Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Every year on January 20 and February 12, we will honor and remember Bipsy Amiran who was born on January 20, 1982 and she died on February 12, 2009. We will remember how she lived and not how she died. We hope her story will be an encouragement for those who want to change their lives for the better. She will now belong to one of the 26 Christian Martyrs of Unit 1012

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
- John 11 verse 25 (KJV)

A Prayer for Bipsy Amirian

Dearest Father God, we know and acknowledge you as Source.

We hold ourselves as one with you, in a unity which flows through us and all creation. In our faith of this holy union, we step up to our declaration that Bipsy is whole, healed, and complete. We connect with that which is Divine in all of us and jointly extend our compassion to Bipsy and all those who love her, and whom she loves.

We assert that there is nothing in creation that can succeed in assaulting the Divine, and that our faith lives in the invisible realm of Spirit, bringing forth physical manifestation all around us. In this faith, for those of us who believe in Jesus, we ask in His name. For those of us otherwise connected, we call upon our love of God to sustain us all in a unity of Light and compassion.

We deliver her into your divine hands, for there is nowhere else with greater healing and compassion. Having delivered her to Your care, we release our prayer and intention to Your vast heart, and align ourselves with Divine Highest Good. Knowing that it is now done, we enter into gratitude, giving thanks for all now being well. Amen.


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