Sunday, September 25, 2016



Sally Anne Bowman
Sally Anne Bowman (11 September 1987 – 25 September 2005), an up-and-coming British model, was murdered on 25 September 2005 in Croydon, South London. Bowman, aged 18 at the time of her death, had been robbed, raped and repeatedly stabbed. Mark Dixie, who had a history of robbery and sexual offences, was convicted of the murder and sentenced to life imprisonment with a recommended minimum of 34 years.

            Let us hear from her mother, Linda Bowman on why she favors the death penalty for Mark Dixie:


Linda Bowman
QUOTE 1: “Men like Dixie are like a dog. Once they draw blood they should be put down. I wish this was America and we had the lethal injection.”


Linda Bowman with her daughter, Sally Anne Bowman
THE SUN: What do you think about bringing back the death penalty?
LINDA: I’d love to watch Sally Anne’s killer get the death penalty. I want to see him suffer until he is squealing like a pig. I can understand why hanging was banned. Mistakes were made. But in these days of DNA evidence, there’s not much chance of that. When I looked at my daughter’s body in the morgue, she had mascara running down her face where she had been crying. She would have pleaded to her killer: “Don’t hurt me.? Where were her rights?”

QUOTE 3: I will never be happy again. The next time I will probably smile is when that thing is dead. He is the most repulsive thing that has walked this Earth. I just want him dead. I hate him so much.


Sally Anne Bowman
QUOTE 4: I’M pleased this petition could force a debate in Parliament — and for me that can’t come too soon.

Lots of families who’ve suffered the murder of a loved one go out into the community, give talks and do some really good work, but at the end of the day the death penalty is the only deterrent that is going to work.

I think reintroducing the death penalty for people like my daughter’s killer, Mark Dixie, would help families move on.

When the Government abolished the death penalty they promised life would mean life, but that was a lie.

I have three remaining daughters and six grandkids.

If Dixie gets parole when he’s 70 and is let out I’ll be terrified he could do this again to another member of my family.

He’s shown no remorse for murdering my beautiful daughter and I’m not ashamed to say that I want him dead.

If someone goes out with a weapon with the intent to kill, capital punishment might make them think twice.

When Sally Anne, 18, was murdered I got a life sentence.

When I open my eyes each day my first thought is Sally Anne is no longer here.
I would like Dixie not to be here too.

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