Thursday, November 10, 2016


            Eloy Conrad Duran III will always be remembered by Unit 1012. As he was born on November 10, 1984, we will remember him on his birthday and treasure the precious memories of his life on earth.  

"So long as we live, they too shall live and love for they are a part of us as we remember them."
- Gates of Prayer

Eloy Conrad Duran III
(November 10, 1984 to January 3, 2010)


Eloy Conrad Duran III Came into this world on November 10, 1984.

Things were good, never better ...Two young people in love and ready to start a new life together with a beautiful big baby......We called him our "Michelin Man" because he had ripples on his Ripples.

He was named after his paternal grandfather and his Father, to carry on our proud name and Heritage. We knew he was someone very special from the very beginning.....he was very curious, and asked questions 24/7, persisting an answer to these questions , Right now !!!

Inquistiive, caring, thoughtful, honest, trustworthy, at anyones an instant...Committed to family tradition and values were his best traits. He stuck up for father more than once, even at the age of 5 years old telling the cashier...she had "better watch out.".

If life were measured by how much a person truly cares about humanity and all living things!! ......."He Ranks at the Top"!!!. Just knowing Conrad was around brought ,"Solace" to anyone he was with. He was able to bring out the best, and Shine with whom ever he was with even with the smallest of funds.

When he walked into a room his "Aura" filled that room, Standing 6 ft. 2ins.,"Strong, Giving, and Handsome". His Smile like a "Ray of Sunshine"... He definitely was the "Tower of Strength" to his" only child...he called her "Baby Girl", DESIRAE...

He Cherished every day of his of himself 100%. He made friends every where he went because of his gentle demeanor...and had many, many friends. HE attended many schools in Denver and was well liked by everybody. His size may have been a bit intimidating, but once you knew him he was" THE SWEETEST PERSON IN THE WORLD."..

Conrad was only 25 Years Young...he had a great life, and a great life ahead of him as a Father, Son, Brother, Grandson, Cousin, Nephew and Friend. He was so happy looking forward to a Long, Loving, Prosperous life with Desirae and spoiling his angel baby. Promising her a puppy soon, [as soon as he got a back yard for her to play in.]

His childhood was spent alot with his paternal grandfather & grandmother. Conrad enjoyed the outdoors,fishing, camping.rusticating to the mountains, to the Home Ranch in Weston,colo..riding horses,[ hunting in later years.] He and grandpa were best of " buds" loving every moment of, going to Dennys or Village Inn for coffee and flirting with the waitress'.

In 1997 his grandpa passed away and he took it very hard, [and it showed.] At age 18 he met Angie who was15, they got together and one year later they were parents. He was a devoted Dad, The sun and moon rose and set on Desirae. She would giggle as he rised her high above his 6 foot 2 inches. She adored her "DaDa".

On JANUARY 03, 2010 his life was taken away by a Senseless, Heinous, Horrific Murder...By a gang of corrupt, contemptuous, irresponsible, felonious, zombies with no regard for human life. Desirae, Conrads 5-year old Daughter was left without her "Da-Da". His close-knit family are all grieving the passing of a Larger than Life, Compassionate, Caring, devoted father. We pray for his soul and that he rest in peace.



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