Sunday, May 5, 2019


As May 5 is the birthday of one of the famous atheists and founder of Marxism, Karl Marx, we will post this article incident from 2018 where the EU President Jean Claude Juncker praised him on his 200th birthday. It is such a coincidence that May 5 is also Europe Day.

We, the comrades of Unit 1012, are truly well aware that the ACLU Demons work to end the death penalty and also abolish LWOP.

            We, the comrades of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, DO NOT TRUST them at all and we know that they are nothing but liars who value the lives of murderers and evildoers, with the plan on putting innocent people’s lives at risk of getting murdered.

            Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the founders of Marxism, both wanted to end the death penalty. Sadly, many people were influenced by their ideas. We will present these articles from Marxist to educate the public on one of the early pioneers of death penalty abolitionism. Most Marxists are Anti-Death Penalty campaigners. 

EU news: Jean-Claude Juncker angers US Congress with planned Karl Marx speech

'Speak the TRUTH!' Juncker sparks fury as he ignores '100 million dead' to celebrate Marx
JEAN-CLAUDE JUNCKER has provoked fury with his decision to travel to Germany to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of the ‘father of communism’ Karl Marx.
PUBLISHED: 10:37, Fri, May 4, 2018 | UPDATED: 10:45, Fri, May 4, 2018

The European Commission President will speak at an event in Trier, Germany, on Friday as the city, which is Marx’s birthplace, celebrates the Communist Manifesto author’s bicentenary.

Mr Juncker was slated for endorsing the “most destructive ideology in human history” and urged not to take part in the festivities.

Celebrations will include the unveiling of an 18-foot statue gifted to the town by China’s ruling Communist Party led by President Xi Jinping.

Mr Juncker’s presence at the event has attracted far-flung criticism, with members of the US Congress writing a letter which urges the EU Commission to remember the millions who suffered under communism.

US Representative Chris Smith wrote to Mr Juncker demanding he not attend the May 5 event.

Alongside other co-chairs of the Congressional Victims of Communism Caucus, Mr Smith said: “We strongly urge you not to appear or speak at the planned May 5 unveiling of the Karl Marx statue that the People’s Republic of China – a country that continues Marx’s legacy of repression and terror today – donated to the city of Trier.”

The Americans, however, insisted Mr Juncker should “speak the truth” about Marx and communism if he ignores their advise not to take part in the ceremony.

Citing an 1848 article from Marx which said “revolutionary terror” was necessary to create “the new society”, Mr Smith added: “Violence and Marxism go hand in hand.

“Marx’s defenders often say he cannot be held accountable for what communist regimes did long after his death.

“But, Marxist dictators who massacred their own people were applying communist ideology to political practice.

“Marxist regimes are responsible for murdering at least 100 million lives – 65 million in China, over 20 million in the Soviet Union and over two million in North Korea.

“Communism’s death toll is at least 100 million dead, making it the most destructive ideology in human history.”

The Americans’ letter also questioned Trier’s leaders for finally accepting Bejing’s offering of a statue to honour Marx.

Mr Smith and his colleagued concluded: “The city council of Trier’s decision to accept China’s Karl Marx statue is a direct insult to millions of European who suffered for half a century under Marxist dictatorships.”

A European Commission spokeswoman defending Mr Juncker, insisting refusal to speak at such an event would “come close to denying history”.

She said: “After decades of experience in politics at a national and European level, President Juncker is very well aware of the historical facts and sensitivities and whatever peoples’ views on Karl Marx.

“I think that nobody can deny that Karl Marx is a figure who shaped history in one way or another.

Photographs of the recent vandalism done to Karl Marx’s grave, uploaded by Highgate Cemetery twitter.

Karl Marx grave vandalised AGAIN - 'Architect of GENOCIDE' daubed on memorial
A MEMORIAL to Karl Marx at the cemetery in north London where the 19th century political philosopher is buried has been defaced for the second time in less than a fortnight - this time with red paint.

