Sunday, November 24, 2019


                We will present two countries, Belarus and Poland who stand against the EU when the Marxist Empire told them to go soft on criminals.

A thug only understands you when you speak his language

Belarus President on possibility of abolishing death penalty
23:51, 12.11.2019
Region:World News
Theme: Politics
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko answered a question about a possibility to abolish capital punishment in Belarus as he attended a press conference in Vienna on 12 November, BelTA has learned.

“My answer is simple: this matter was decided at the referendum. Only a referendum can abolish capital punishment. We are moving in this direction,” the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stated that the European Union is demanding that Belarus abolish death penalty. “We cannot disregard this matter, to be honest. We often conduct opinion polls on death penalty. Nothing has changed since the referendum took place. Do we have to hold another referendum knowing that the abolition of capital punishment will be rejected by the public? I think this referendum will not make any sense. Therefore, we agreed with politicians in Brussels to start working on this matter together. We worked out some plan, a roadmap on interacting with the Belarusian society. We are moving towards it. Haste can only hurt this process,” the Belarusian leader said.

The head of state asked the journalist who raised this topic a rhetorical question about the attitude of Austrian people to capital punishment. “You do not know. This is the essence of your democracy, on the one hand. Before you demand something from someone and speculate on this matter, you need to know what your people think about it,” the Belarusian president said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that Austria maintains good relations with the United States of America and China. “Have you ever asked them the same question? I don't think so. Let it be another rhetorical question,” the Belarusian head of state added.

People think that I'm really into politics Nope! I hate politics! But I hate lies and distortions of the truth even more I hate seeing the media act as an arm of the leftist progressive movement manipulating the populous with propaganda and false unproven ideology I'm not into politics I'm concerned for humanity The Pacification of Humanity.

            The quote about disliking politics but caring for humanity, applies to us here. We do not endorse Lukashenko as a political figure or here to discuss politics. However, we agree that he is right by allowing his citizens to vote for capital punishment in a referendum.

            If you see cases like: 

High profile: Hundreds of those injured as well as relatives of the 15 people killed in the blast at Oktyabrskaya metro station packed the courtroom
Alyaksandr Asipovich struck 27-year-old Alesya Klimava (right) 77 times with a hammer and his fists in Babruysk city, Belarus while Krystsina Krushkina (left) died of stab wounds



Man is sentenced to death by firing squad for beheading an eight-month-old girl in Belarus in cahoots with the child's mother

            The public will sure want those heinous murderers to be put to death. Though we do not endorse Lukashenko as leader, we agree with his decision to let the public vote and not leave it to politicians, as like the EU who will not listen to the people.

            Please see the case of how EU was outrage when Poland introduced a bill to stop pedophilia. This proves that the EU is a Pro Criminal Marxist State.

 A group calling itself the Men’s Defence of Jasna Góra (Męska Obrona Jasnej Góry) was one among other groups standing bodily in the paths to the shrine while police lined the marchers’ official route, keeping them far from the children’s event.

Poland Passes Anti-Pedophilia Law

by Rodney Pelletier  •  •  October 17, 2019    20 Comments
Angry leftists claim it will prevent 'sex education'

WARSAW, Poland ( - Polish lawmakers are proposing a law criminalizing the sexualization of children.

On Wednesday Poland's ruling conservative Law and Justice party passed a law, called Stop Pedophilia, which criminalizes the promotion of underage sexual activity. It's now scheduled to go to a parliamentary committee to discuss specific ways it will be implemented.

The law also promotes the teaching of pro-life values in school along with abstinence and the evil of contraception use. It's intended to address the "limited autonomy" and the limited understanding of underage children regarding sexual grooming and sexualization.

Besides seeking to protect children against pedophilia, it also seeks to limit the exposure of minors to content stimulating their sexuality.

The bill was submitted to lawmakers in July, along with a petition signed by 300 thousand Polish citizens, asking to amend the criminal code in the Polish Constitution to increase legal protections for minors. It's a continuation of previous attempted legal reforms going back to 2004.

On the day parliament passed the law, leftist protesters dressed in black and red, the color used by violent leftist organization Antifa, stood outside parliament in Warsaw and in other cities in Poland. 

The protesters and leftist lawmakers assert the law will make sex education a criminal act, with protesters carrying signs saying, "Education protects against violence" and "Banning sex education is rape."

Leftist lawmakers also spoke out. Sociologist and leftist lawmaker Magdalena Biejat told protesters, "I have children who don't yet go to school. I would like to be able to talk to them one day about sex. This poorly written bill prevents me from doing so. It violates the Constitution."

She also declared, "We will form potential paedophile victims," adding the law "creates an environment in which children won't know how to say 'no' nor will they know when to say 'yes.' One where they won't be able to talk to teachers or doctors."

Anton Lawandowski, a spokesman and activist from the sex education organization the Ponton Group, commented, "The attempt to limit access to education is a direct attack on all of us," adding, "Many people I know who do sex education are scared to do our work despite the fact that it is a basic right of every person."

The Stop Pedophilia Project is promoted by the Polish pro-family group Ordo Iuris (OI) which continues to be under attack from leftist organizations who label it an "ultra-conservative Catholic fundamentalist network."

OI representatives deny that parents and educators will be unable to discuss sex with children and students. Nikodem Bernaciak commented, "Opposing the project as an alleged act on the prohibition of sex education can only prove the intentions of protest organizers who mistakenly equate sex education with sexualization of children."

Despite leftist protests, Poland is still a largely Catholic country with many of its citizens agreeing with more Christian-based legislation.

