Sunday, August 19, 2018


The Governor of Nebraska, Pete Ricketts received the Rayner Goddard Act of Courage Award from the comrades of Unit 1012. He favors the use of the death penalty and is working to retain it in his state.

We have watched him fight for justice and the death penalty in Nebraska and want him to know that he has encouraged victims' families and leaders worldwide. We honor and respect him. We hope that more judges and government officials will follow their courageous character. 

            We, the comrades of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, send our utmost thanks and congratulation to Governor Pete Ricketts. He is our hero in showing his care and love for the murdered victims’ families. We wish that more leaders can take his leadership example and follow it. We will pray for him all the way.  

Ricketts: State will move forward with execution
CHRIS DUNKER Lincoln Journal Star
Aug 8, 2018

Gov. Pete Ricketts on Wednesday said he expects the state’s Department of Corrections will carry out the execution of Nebraska’s longest serving death row inmate on schedule next week.

“I’m not aware of anything that will delay the execution,” Ricketts said Wednesday after acknowledging a lawsuit filed Tuesday by a pharmaceutical company seeking to prevent Nebraska from using its drugs as part of a lethal injection.

“Our plan is to continue to move forward,” Ricketts added.

Carey Dean Moore, sentenced to death for the 1979 slayings of Omaha cab drivers Reuel Van Ness Jr. and Maynard Helgeland, would be the first Nebraska inmate to be executed since 1997.

Last week, Pope Francis changed the Catholic Church’s stance on capital punishment, calling it “inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person.”

Protesters gathered outside of St. Margaret Mary Parish in Omaha, where Ricketts is a parishioner, on Sunday, 12 days before Moore’s scheduled execution date of Aug. 14.

Ricketts said he wasn’t bothered by the protests or the communication appealing to his faith, saying he swore an oath to uphold the constitution and laws of the Nebraska.

He also said he doesn’t have any control over the decisions made by the church or its officials, but that his "conscience is that we need to have capital punishment in this state."

“There’s a number of people expressing their difference of opinion with regard to this, but the people of Nebraska have been very clear,” the governor said.

A statewide referendum in 2016, funded in part by $300,000 of the governor's personal money, reinstated the death penalty in Nebraska a year after the Legislature had abolished it over a veto from Ricketts.

The repeal of the death penalty was rejected by a 61 to 39 percent margin, which Ricketts called “absolute proof” of the state’s will to protect citizens, law enforcement and corrections officers and even other inmates.

“The people of Nebraska spoke loud and clear that they wanted to retain capital punishment as part of our overall state laws to protect public safety,” Ricketts said. “Our job is to carry that out.”

Alexander Nevsky in prayer before going into battle.


God shields the Governor and his family/allies with His wings and He shelters all of them with His feathers. His faithful promises are Governor Pete Ricketts armor and protection. No evil shall befall him. No weapons brandished against him shall succeed. A thousand may fall at his side and ten thousand around him, but evil cannot come near him nor touch him. Every scheme and plan is being brought into the light swiftly. What is being done in the darkness is being shouted from the rooftops. No stone will go unturned. Governor Pete Ricketts will live a long life and all will be well with him. He will prosper in his governing role over Nebraska and Nebraska is prospering as a result. The blood of Jesus covers him while he remains hidden in Christ.

We bind every assassination & death spirit and we command the life and power of Jesus Christ. We strike the plans of the enemy with confusion and we strike them with blindness. We decree VICTORY over Governor Pete Ricketts. VICTORY VICTORY VICTORY in the mighty name of Jesus. We command the heavenly hosts and most powerful warrior angels to go forth now and seize those enemies. Amen.


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