Wednesday, June 29, 2016


In response to the silly language by the current US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, we the comrades of Unit 1012, recommend the Crimean Prosecutor General, Natalia Poklonskaya to replace her. Let us compare the latter with Lynch:

Natalia Poklonskaya in Japanese Anime.
“Our most effective response to terror and hatred is compassion, unity and love,” Lynch said after meeting with officials in Orlando, Fla., on Tuesday — a week after a gunman at a gay nightclub killed 49 in the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history.

"I am warning Refar Abdurakhmanovich Chubarov, the chairman of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis, about the unacceptability of carrying out extremist activities, I demand an immediate secession of extremist activity," Poklonskaya said.

Chubarov attempted to cut in: "I am having much trouble catching on the meaning," he said. "Please, in Crimean Tatar, in an official language, or at least in Ukrainian."

Poklonskaya plowed on, raising her voice to drown out the protests.

If the "violations noted above are not eliminated," the "Crimean Tatar Mejlis will be liquidated" and "its activity on the territory of the Russian Federation will be banned," she said.

Majlis hit black list of Russian Justice Ministry: organisation suspended

Tuesday, April 19, 2016 - 13:45

The Russian Ministry of Justice has included the Majlis of the Crimean Tatars in the list of organisations whose activities are suspended due to their extremist activity.

According to The Politnavigator, it is reported on the site of the Ministry.

‘The public association "Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people" is included in the list of public associations and religious organisations whose activities have been suspended due to their extremist activities,’ says the publication.

According to the information, this decision was made by the Ministry of Justice on April 18, ‘on the basis of decisions of the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea to suspend the activities of the public association’.

On April 13 the prosecutor of the Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya reported that she had decided to suspend activity of the Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people on the peninsula until a court decision.

DONi News Agency

Official portrait of United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch

                If you spot the differences between the two Attorneys of their respective states, you notice the US Attorney General wants to fight terrorism with ‘love’, while the Crimean Prosecutor General wants to fight terrorism by being tough on crime by declaring them a criminal organization by deportation or suspending their activity in the state.

            We recommend replacing Loretta Lynch with Natalia Poklonskaya who takes her job seriously.

A considerable decline in the overal scope of offences has been observed in Crimea, Natalia Poklonskaya, acting Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, told Rossiiskaya Gazeta in an interview, Itar-Tass reports.

"The criminogenic situation on the (Crimean) Peninsula has improved appreciably. As compared with last year, a decline in the overall number of crimes is observed. The Prosecutor's Office has established close contacts with the Interior Ministry, the Federal Security Service, and the Emergencies Control Ministry the subdivisions of which have been already set up and successfully function in Crimea," she pointed out.

Crimean prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya

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