reform law in front of the H. Lee Dennison building in Hauppauge on Tuesday. Credit: Newsday/Steve Pfost

On January 14, 2020, Long Islanders with loved ones killed in crimes ranging from murder to drunken driving rallied in Hauppauge, New York against the state’s new bail reform law, a measure advocates considered overdue but viewed by police and prosecutors as a danger to public safety. Did you see Helen Prejean going over and help those victims advocate, when she claims she can provide ‘better’ solutions for murder victims’ families? No, in fact, she remained silent. 

 It's unilaterally true that it costs more to maintain the death penalty than the alternatives to it, and we can leverage more resources to victims families. We can do all sorts of creative ways of healing the pain that people have done by channeling the energy and resources to other more redemptive forms of justice. – Shane Claiborne

The above quote from one of her followers, Shane Claiborne is just a convenient propaganda tool, irrelevant to the true objective: truth is they want their criminals to live and be free.

            Here are some quotes from Prisoner Rights activists:

1. Many abolitionists love saying: “Our opposition to the death penalty (or any punishment like LWOP) does not mean that we do not care for the murder victims and their families.”

2. “The Death Penalty should be replaced with LWOP where the murderers will never be released.”

3. “The money saved from pursuing the death penalty (and LWOP) can be used to provide money for victims’ services.”

REBUTTAL TO QUOTE 1 AND 2: OH REALLY? we did not see any Prisoner Rights organization mention any murder victims’ families’ names. We did not hear any of them from those criminal rights organization attend candlelight vigil. We notice, that not a single criminal rights activist showed their outrage by protesting the inhumane parole of the killers, they remain silent.

As Ayaan Hirsi Ali said: 

Some things must be said, and there are times when silence becomes an accomplice to injustice. - Ayaan Hirsi Ali

REBUTTAL TO QUOTE 3: Whenever an Anti-Death Penalty campaigner claim that capital punishment is more expensive than LWOP, please keep in mind, they are the reason why the death penalty system is expensive. If they claim that the money saved can be used for victims’ services, why not help fight for the end of the inhumane parole. Truth is ‘expensive’ is a word use to manipulate the public in order to leave criminals unpunished. Do not be surprise, as they are also complaining that mass incarceration and victims’ rights services are also expensive and need to be abolished too.

We, the comrades of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, who truly have compassion for murder victims and their families, will not only remember the victim but we will encourage people to support the victim’s rights activist to fight the murderers’ release. 

 A woman holds up a sign with ‘Too many terrorists in prison’ written on one side and ‘Kill them all’ written on the other during a rally in Tel Aviv on April 19, 2016 to support Elor Azaria. (Photo: Jack Guez/AFP)


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