By Ciaran McGrath
PUBLISHED: 16:44, Sat, Feb 16, 2019 | UPDATED: 17:00, Sat, Feb 16, 2019

Earlier this month, the monument in Highgate cemetery, which is among British structures listed as being of exceptional historical interest, was damaged with a hammer. Pictures posted on Twitter by the cemetery on Saturday showed the marble gravestone daubed with political slogans. The words "Doctrine of Hate" and "Architect of Genocide" were daubed in red on the grave of Highgate Cemetery's most famous resident.

The latest episode follows a hammer attack on the monument in north London two weeks ago, which prompted the charity which runs the cemetery to lament that the memorial "will never be the same again".

A spokesman described the attack as “senseless, stupid and ignorant”, tweeting: “Whatever you think about Marx's legacy, this is not the way to make the point."

A plaque within the gravestone, bearing epitaphs to Marx, his wife and grandson, which was the object of the earlier hammer attack, was also daubed with red paint.

The German revolutionary socialist, author of "Das Kapital" and co-author of the "Communist Manifesto", lived in London from 1849 until his death in 1883.

His memorial has been attacked in the past with paint, and in 1970 an attempt was made to destroy it with a bomb.

The incident was the latest attack on memorials of historic interest in London.

Paint was splashed on a statue of wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill last month and on a sculpture commemorating the Royal Air Force's Bomber Command in London's Green Park.

Maxwell Blowfield said he was "quite shocked" to see the vandalism when he visited the cemetery on Saturday morning with his mother.

Mr Blowfield, 31, who works as a press officer with the British Museum, said it was particularly sad as tourists regularly visit the site.

He sad: "It's a highlight of the cemetery. "It's a shame.

‘The red paint will disappear, I assume, but to see that kind of level of damage and to see it happen twice, it's not good.

"I wouldn't like to say who or why someone did it but it was clearly someone very critical of Marx and that part of history.

“I am just surprised that somebody in 2019 feels they need to and do something like that."

Following the hammer attack on the marble plaque of the memorial on February 4, the Friends of Highgate Cemetery Trust said it was clearly a "deliberate and sustained attack".

Ian Dungavell, the trust's chief executive, said that incident of vandalism on the Grade I-listed monument, which puts it on a par with the most important buildings in the country, was "very upsetting".

The plaque was first used on the grave of Marx's wife, Jenny von Westphalen, in 1881 and was moved when the remains of Marx and his wife were exhumed and reinterred in a more prominent location in the cemetery in 1954.

The monument is owned by the Marx Grave Trust, which is represented by the Marx Memorial Library in Clerkenwell.

Police confirmed no arrests have been made over the February 4 attack.

“It would be very difficult, if not altogether impossible, to establish any principle upon which the justice or expedience of capital punishment could be founded in a society glorying in its civilization.”

Karl Marx's birthday on May 5 is conicidentally on Europe Day (May 5). Most probably that is why those EU are so Anti DP....

10/10 World Day against the #DeathPenalty: “It would be very difficult, if not altogether impossible, to establish any principle upon which the #justice or expedience of capital #punishment could be founded in a #society glorying in its civilization.” [Karl Marx] #HeSaid

“It would be very difficult, if not altogether impossible, to establish any principle upon which the justice or expediency of capital punishment could be founded, in a society glorying in its civilization. Punishment in general has been defended as a means either of ameliorating or of intimidating. Now what right have you to punish me for the amelioration or intimidation of others?... Now, what a state of society is that, which knows of no better instrument for its own defense than the hangman, and which proclaims through the ‘leading journal of the world’ its own brutality as eternal law?”
- Karl Marx: “Capital Punishment” (January 1853)


The forgotten victims of Communism, they forfeited their lives to tell us a tragic story! (VIDEO SHARED)

Protests as China's Karl Marx statue unveiled in German city of Trier

New York celebrates his 200th birthday…

Titan of Terror: The left-wing acolytes who say Karl Marx can't be blamed for the millions slaughtered in his name are deluded - bloodshed was at the heart of his philosophy

Is Religion Evil? BY Alister McGrath

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