Friday, December 16, 2016


Rodrigo Duterte on gun rights


Rodrigo Duterte poses with an assault rifle
5 June 2016

Rodrigo Duterte: Shoot a drug dealer, get a medal
The Philippines' president-elect has urged citizens with guns to shoot and kill drug dealers.

The Philippines' President-elect Rodrigo Duterte has encouraged the public to go after drug dealers, urging citizens with guns to shoot and kill them. 

In a nationally televised speech late on Saturday, Duterte, who will be sworn in on June 30, told a huge crowd in the southern city of Davao that he will offer huge bounties to those who turn in drug lords - dead or alive.

"Please feel free to call us, the police, or do it yourself if you have the gun - you have my support," Duterte said.

If a drug dealer resists arrest or refuses to be brought to a police station and threatens a citizen with a gun or a knife, "you can kill him", Duterte said.

"Shoot him and I'll give you a medal."

He also said  that drug addicts could not be rehabilitated and warned, "If you are involved in drugs, I will kill you. You son of a whore, I will really kill you."

'A bloody war'

Duterte, who won the May 9 vote, based his successful election campaign strategy on a pledge to end crime within three to six months of being elected.

Speaking on Saturday, he reiterated that his anti-crime campaign would be "a bloody war" and would large sums of money for slain drug lords. 

"I will pay, for a drug lord: five million [pesos] ($107,000) if he is dead. If he is alive, only 4.999 million," he laughed.

He did not say how a private citizen could identify suspects.

The 71-year-old has been previously accused of running vigilante "death squads" during his more than two decades as mayor of Davao, a city of about two million people that he says he has turned into one of the nations safest.

Human rights watchdogs have expressed alarm that Duterte's anti-crime drive may lead to widespread rights violations.

Duterte and other Filipino officials have previously brushed aside warnings from human rights groups about the dangers of "vigilante justice".


Rodrigo Duterte and the Davao Death Squad

Kill drug dealers and I'll give you a medal - President-elect Duterte

Published on Jun 5, 2016
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President elect Rodrigo Duterte told a huge crowd celebrating his presidential victory late on Saturday in the southern city of Davao that Filipinos who help him in the bloody war against criminality would be rewarded and has urged citizens with guns to shoot and kill drug dealers who resist arrest and fight back.
“Please feel free to call us, the police, or do it yourself if you have the gun, you have my support,” Duterte said.
He warned about an extensive illegal drugs trade in the country that involved even police. If a drug dealer resisted arrest or refused to be brought to a police station and instead threatened a citizen with a gun or knife, “you can kill him” the rough and tough President elect said. “Shoot him and I’ll give you a medal.”


Rodrigo Duterte on gun rights

3 December 2016

Duterte says Trump wished him 'success' in war on drugs
Philippines leader says he sensed a "good rapport" with the US president-elect during their phone call.

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has described as "encouraging" his phone call with US President-elect Donald Trump, whom he said was understanding of his bloody war on drugs.

"I could sense a good rapport, an animated President-elect Trump. And he was wishing me success in my campaign against the drug problem," Duterte said in comments his office released on Saturday.

Trump's seven-minute chat on Friday with the Philippine president follows months of uncertainty about one of Washington's most important Asian alliances, stoked by Duterte's hostility towards President Barack Obama and repeated threats to sever decades-old defence ties.

Duterte's anger was unleashed following Obama's concerns about possible human rights abuses in his war on drugs, during which more than 2,000 people have been killed.

The Philippine leader said Trump was "sensitive" and understanding about his crackdown and was encouraged by what he interpreted as Trump's indication that he would not interfere.

"He understood the way we are handling it ... I supposed that what he really wanted to say was that we would be the last to interfere in the affairs of your own country."

He added: "We are doing it as a sovereign nation, the right way. And he wishes us well. And I said that, well, we assured him of our ties with America."

'Separation' from the US

His special adviser, Christopher Go, had earlier said in a text message to media that Trump had invited Duterte to visit the White House next year.

There appeared to be confusion, however. Duterte mentioned an invitation to Washington and New York, and that Trump asked him to notify him of his presence "if I'm around".

A statement issued by Trump's transition team made no mention of that. It said the two men "noted the long history of friendship" between their countries and would work closely on "matters of shared interest and concern".

Duterte made waves when he visited China in October and announced his "separation" from the US.

In five months in office, he has upended Philippine foreign policy by berating the US and pursuing a new alliance with Russia and also China, with which Manila has a history of bitter disputes.

His diplomacy has created jitters among Asian nations concerned about Beijing's influence and Washington's regional staying power.

Duterte told Democrat Obama to "go to hell" and called him a "son of a bitch" whom he would humiliate if he visited the Philippines.

Despite his optimism about Trump's win, it has not stopped Duterte railing against what he calls a US history of "hypocrisy" and "bullying" worldwide.

Republican Trump told Reuters news agency during his campaign that Duterte's comments about Obama had showed "a lack of respect for our country". But he also stressed the "very important strategic location" of the Philippines.





The Punisher of Davao versus ISIS


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