Monday, October 10, 2016


            Let us remember Bethena Brosz every year on October 10 and May 3 every year. Justice was served as her killer; Steven Woods was executed on September 13, 2011. 


Bethena Brosz

Bethena was born October 10, 1981 in Dallas, TX at Baylor Hospital. During her school years, she was in many Honors & Pre-AP classes and sang in Choir. She was selected for Who’s Who in American High Schools and graduated high school with a 3.82 GPA. She was working customer service for Web-TV subscribers & taking her freshman year courses at UNT in Denton, TX. She wanted to go to Colorado to study Astronomy for her degree.

One of the last things I remember Bethena shopping for was a baby’s bathing suit (with sandals to match) for her best friend’s little 8-month old daughter. Beth was a very giving person who was always helping others. If a friend needed a ride to buy groceries, to get to a job interview or to work, or to go to the doctor, often she would even rearrange her schedule so she could get them there.

I was working at home for the last year and a half she was alive, and she used to come home almost every day for lunch. Often she would work on her schoolwork and sing in her beautiful voice for me until it was time to go to work or back to class. I cannot find the words to explain how much I will miss her sweet smile, the warm hug, the soft kiss on the cheek, and “I love you, Mommy” that she gave to me every time that we parted (even if we were “disagreeing”, as we all do at times with our teenagers).

The last time that Bethena renewed her driver’s license, she had come to her sister & me very upset that she could no longer designate herself as an organ donor on that license. She was adamant that we make a promise to her.  If anything ever happened to her, she wanted us to make sure that her organs were donated. She said if even one part of her could save one life & keep one family together, that we should make sure it was done. 

Our Beth loved to write--especially poetry. She had 3 poems published, the first when she was only 15 years old, and the last in March 2001 at 19 years of age. There are probably hundreds that I have; this is one that I found in one of her journals. She used to say that was how she worked things out—to write about them. I think this is one of my favorites because it has so much meaning for me. 

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