Saturday, January 21, 2017


 Unit 1012 awards the Rayner Goddard Act of Courage Award to Rodrigo Duterte for defending the death penalty. Although, we, the comrades of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, rather that he uses capital punishment after a fair trial with judicial safeguards, we still respect the fact that he has the courage to protect his countrymen.

            He is also nicknamed, ‘The Strongman of the Philippines’ and he was sworn in as President on June 30, 2016. Let us present some articles on his war on drugs, corrupt officials and a video game on him: 

Crazy, Crime, and Drugs: BATO DUTERTE FIGHTING CRIME APP A mobile app based

'I'll lock them in a room and say "If your name is on my list, son of a b****, I'll kill you". I'll go down in history as the butcher': Philippines President Duterte tells corrupt mayors to resign or die as drug purge continues
  • Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte warned on Monday that mayors suspected of participating in drug trade should resign
  • The president threatened he would kill mayors who promote drug trade  
  • He said those involved in drug trade will have security and power taken away
  • Duterte has made several threats to kill people connected to drug trade
  • He insists the recent wave of drug trade deaths are not the government's work
The Strongmen team
Published: 19:54 +11:00, 10 January 2017 | Updated: 10:03 +11:00, 11 January 2017
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte warned mayors in his country that remain on his suspected drug dealing list that they leave the trade or be killed.

During an oath-taking ceremony of over 200 appointees on Monday, the 71-year-old leader said that the mayors should resign and 'make a clean break of everything' or he would 'really kill you'.

'I will call the mayors, I will lock them in so it's just us,' he said in his speech. 'I will really tell them, 'The list I gave you is this thick. Look for your name there, mayor'.

'If your name is there, son of a b****, you have a problem, I will really kill you.'

'Either you resign or make a clean break of everything, come up with clean nose and we'll talk,' he added.

Duterte said that mayors who have ties to the drug dealing industry should be prepared to have their security and power taken away, reported.

'The first thing that I would do is to deprive you of the supervisory powers over the police, second is I will remove all of your security detail,' he said.

'I might go down [in] history as the butcher. It's up to you,' he added.

Duterte has previously voiced suspicion that mayors are using their power to ensure police leaders don't get in the way of drug trade in their cities and towns.

The president has made several threats to kill people connected to drug trade in the country, but insists the recent wave of drug trade deaths are not the work of the government.

Duterte was elected earlier this year partly because he promised to get tough on criminals in the Philippines, an overwhelmingly Catholic country.

He has made reviving the death penalty one of his priorities as part of a brutal war on crime that has already seen 5,300 people killed.

Eighty percent of Filipinos are Catholics and the Philippines abolished the death penalty in 2006 following a campaign by the Catholic Church.

But during his election campaign Duterte had vowed to introduce executions by hanging, saying he did not want to waste bullets and believed snapping the spinal cord was more humane than a firing squad.

Duterte, who was known for his crime-busting antics during his time as Mayor of the southern city of Davao, said he thought the point of the death penalty was retribution, not deterrence.

Duterte's war on crime has drawn international criticism from the United States and United Nations over concerns about extrajudicial killings and a breakdown in the rule of law.

A survey by Social Weather Stations released today showed a majority backed Duterte's war on drugs but 78 per cent were worried they or someone in their family would become a victim of extrajudicial killings.

The survey also showed 71 per cent said it was 'very important' police keep suspects alive.

Police have repeatedly said they only killed criminals who fought back but the nation's rights agency has begun investigating several armed encounters.

The Punisher of Davao leads the DDS

Palace: Duterte ‘in full control’ of war on drugs
By: Nestor Corrales - Reporter / @NCorralesINQ / 06:08 PM January 06, 2017

Malacañang assured the public on Friday that President Rodrigo Duterte was in “full control of the drug war” after an article published in the British press said the government’s brutal crackdown on illegal drugs was “failing.”

Robert Muggah, in a story on The Guardian, slammed Duterte for his relentless approach to stopping illegal drug trade in the Philippines.

“Even the most adamant supporters of the war on drugs agree that it is failing. At a major UN summit on drug policy earlier this year, many member states argued forcefully for a more balanced and humane approach. But there’s one anti-drug crusader who refuses to face the facts. For the past six months, Rodrigo Duterte, president of the Philippines, has waged one of the world’s most vicious counter-narcotics campaigns,” Muggah said.

