Monday, October 2, 2017

Terror victim's widow: Death penalty needed for terrorists

Terror victim's widow: Death penalty needed for terrorists
Baruch Mizrahi's widow calls on government to allow death penalty for terrorists: 'They don't go to jail but to a 5-star hotel.'

Mordechai Sones, 02/10/17 18:27

Hadas Mizrachi, widow of Major General Baruch Mizrahi, today referred to the sentencing of the terrorist who murdered her husband and that of the terrorist's son, who helped him escape the scene of the murder, calling for the death penalty for terrorists..

"I was present at the hearing and it was clear to me [from the start] that they would receive life sentences. Unfortunately they were not sentenced to death," said Mizrahi, whose husband's murderer was released as part of the Shalit deal.

"The father was horribly cruel, and despite the fact that we were wounded, continued to shoot. And then what happens? The terrorists don't go to a real jail, but to the conditions of a five star hotel, and that's absurd. I hope the State of Israel begins to apply the death penalty to terrorists. This must stop. We are tired of it all. Both the physical and mental pain remain.

But we are a strong people and Israel is going strong. I am grateful to the people of Israel.

"I had no question about whether to come to court [at the time]," Mizrahi added, "I asked my children not to come because I did not want them to see the murderers. I saw them in the terrorist attack and attending the hearing closed a circle, showing them that I'm still alive and raising my children three-and-a-half-years later. My children will continue their father's way of life: Baruch was a kind man and stood tall for the land of Israel and the people of Israel. The loss is heavy and it's still difficult for me without him."

Mizrahi's widow expressed concern about fears of another Shalit deal. "It is clear to me that there will be a revolving door here again. The terrorist [who killed my husband] was already released in the Shalit deal. They know the method. Sorry, but let there not be another release of terrorists. We will continue to fight against it. I call on the government to allow the death penalty for the terrorists.

"It disappoints me that the son received only 20 years and not life imprisonment, but that's what the court ruled," Mizrahi said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to the family members of the three people killed by a Palestinian terrorist in Halamish. (photo credit:AMOS BEN-GERSHOM/GPO)
 Sharon Gal
A woman holds up a sign with ‘Too many terrorists in prison’ written on one side and ‘Kill them all’ written on the other during a rally in Tel Aviv on April 19, 2016 to support Elor Azaria. (Photo: Jack Guez/AFP)


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