Friday, April 5, 2019


Ronen Lubarsky
(5 April 1998 to 26 May 2018)

            Let us not forget Ronen Lubarksy and all Israeli victims of terror. We will remember him on 5 April and 26 May every year. 

Ronen Lubarsky
(5 April 1998 to 26 May 2018)

Ronen Lubarsky

We are deeply pained by the death of Ronen Lubarsky, 20, who was killed in an IDF operation in the al-Am’ari refugee camp near Ramallah. During the arrest raid, terrorists dropped a heavy slab of marble from a third story window. The marble struck Ronen on his head, shattering his helmet.

Ronen arrived at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem’s intensive care unit in critical condition. Two days later, on May 26, Ronen succumbed to his wound.

Ronen was a member of the elite Duvdevan unit in the IDF. The unit was sent to arrest members of a terror cell who were planning shooting attacks against Israel. “You died the death of a hero in an operation to defend the people of Israel,” said Duvdevan Unit Commander Lieutenant Colonel A.

“You took part in many operations to hunt down terrorists and you were at the forefront of the IDF against terror in Judea and Samaria. Nevertheless, you did all this modestly and professionally,” he added.

Ronen’s brother Eric eulogized him at his funeral. “Dear brother, tell me, how did we reach this situation? Although you were so modest, and I am nothing compared to you, I will now become a much better person thanks to you. Everyone is talking about you, everyone loves you. You are such a hero, such a champ. You always fought,” he said.

“Wherever you heard no, you said yes, and you were better than anyone,” he continued. “In school, in soccer, in your studies, in Krav Maga, and finally in the IDF. And I’m certain that you chose this moment too. I have no doubt about it. I know you didn’t suffer and I’m very proud of you.

Ronen Lubarsky, an IDF soldier from the Duvdevan unit who died on May 26, 2018 after being critically injured by a slab thrown on his head two days earlier (Courtesy)

Ronen Lubarsky

May 26, 2018: Ronen Lubarsky, 20, was an Israeli soldier who was severely injured Thursday morning while invading a Palestinian refugee camp, when Palestinians dropped a stone slab on his head from the roof of a third-story building. On Saturday, Ronen died of his wounds.

The incident took place at the al-Am’ari refugee camp near Ramallah, in the central part of the West Bank.

After his death, Israeli authorities quickly mobilized to put together a patriotic funeral that same evening. Hundreds of people attended, including Ronen’s brother, who gave a eulogy in which he said, “Wild animals were waiting for you on the rooftops. I pray to God that our leaders, who I love, will do something about it.” By ‘wild animals’, he was referring to Palestinians.

The funeral was a military service, which took place on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem on Saturday night.
Ronen was a member of the ‘Duvdevan unit’ of the Israeli army, known for its extrajudicial assassinations of Palestinian suspects.

The head of the unit praised Ronen during the service, saying that he had “participated in a great number of operations to capture terrorists”

After the stone slab fell on Ronen Thursday morning, he was rushed to the hospital, where he remained in critical condition until his death on Saturday.

The refugee camp that he was invading, along with other members of his unit, was put under a 24-hour curfew in the days following his injury, with no one allowed to leave or enter. But Israeli soldiers have until now been unable to identify or apprehend the suspects who, they claim, pushed the stone slab off the roof onto Ronen.

Ronen was from Rehovot. Source: IMEMC

The bereaved family of Ronen Lubarsky

'Only the terrorist's death can save soldiers' lives'
Family of soldier Ronen Lubarsky, killed during recent operation, demands military advocate seek death penalty for Ronen's murderer.
Yoni Kempinski, 03/07/18 13:30

The family of Ronen Lubarsky, a soldier from the elite Duvdevan unit who was murdered by a terrorist during an operation a month-and-a-half ago, held a press conference Tuesday together with the "Bochrim Bechayim” (“Choosing Life") forum of bereaved families and demanded that the Military Advocate General apply the death penalty for the terrorist who murdered Ronen.

"The terrorist who murdered Ronen comes from a terrorist family, four brothers in prison and another brother was killed during an arrest," said Vladimir Lubarsky, the bereaved father of Ronen. “The terrorist himself had previously been imprisoned for terrorism and planned to carry out this attack after being freed.”

"The family receives millions in support from the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reason for this terrorist to enjoy 5-star prison conditions and to serve as a bargaining chip in transactions. He needs to be sentenced to death. Only that will ensure that he does not return to murder and encouraging murder," Vladimir added.

Arik Lubarsky, Ronen's brother, added: "I was asked what I think about the idea that the IDF has to win rather than be moral. I do not understand why there is a contradiction. It is immoral that murderers enjoy salaries, the conditions of a hotel in prison, praise and honor in the PA, which aspires to be a state next to us. After that, they get out of prison and return to murder. This is immoral. The IDF and the State of Israel must finish it - this is moral."

Col. (res.) Morris Hirsch, former legal adviser for Judea and Samaria, presented data on the funds transferred to terrorists. "Ronen's murder is the result of the wild incitement and glorification of the family of the murderer by senior PA officials, in addition to the millions of shekels paid by the PA to the family only because the family murdered Jews."

Devorah Gonen and Boaz Kokia, bereaved parents and heads of the "Choosing Life" forum of bereaved families, added that "Palestinian terrorists can be sentenced to death and there is no need for special legislation, only the will and determination of the judicial and security systems.”

"The recent case of the late Ronen Lubarsky is a clear case in which the death penalty is required. This will save many lives in the future. An Israeli terrorist who murders an Israeli soldier or civilian - this is a betrayal of his country," they stressed.

Activists from Im Tirtzu hang signs across Jerusalem calling for the death penalty for terrorists in wake of murder of Ori Ansbacher.

Bereaved brother demands death penalty for terrorist
Brother of Ronen Lubasrky, killed when terrorist threw a marble block at his head: family of terrorist has received NIS 4 million from PA.
Benny Toker, 04/07/18 18:22

Arik Lubarsky, the brother of Duvdevan soldier Ronen Lubarsky, who was murdered in an operation in a refugee camp in Judea and Samaria when a terrorist threw a marble block at his head, revealed in an interview with Arutz Sheva that the Lubarsky family seeks the death penalty for the terrorist who killed his brother.

"Tomorrow he will be indicted, and we intend to be there to demand the death penalty. This is possible in a military court. It is the right sentence, and we hope that it will be possible," he said.

Lubarsky also referred to the bill to offset the salaries of terrorists from the Palestinian Authority. "In the family of the terrorist who murdered my brother, there are four terrorists who have received NIS 4 million from the PA to date. While we lost the most precious of all, they continue to murder and receive money from the Authority."

The bereaved brother also appealed to the Finance Minister to demand that the State of Israel cancel its support for Amnesty International. "My brother has given his life for the sake of the State of Israel, and the State of Israel chooses to finance the Amnesty organization, which calls my brothers and friends war criminals and tries to put them on trial in The Hague. I call for depriving Amnesty of the funding under the Boycott Law. Otherwise we are giving money to persecute our soldiers."

Liberman at party meet attended by forum members Hezki Baruch

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