Monday, May 15, 2017

Police Officers Prayer


Police Officers Prayer

This prayer goes out to all the Police Officers throughout the world.

Police Officers Prayer

Lord I ask for courage
Courage to face and Conquer my own fears …
Courage to take me Where others will not go ….
I ask for strength
Strength of body to protect others
And Strength of spirit to lead others …
I ask for dedication
Dedication to my job, to do it well.
Dedication to my community,
To keep it safe …
Give me Lord, concern
For others who trust me
And compassion for those who need me …
And please Lord
Through it all
Be at my side …

I am unsure the author of this. This graphic has a signature at the bottom, but I cannot make it out either.

Remember police officers risk their own life, their own safety for ours.These police officers often spend time away from their own lives and their own families just for the safety of the community.  Be sure to thank Police Officers for their service for our community when you come across one or more. I also encourage you to Pray for your local law enforcement as well. Police officers are to protect and serve. Jesus came to protect us from evil and also to serve us as well.
First published December 5, 2014. Republishing September 11, 2015.

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