Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Unit 1012 awards the Rayner Goddard Act of Courage Award to Rodrigo Duterte for defending the death penalty. Although, we, the comrades of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, rather that he uses capital punishment after a fair trial with judicial safeguards, we still respect the fact that he has the courage to protect his countrymen.

            He is also nicknamed, ‘The Strongman of the Philippines’ and he was sworn in as President on June 30, 2016. Let us present some articles on his war on criminals:


Rodrigo Duterte on being tough on criminals

Philippines’ new president Rodrigo Duterte promises to destroy Islamic State’s ‘baby brother’ Abu Sayyaf
August 26, 20166:18pm


Rodrigo Duterte on being a terror to evildoers
“THE Punisher” has taken no time to settle in to his role and make good on his nickname.

Rodrigo Duterte, 71, swept to power in the Philippines seven weeks ago aboard promises of a crackdown on the country’s huge criminal networks.

Drug dealers were in his sights. The death toll from his crackdown on that particular industry is nearing 2000, according to some estimates.

His next focus: The Philippines’ own terror network, Abu Sayyaf, a group often referred to as Islamic State’s baby brother.

Abu Sayyaf was started in the 1990s and recently pledged allegiance to IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. They make their money from kidnappings and ransoms and this week they made headlines when they beheaded an 18-year-old hostage.

Responding to the news, Duterte pulled no punches. At a press conference in Davao City, he said he had delivered firm orders to eliminate those responsible.

“I’m sending the troops there and tell them to destroy them,” he said.

“My orders to the police and to the armed forces against all enemies of the state, seek them out in their lairs, whatever, and destroy them.”

Traditional considerations for human rights are out the window. He said exactly that during the press conference.

“So killed or what, don’t ask about human rights.”

Duterte did more than hint at the war before he was elected on May 9. And it was clear then that he would do whatever it took.

He promised “shoot-to-kill” teams would give criminals “hell” and that fish in Manila Bay would grow fat feeding on the corpses of the country’s 100,000 criminals.

His mandate included a curfew for drinking and walking in the street at night and a ban on smoking in restaurants. But it was his focus on bringing back the death penalty — abolished in 2006 — that struck a chord with voters who backed him in during a landslide election.

“I expect you to obey the laws so there will be no chaos. I will hit hard on drugs and I promise them (criminals) hell,” he said.

“If you resist, show violent resistance, my order to police will be to shoot to kill. Shoot to kill for organised crime. You heard that? Shoot to kill for every organised crime.”

His focus narrowed to Abu Sayyaf when they broadcast the beheading of Patrick Almodovar, 18, a native of Jolo, an island south of Manila.

Almodover was kidnapped on July 16 outside his family home. The government had been negotiating with his captors but could not reach an agreement.

Earlier this year, Abu Sayyaf kidnapped and murdered English-born Canadian man John Ridsdel. The beheading was condemned by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who called it “cold-blooded murder”.

Duterte’s push to eradicate crime is supported by his people, both in theory and practice. During his maiden speech he asked for their help and promised to reward them with medals and cash for shooting dead those he deemed troublemakers.

“Do your duty, and if in the process you kill 1000 persons because you were doing your duty, I will protect you.

“If you know of any addicts, go ahead and kill them yourself as getting their parents to do it would be too painful.”

Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have expressed concern about the new president’s approach. But given the support he has received for turning the table on crime, a change in rhetoric appears unlikely.

Abu Sayyaf, you’ve been warned.

Duterte: Death penalty is for retribution
Published on Jun 24, 2016
President-elect Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday said his proposal to reimpose death penalty was not just for crime prevention but also for retribution.
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Congress pressed on death penalty
By Christina Mendez, Delon Porcalla (The Philippine Star) | Updated September 13, 2016 - 12:00am


Rodrigo Duterte on assassination
MANILA, Philippines - Amid criticism of his administration’s ruthless anti-drug campaign, President Duterte pressed Congress yesterday to restore the death penalty “to instill fear of violating the law.”

Duterte lamented that previous leaders lacked the courage to fully implement the death penalty, which he said would have prevented the drug menace from reaching the current alarming levels.

The President has asked his allies in Congress to work for the restoration of the death penalty. Capital punishment was abolished after Ferdinand Marcos was ousted in 1986 and a new Constitution was written, but it was retained for heinous crimes.

During the presidency of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Congress abolished capital punishment.

The failure to effectively implement the death penalty removed the “essence of criminal law,” which Duterte said, is the “fear of violating the law.”

