Sunday, March 11, 2018


            We the comrades of Unit 1012, send our condolences to Michal Salomon and her family members. We pray the Israeli Government will get the death penalty approved. 

Michal Salomon Hillel Maeir/TPS

Halamish widow infuriated terrorist did not get death penalty
'I thought this murder shocked the country. Slowly, it dawned on me that they didn't really mean it.'
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Tzvi Lev, 16/02/18 00:15

Michal Salomon says she is infuriated that the terrorist who killed her husband, sister, and father last summer during a family event was not sentenced to death on Thursday.

"I think justice would have been done if he got the death penalty but we saw that there was no majority, so apparently justice was not done," Solomon said after the terrorist was sentenced to four life sentences.

Salomon said she had lobbied several senior government officials in hope of getting the death penalty to no avail. "Everyone told me - the State of Israel does not support the death penalty," she recalled.

“Terrorists are inciting, and want to kick us out of here. I promise they won’t be successful.” – Benjamin Netanyahu

Salomon said she remembers Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit during the shiva mourning period and how he promised to support the death penalty for the terrorist. "The truth is, I really thought it would happen, really had a thought that this murder would shock the country," Salomon told Channel 2. "Slowly I realized that they didn't really mean it."

Salomon strongly denounced Israel's decision not to seek the death penalty, contending that it harmed the country's deterrence and led to more terrorism. "Even after our (family's) murder, which is considered a very shocking murder, there are already new widows and orphans, and nothing has changed," charged the widow.

The Salomon family members Elad (36), his sister Chaya (46), and his father Yosef (70) were slaughtered by 19-year-old Omar al-Abed as the family ate their Friday night dinner at Yosef's home in Neve Tzuf last year.

“It would be better to drown these prisoners in the Dead Sea if possible, since that's the lowest point in the world.” - Avigdor Lieberman

Immediately after the murder, a long string of influential politicians promised that one responsible would be put to death. "The death penalty for terrorists –- it’s time to implement it in severe cases," said Netanyahu. "The death sentence is the only appropriate punishment for such a despicable act. I call on the judges to demonstrate courage and hand down a death sentence to this terrorist," added Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman.

Widow of victim in Halamish terror attack asks for death penalty of perpetrator
02/16/2018 4:50:43 AM Written by i24NEWS

The widow says she hoped Netanyahu actually meant it when he promised death penalty during a visit in Halamish

Yosef Salomon, 70, his daughter Chaya Salomon, 46, seen at a recent family celebration. They were stabbed to death on July 21, 2017 in Halamish Courtesy

The widow of a victim of a terror attack carried out in the Israeli settlement of Halamish last summer criticized the government for not having delivered on a death penalty law then promised to her by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.
"Justice hasn't been done. You cannot really get justice as you cannot return those who were slain by the terrorist to life. With death penalty, maybe we could have gone close to justice.

But we saw that, unfortunately, death penalty did not get a majority (of votes by judges). So justice was not made," she told Israeli television.

The Palestinian terrorist responsible for the murder of three members of the Salomon family in the West Bank settlement of Halamish in July 2017 has been granted four life sentences by a military court on Wednesday.

Omar al-Abed, 19, was convicted of three counts of murder which claimed the lives Yosef Salomon, 70 his daughter Chaya, 46 and his son Elad, 36. The fourth charge was in relation to his attempted murder of Tova, Yosef’s wife.

He was also ordered to pay the family a sum of NIS 1.8 million in compensation.

Al-Abed from the nearby village of Kaubar, broke into the family's home in the Jewish settlement of Halamish last summer and stabbed four members of the family as they as they sat down to a traditional Sabbath dinner to celebrate the birth of a new grandchild in the family.

"When Prime Minister Netanyahu came to see as as we were mourning our dears, I actually believed him when he said he was going to impose the death penalty," the widow said.

"But we soon realized that that murder was not going to shake Israel like we hoped, (the death penalty) just did not happen", she told to Israeli television on the day of the trial.

In their verdict, the judges described considering the death penalty for the defendant, who reportedly smiled as the survivors spoke recounted the terror attack at the trial.

"We call on the authorities not to order the release of the terrorist in any future deal," the judges also wrote.

Omar Al-Abed was shot and subdued by a neighbor, an IDF soldier on weekend leave, who heard the family's screams.

Al-Abed reportedly told investigators that he had purchased a knife two days before and was waiting to commit a terror attack in response to the crisis surrounding the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount compound.

"What's my life worth when Al-Aqsa is being desecrated," the 19 year-old wrote on Facebook hours before carrying out the attack, in reference to the mosque located in the flashpoint compound.

"All of us are the sons of Palestine and the sons of al-AQsa," the post read. "You, sons of monkeys and pigs, if you do not open the gates of Al-Aqsa, I am sure that others will follow me and will hit you with an iron fist. I am warning you.”

A woman holds up a sign with ‘Too many terrorists in prison’ written on one side and ‘Kill them all’ written on the other during a rally in Tel Aviv on April 19, 2016 to support Elor Azaria. (Photo: Jack Guez/AFP)

In January the Israeli parliament gave preliminary approval to a bill making it easier for "terrorists" to be sentenced to death.

The bill, approved 52-49, would ease the requirements military courts must meet to sentence those convicted of "terrorist" crimes to death was it to be voted through Parliament until the last step.

Israel has not carried out any executions since 1962, when Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann was sentenced to death in a trial that inspired Hannah Arendt's "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil".

Previously, only officer Meir Tobianski from the newly born Israeli army was sentenced to death in Israel, after being accused of spying for the enemy in 1948.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voted in favor of the legislation, saying it was necessary in extreme cases, but it requires three more votes in parliament to become law.

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