Thursday, November 14, 2019


People are more than the worst thing they have ever done in their lives. – Helen Prejean
Explaining her opposition to the death penalty. As quoted in: N.Y. Times Magazine, May 9, 1993

People are more than the worst thing they have ever done in their lives.
Explaining her opposition to the death penalty. As quoted in: N.Y. Times Magazine, May 9, 1993

            The above quote by Helen Prejean, was quoted in N.Y. Times Magazine, May 9, 1993, where she explained her opposition to the death penalty. This infamous quote was used by her to give an excuse why guilty murderers should not be put to death. Sadly, this quote has been used by people who want to end mass incarceration as an excuse on why criminals cannot be locked up forever. (1)

Pennywise vs. the Joker: It’s Bill Skarsgard Compares and Contrasts His Terrifying Performance to Heath Ledger's
"He's not even human, he's just pure evil," Skarsgard says of Pennywise

            We, the comrades of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, who stand up for the rights of crime victims can prove Prejean how wrong she is. If you notice that not one Prisoner Rights activist ever dare to mention about recidivist murderers because it is too embarrassing for them to talk about it.

            Take the case of Albert Flick.       

Albert Flick was convicted of killing Kimberly Dobbie, 48, years after he murdered his wife
On this date, August 9, 2019, Albert Flick, a 77-year-old man previously deemed "too old to be a threat" was sentenced to life in prison on for fatally stabbing a woman in front of her children, four decades after he was convicted of a nearly identical crime.

A judge who sentenced him for assaulting another woman said in 2010 that Flick would no longer represent a threat because of age by the time of his release in 2014. The judge disregarded the recommendation of the prosecutor and probation officer for a longer sentence.

"At some point, Mr. Flick is going to age out of his capacity to engage in this conduct, and incarcerating him beyond the time that he ages out doesn't seem to me to make good sense," Crowley said.

Albert Flick is a resident of Maine who was found guilty of two murders and two assaults. He has been in the news lately because of his most recent murder conviction. This conviction was handed to him after a judge stated years prior that at the age of 77 he was “too old to be dangerous.”

Judge Crowley must have probably followed Prejean’s infamous quote and wanted to give Flick a second chance. Sadly, another life is now lost.

Truth is Jesus Christ said in Mark 7 vs 20-23:

20 And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. 21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, 22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: 23 All these evil things come from within, and defile the man. - Mark 7:20-23 (KJV)
In conclusion, the case of Albert Flick (or any recidivist murderer) and the words of Jesus Christ shows that every human being on earth is totally depraved and we cannot say that, “People are more than the worst thing they have ever done in their lives.”, we should call them to repentance and condemn their evil deeds by punishing evildoers with death.

That’s why the Bible says evil company corrupts good morals. You’re colliding with these corrupt people. You know, you’re - I know you’re concerned about the future. You say, “What about my kids and the way the world is going? It’s going to get worse and worse and worse.” And it is, and the worse and worse that it’s going to get may be just a recycling of the kind of world that used to be. But what is the answer? The answer is that your kids, as well as you, are not to fear the pollution that’s outside of you, you’re to fear the pollution that is inside of you. – John MacArthur’s Sermon: The Inside Story on Defilement

“The sin of your nature, your original sin, is sufficient to sink you into torments, of which there will be no end. Therefore unless you receive the Spirit of Christ, you are reprobates, and you cannot be saved.” — George Whitefield

True conversion means turning not only from sin but also from depending on self-made righteousness. Those who trust in their own righteousness for conversion hide behind their own good works. This is the reason that self-righteous people are so angry with gospel preachers, because the gospel does not spare those who will not submit to the righteousness of Jesus Christ! — George Whitefield

1. Why America Needs to Break Its Addiction to Long Prison Sentences
Shorter sentences will end prison crowding and even reduce crime.

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