Monday, February 27, 2017


"God done this in his own time," said Ruthie Lunsford, Jessica's grandmother, who said Couey's death Wednesday morning from anal cancer came as a surprise. "I am not crying."

Her husband, Archie, said his emotions were torn between vengeance and his religious beliefs.

"Death is always sad to me," the 76-year-old grandfather said. "I'm just glad that it's over with. We never got to see him put to death. But we wouldn't have lived that long. No way."

Jessica's father, Mark Lunsford, took a long motorcycle ride to reflect on the day's events. He said he wanted Couey to die from lethal injection.

"My daughter's murderer died today," Lunsford said Wednesday evening. "And it wasn't by our hands. ... John Couey got off easy."

He said he had not been aware that Couey had cancer.

"Cancer is an awful disease," Lunsford said. "Today, it's a good disease."

Jessica Lunsford was last seen alive on the afternoon of Feb. 23, 2005. Her grandparents picked her up from the school bus stop in Homosassa, Fla. On the way home, they stopped at a Sonic restaurant to buy curly fries for Jessica before she went to Bible class. Family friend Sharon Armstrong brought her home that evening, and she watched television until her grandmother tucked her into bed at 9 p.m. (SOURCE:

           Those are the words of the family members of Jessica Lunsford who wanted John Couey put to death for her murder, but they felt justice was served when he died of anal cancer before he could by the needle.

            We, the comrades of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, strongly agrees with those words, since the Justice System in Florida was slow and Couey could have spent another decade on death row. Cancer and not execution was a just punishment for the pedophile, as death is final and there is no way he can appeal to beat the system to set him free like Cathy Henderson, who lied to go free but died of illness.

            RIP Jessica Lunsford, we will not forget you and we will endorse Jessica’s Law. 


The prosecutor in the case, Pete Magrino, said he was relieved to hear the news.

"It matters not to me how he died, just that he's dead and he won't be able to victimize anyone ever again."

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