“Walang namatay, kasi walang (No one died because there was no)… you removed actually, the essence of criminal law, (which) is the fear to violate the law. What prevailed was not the fear of the law but impunity and the absence of accountability,” he added.

Duterte, a lawyer, said people in the corridors of power such as governors and mayors have refused to follow the law.

He was referring to those who are engaged in illegal activities.

“However, you bring the matter to a physical, medical or spiritual issue, for as long as the essence of fear is not there. Fear of accountability, that is why I want the death penalty. You answer for your deeds,” he said.

Pinoys divided

Meanwhile, a pro-life lawmaker yesterday said an informal survey conducted by the House of Representatives had shown that Filipinos are divided on the issue of reviving the death penalty to deter heinous crimes.

“Filipinos hunger and thirst for justice, not for blood. And this craving for justice may be satisfied only by profound and comprehensive reforms in law enforcement, prosecution service, the judiciary and our prisons,” Buhay party-list Rep. Lito Atienza said.

“Offhand, many Filipinos who appear to favor the revival of capital punishment are merely venting their exasperation over the miserable performance of our criminal justice system,” the senior deputy minority leader said.

He issued the statement in response to results of an online poll by the House’s official website, showing 50 percent of participants favoring the renewal of capital punishment, 48 percent rejecting it and two percent undecided.

He described support for lethal injection as “shaky, weak and shallow.”

“The ratings imply that the reinstatement of the death penalty is a highly discordant matter best deferred by Congress,” he said.

He blamed widespread corruption for the dismal functioning of the country’s justice system, which has “deeply frustrated and angered” many Filipinos.

Duterte wants to restore death penalty by hanging
CNN Philippines


Philippine: Duterte seeks death penalty in war on crime
Philippine president seeks restoration of capital punishment in his fight against drug traffickers and users.
27 Sep 2016 08:28 GMT 


Rodrigo Duterte on solving problem
President Rodrigo Duterte has made a case for the restoration of the death penalty in the Philippines, saying the law had previously lost its effectiveness because it was not fully implemented.

Duterte told reporters on Monday that past presidents had succumbed to the pressure of the Catholic church and other "bleeding hearts" who argued against capital punishment "because only God can kill".

"The problem with that is, I ask you, ‘What if there is no God?’" Duterte said at the presidential palace in the capital, Manila.

"When a one-year-old, an 18-month-old baby is taken from the mother's arms, brought under a Jeep and raped, and killed, where is God," he asked.

"People in the Philippines no longer believe in the laws, because the fear is not there," Duterte said in a mix of Filipino and English. 

"That is why I said, give me back the death penalty."

While professing that he personally believes in God, the Philippine leader said, the existence of a higher being is a "perpetual question" for him, when he sees "heartaches, sorrows and agony" around him.

Since he took office in June end, more than 3,500 people have been killed as part of Duterte's war on drug traffickers and users.

And he has not taken kindly to the global condemnation of the spiralling death toll. Last week the Philippine president lambasted European Union after it called for "strict monitoring of human rights abuses" in the country.

Earlier this month, Duterte directed profanities at UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and US President Barack Obama, after they made similar comments about the mounting death toll in the Asia Pacific nation.

On Friday, in a speech to police officers, Duterte made a similar comment while talking about illegal drugs in the country, and the rules of engagement in dealing with suspected drug criminals.

"Maybe God doesn't want all these killings. But never mind, God is not my enemy. I'll talk to him when I get there," he said, drawing laughter from the officers. 

"I'll ask him, 'If you are really God, you didn't do anything, and the Filipinos are going crazy'" with illegal drugs "by the millions", he said.

During the campaign, Duterte had promised to re-impose the death penalty as part of his policy to deal with illegal drugs in the country.

On Monday, he said he has "always been a hardliner when it comes to the penal laws".

Rodrigo Duterte on hanging.

President Duterte I will Not Allow Anybody To Destroy My Country During My Watch
Published on Aug 17, 2016
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Answers Allege Extra Judicial Killings
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Give Instructions To Police To Shoot Criminal With Violent Resistance
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"I will Kill You" President Duterte Message To All Drug Lords
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Philippine News, Latest News, Breaking News, President Rodriogo Duterte, du30, Criminals, Illegal Drugs, Extra Judicial Killings, United Nation, Senator, Leila De Lima, Immoral Woman, Adultery, Lover, Shoot To Kill, AFP, Police, PDEA, Drug lords, Free Education, Investors, Zero Graft, Corruptions





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