Monday, June 19, 2017


Danny Gonen

Danny Gonen killed in terror shooting
19 Jun 2015
June 19, 2015 - Danny Gonen, 25, of Lod, was killed in a shooting attack along a dirt road after visiting the Ein Buvin spring near Dolev in the West Bank.

On Friday afternoon, June 19, Danny Gonen and a friend had finished swimming in the Ein Buvin spring, located in a mountainous area between the settlement of Dolev and the Palestinian village of Dayr Ibzi. Driving back toward the main road, they were flagged down by a Palestinian seemed to be asking for help. When the two stopped their car, the man asked, "Is there water in the spring?" and then shot them at point-blank range. Gonen was shot in the upper body and was transferred, unconscious and critically wounded, to Tel Hashomer Hospital by IDF helicopter where he was pronounced dead. His friend Netanel Hadad was moderately wounded.

A group calling itself the “Marwan Kawasme and Amer Abu Aysha Squad,” named for the two terrorists who killed three Israeli teenagers last summer, claimed responsibility for the attack, and said it was affiliated with the armed wing of Hamas.

Danny Gonen was an electrical engineering student at Bar-Ilan University and the eldest of five siblings. He grew up in Lod and attended the hesder yeshiva in Ma'aleh Adumim. After his father's death several years ago, he took on responsibility for his younger siblings. His sister Rotem said that Danny, as the eldest, was a father figure to his younger siblings after their father had passed away.

His mother Devorah eulogized her son: "You were a source of immense pride for me, a pillar to your brother and sisters. You were a devoted son to me, and when I needed it, a friend too. And you supported me in everything. You lived your life as a free Jew in your country. You loved the land and you loved the truth. The truth was your banner and you lived by it." She spoke of Danny's love for the land of Israel, and how he would go walking and hiking at every opportunity.

Danny Gonen was buried in Lod. He is survived by his mother Devorah and four siblings.


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