In September a law was shelved after massive public outcry when the mayor of Warsaw attempted to implement an aggressive document introducing LGBT themes to young school children in city schools. It included classes on homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality, in effect implementing the World Health Organization standards that include encouraging early childhood children to touch and sexually gratify themselves.

Wed Nov 20, 2019 - 9:14 pm EST
European Union opposes Polish bill to protect children from sex abuse

BRUSSELS, Belgium, November 20, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) ― Over 400 members of the European Parliament have voted to pass a resolution criticizing a Polish bill called “Stop Pedophilia” that seeks to protect minors from sexual abuse by adults.

The “Stop Pedofilii” bill seeks to make the incitement of minor children to sexual activity illegal in Poland. According to Euronews, the 471 MEPs who voted on November 14 to condemn Poland for the potential legislation were particularly concerned about the possibility of teachers and activists being sent to prison for promoting or approving underage sex.

That part of the bill states that “anyone who promotes or approves sexual intercourse or other sexual activity by a minor, in connection with performing the position, occupation, or performing activities related to upbringing, education, health care or care of minors, or operating on school premises or other educational or child care institution, is liable to imprisonment up to three years.”

The opening items in the bill stipulate fines, restricted liberty, or imprisonment for anyone who promotes or praises pedophile activity.

The age of consent in Poland is currently 15. According to the “” website,  anyone who has sex with a  child under 15, including another child under 15, in Poland can be charged with statutory rape.

Opponents of the bill described it as seeking to “criminalize sex education in Poland.” However, defenders of the bill said it was designed simply to stop adults from encouraging minors to have sex and to protect the right of parents to direct their children’s sexual education themselves.

Polish journalist Krystian Kratiuk told LifeSiteNews via email that the European Parliament’s resolution was an “obvious scandal.”

“The EU Parliament has no right to interfere in Poland's internal affairs, including its education system,” he said.

Kratiuk explained that the “Stop Pedofilii” bill was submitted by Polish citizens themselves. The Polish Constitution allows for the introduction of a bill by ordinary citizens as long as it is signed by a group of 100,000 or more Poles who have the right to vote. The “Stop Pedofilii” citizen’s project has been signed by 265,000 Polish voters.

“It’s curious that the Left in Brussels wants to intervene in a legislative process based on the will of citizens,” Kratiuk said.

“After all, what is this about? A citizens’ project that prohibits inciting minors to have sex!”

The journalist underscored that the bill is not a ban on all sexual education.

“If someone during a sex education lesson persuades minors to have sex, according to this project they should, of course, be punished, but this is absolutely not about banning sex education as such.”

An explanatory note attached to the “Stop Pedofilii” bill gives some historical context for the proposal. It says some sex education teachers have been promoting sexual activity, including homosexual acts and masturbation, to Polish children, thanks to sexual education standards for Europe composed by the World Health Organization and the German Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). These standards were introduced to Poland for the first time in 2013.

“According to the Standards, children of the age of 0–4 should learn information regarding masturbation and enjoying pleasure by touching their bodies,” the note states.

Apparently, the Standards also stipulate that children from the age of 4–6 are supposed to know how to express their own sexuality and sexual feelings as well as “take pleasure and joy in” masturbating. Children aged 6–9  must learn about sexual consent and different methods of intercourse and contraception. Children between 9 and 12 are supposed to learn how to use condoms, learn about their first sexual experiences, and receive information about orgasms. Children between 12 and 15 should be able to communicate about their own and their partners’ desires “in order to have safe and pleasant sex.”

“According to the Standards, at every step of development there is also intensive familiarizing of children with homosexuality,” the note adds.

Krystian Kratiuk sees the debate over the “Stop Pedofilii” bill as another battle between a left-leaning European Parliament determined to impose its worldview and a proud nation that cares deeply for its children.

“The Left dominates the EU Parliament,” he told LifeSiteNews.

“Although Poles were promised before they joined the EU that they would always be sovereign in worldview, the Left wants to decide from Brussels what Polish teachers teach Polish children,” he continued.

“Poles will never agree to this.”  

Kratiuk believes that his countrymen will particulary resent the attempts of MEPs to condemn a bill against pedophilia as an attempt to deprive people of their freedoms and their right to education.

However, he admits that there are Poles among the MEPs and activists who object to the “Stop Pedofilii” bill. Kratiuk told LifeSiteNews that left-wing Polish activists invite their “progressive colleagues from all over Europe” to Poland.

“They are common traitors to the Polish cause ― to Polish religious beliefs, to Polish tradition, and to the Polish family.”

Kratiuk is pessimistic about the chances that “Stop Pedofilii” will gain a majority vote in the Sejm, the lower house of Poland’s Parliament.

“MPs will probably ‘freeze’ it, just as they did with the citizens’ bill completely prohibiting abortion,” he said.

The journalist was referring to the “Stop Abortion” (“Zatrzymaj aborcję”) bill that was signed by more than 830,000 Polish citizens and supported by the Catholic Church. The bill seeks to outlaw the abortion of unborn children on the grounds that they are sick and disabled. Besides so-called “fetal abnormality,” the other circumstances under which abortion is permitted in Poland is if the unborn child is the result of a criminal act or poses a severe threat to the life or health of his mother. 

One hundred twenty-eight MEPs voted against the condemnation of the “Stop Pedofilii” Bill, and 57 abstained.

            We hope that both Belarus and Poland can stand against the EU like the Georgians do. We agree with Patrick Henry’s controversial (could be a misattributed quote):

“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.” 

            The government should listen to the people, not make their own decisions without consulting the public in a referendum.


European Union opposes Polish bill to protect children from sex abuse

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