 “Duterte has a nasty habit of playing fast and loose with the facts. In a bid to give credence to his drug war, his team exaggerates and invents data,” he added.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte meets with Philippine National Police Director-General Ronald Dela Rosa upon his arrival to address the 115th Police Service Anniversary at the PNP headquarters in Quezon city, metro Manila, Wednesday 17 August 2016. | REUTERS

But Communications Secretary Martin Andanar disputed Muggah’s claims in his four-point rebuttal:
  • The Philippines has been successful in the campaign against illegal drugs with the voluntary surrender of 1,017,869 drug personalities, as of January 5 based on data from the Philippine National Police.
  • TheDecember 3-6 Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey showed that nine out of ten Filipinos believe the drug problem has declined in their areas since the President took office.
  • The same survey indicated that a great majority of our people, 77%, gave an excellent rating to the President’s drug war.
  • Public support for and trust in the President remain high as people feel secure in their homes, in the streets, day and night. Incidents of homicide, physical injury, rape, robbery, theft, and carnapping have gone down. Index crime volume decreased 31.67% from July to November 2016 compared to the same period in 2015.
The Palace official said Muggah’s call for economic sanctions by foreign countries on the Philippines was unfounded.

“Threats of withdrawal of development aid and other forms of assistance are totally unfounded. The President remains undaunted as he will never compromise the dignity of the nation for foreign aid,” he said.

He said the President was doing his best to eliminate illegal drugs in the country.

“There is an enormous drug problem in the Philippines and he is trying his best to keep the country from becoming a narco-state,” he said.

“We hope that other countries will treat the Philippines as a sovereign nation and with mutual respect,” he added. RAM/rga
Palace claims victory in war on drugs
Duterte seeks people’s partnership in war on drugs

So there was this senator who campaigned against Pres. Rody Duterte's war on drugs in Europe. We guess she's successful.

Duterte the destroyer: Games modeled on Philippines President let you wage own war on drugs (VIDEOS)
Published time: 15 Oct, 2016 17:42Edited time: 15 Oct, 2016 17:44


You can now virtually participate in President Rodrigo Duterte’s “war on drugs” by zapping drug addicts from the safety of your smartphone. 

Duterte Fighting Crime 2’ by Taytay Gaming is the leading version of a mobile app that allows users to shoot and kill red-eyed drug addicts, bandit robbers and other criminals.

The latest edition of the app has the added feature of characters representing Philippine National Police Chief ‘Bato’ as well as Senator Miriam Santiago, who you can enlist to help fend off criminals.

The game has garnered over 2 million downloads across the Appstore and Googleplay.
However, it is not the only Duterte-themed crime fighting app in the business. Here are four others centered on the Philippine president:  

Help Duterte fight crime and rid the streets of illegal drugs and substances and capture drug lords” by matching bubbles containing illegal drugs.

2. ‘Duterterador
Save Duterte from “brain-eating zombies” by using a slingshot to keep the evil hordes of undead at bay.

Playing the role of Duterte - “the fearless leader that could take down all the criminals is now in action to kick them flying away” - use your “Kung Fu attacks” to defeat criminals.

A special edition of the “fighting crime game” was “developed for everyone who supports President Duterte” - and the aim is to “shoot all enemies to hell”.


The game comes with the tough-talking president’s famous sound-bites such as “My God, I hate drugs”, “Galit ako sa droga” (I am angry with drugs), and “Heto na ang huli niyong Merry Christmas” (This is your last Merry Christmas) in reference to his viral Christmas message to criminals last December.

This bizarre trend of featuring a head of state in violent gaming can presumably be attributed to Duterte’s controversial approach to tackling drug crime in the Philippines, in which he vowed to kill 100,000 criminals and feed them to fish. It appears his blunt remarks have also played a part.

Over 2,200 people have been killed in the ‘war on drugs’ since Duterte came into power in July, some 1,566 of whom were drug suspects.

The president has hit global headlines since his election for controversial comments about other state leaders such as Barack Obama, and comparing himself to Hitler.

Rodrigo Duterte poses with an assault rifle





The Punisher of Davao versus ISIS



Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte tells Obama to 'go to hell' [October 4, 2016]


Pantaleon Alvarez on Church opposition to death penalty: 'Why protect evil?'

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