Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Israeli Death Penalty Advocates Win Preliminary Vote in Parliament (January 3, 2018)

"Some weeks ago I went to comfort the Solomon family," Netanyahu said, referring to a terror attack on a family in their home in the settlement of Halamish during a Shabbat meal, which killed three. "The family, which had survived the horrible attack, told me how the terrorist held a knife and slaughtered and laughed I said there are extreme cases of people who carry out horrifying crimes, who do not deserve to live. They should feel the full brunt of the law."

Netanyahu noted that the bill was no whim, and the question of the death penalty in extreme cases has already been examined in Israel. He said that it belongs in the category of war crimes, adding, “a person who slaughters and laughs should not spend his life behind bars but be put to death.”
– Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, changed from an opponent to supporter of capital punishment


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to the family members of the three people killed by a Palestinian terrorist in Halamish. (photo credit:AMOS BEN-GERSHOM/GPO)

            We, the comrades of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, thanks the Israeli Parliament, especially PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Avigdor Liberman, for making it easier for judges to impose the death sentences for terrorists on Wednesday January 3, 2018.


A woman holds up a sign with ‘Too many terrorists in prison’ written on one side and ‘Kill them all’ written on the other during a rally in Tel Aviv on April 19, 2016 to support Elor Azaria. (Photo: Jack Guez/AFP)
Israeli Death Penalty Advocates Win Preliminary Vote in Parliament
Jan. 3, 2018, at 11:07 a.m.

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's parliament gave preliminary approval on Wednesday for legislation that would make it easier for a court to impose a death sentence on assailants convicted of murder in attacks classified as terrorism.

Israeli military courts - which handle cases involving Palestinians in the occupied West Bank - already have the power to issue the death sentence, although this has never been implemented. The only case of an execution in Israel was carried out against convicted Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in 1962.

The amendment to the penal code would still require three more readings if it is to become law. Currently, a death penalty can only be imposed if a panel of three military judges passes sentence unanimously. If the amendment is adopted, a majority verdict would suffice.

Wednesday's motion was brought by Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman, an ultra-nationalist in the conservative coalition government, who advocates tough action against Palestinian militants. Fifty-two of parliament's 120 members voted in favor, and 49 were opposed.

Qadoura Fares, chairman of the Palestinian Prisoner Club which represents Palestinians jailed in Israel, denounced the vote as "an expression of the state of blindness and confusion in the policies of this fascist regime (where) extremist parties race to pass racist laws.

"While the world moves toward repealing the death penalty, Israel is working to ratify this law, which is directed against the Palestinians," Fares told Reuters.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voted for the motion but said that such legislation required deeper discussion and that the matter would now be considered at ministerial level before further debate in the Knesset.

In remarks to lawmakers, he said: "I think that in extreme cases, when somebody slaughters and laughs (as he kills), he should not spend the rest of his time in jail and should be executed."

Asked by an Israeli Arab lawmaker whether he would also apply this reasoning to Jewish militants convicted of killing Palestinians, Netanyahu said: "In principle, yes."

The successful vote was the latest in a number of motions brought by right-wing coalition members who feel able to pressure Netanyahu's brittle government into enacting hard-line legislation.

(Writing by Ori Lewis and Nidal al-Mughrabi; Editing by Richard Balmforth and Robin Pomeroy)
Copyright 2018 Thomson Reuters.

After opposing capital punishment over the years, PM tells Salomon family (Thursday July 27, 2017), who lost three members in terror attack in Halamish, that it's time 'to wipe the smile off the terrorist's face'; while military law allows it, the government needs to change its policy on the matter to enable judges to hand down such a sentence.

"It's time we start giving death sentences to terrorists," the prime minister told the mourning family. "It's enshrined in law, it requires a unanimous decision by the judges, but they also want to know the government's position. And my position as the prime minister, in this instance of such a heinous murderer—he needs to be executed. We need to wipe the smile off his face."

“Terrorists are inciting, and want to kick us out of here. I promise they won’t be successful.” – Benjamin Netanyahu

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