Saturday, October 22, 2016


            Unit 1012 is a Victims’ Rights Group and we also encourage people who live in California to Vote No on Proposition 57. Please go to the website to learn more:

NO on 57 Ballot Argument

Proposition 57 will allow criminals convicted of RAPE, LEWD ACTS AGAINST A CHILD, GANG GUN CRIMES and HUMAN TRAFFICKING to be released early from prison.

That’s why Proposition 57 is OPPOSED by California Law Enforcement – District Attorneys, Sheriffs, Police, Courtroom Prosecutors, Crime Victims and local community leaders.
Here are the facts:

The authors of Proposition 57 claim it only applies to “non-violent” crimes, but their poorly drafted measure deems the following crimes “non-violent” and makes the perpetrators eligible for EARLY PAROLE and RELEASE into local communities:
  • Rape by intoxication
  • Rape of an unconscious person
  • Human Trafficking involving sex act with minors
  • Drive-by shooting
  • Assault with a deadly weapon
  • Hostage taking
  • Attempting to explode a bomb at a hospital or school
  • Domestic violence involving trauma
  • Supplying a firearm to a gang member
  • Hate crime causing physical injury
  • Failing to register as a sex offender
  • Arson
  • Discharging a firearm on school grounds
  • Lewd acts against a child 14 or 15
  • False imprisonment of an elder through violence
*partial list

Here are five more reasons to VOTE NO on 57:
  1. 57 authorizes state government bureaucrats to reduce many sentences for “good behavior,” even for inmates convicted of murder, rape, child molestation and human trafficking.
  1. 57 permits the worst career criminals to be treated the same as first-time offenders, discounting strong sentences imposed by a judge.
  1. “57 effectively overturns key provisions of Marsy’s Law, “3-Strikes and You’re Out,” Victims’ Bill of Rights, Californians Against Sexual Exploitation Act,– measures enacted by voters that have protected victims and made communities safer.” Susan Fisher, Former Chairwoman State Parole Board.
  1. 57 forces victims trying to put their lives back together to re-live the crimes committed against them over and over again, with every new parole hearing.
  1. 57 will likely result in higher crime rates as at least 16,000 dangerous criminals, including those previously convicted of murder and rape, would be eligible for early release.

Finally, Prop. 57 places all these new privileges and rights for convicted criminals into the California Constitution, where they cannot be changed by the legislature.

Make no mistake. If Prop. 57 passes, every home, every neighborhood, every school will be less safe than it is today.

Ask yourself these questions:

Should a criminal who rapes an unconscious person be allowed early release from prison? How about a 50-year old child molester who preys on a child?

Should criminals convicted of HUMAN TRAFFICKING involving sex acts with a child, be allowed back on the streets before serving their full sentence?

Should a criminal who attempts to explode a bomb at a hospital, school or place of worship, be allowed to leave prison early?

If you answered NO to these questions, then join District Attorneys, Courtroom Prosecutors, Police, Sheriffs, Crime Victims, Superior Court Judges and community leaders in voting NO on 57.

Violent crime was up 10% last year in California. Don’t allow more violent and dangerous criminals to be released early. VOTE NO on 57.

Martin Halloran, President, San Francisco Police Officers Association

George Hofstetter, President, Association of Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs

Stephen Wagstaffe, President, California District Attorneys Association


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