Thursday, June 16, 2016



Casey Anthony's lawyer admits she killed daughter Caylee, investigator says 5/25/2016

More than five years after a jury in Florida cleared Casey Anthony in the murder of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee, a private investigator claimed the mom's attorney admitted she killed the girl and hid her body.

Dominic Casey made the claim in court documents that went public last month in Casey Anthony's bankruptcy case. He also suggested that the mom paid her lawyer with sex.

The investigator claimed attorney Jose Baez hired him days after police arrested the mom in July 2008. He said, "Baez had told me that Casey had murdered Caylee and dumped the body somewhere and, he needed all the help he could get to find the body before anyone else did."

Meter reader Roy Kronk found the girl's body in the woods near her grandparents' home that December. Dominic Casey also said that before the remains were discovered, Casey Anthony allowed her legal team to try framing Kronk, "to portray him as a murderer and or kidnapper of Caylee Anthony."

The investigator said he quit the legal team in October 2008.

Casey Anthony was convicted of lying to police but acquitted of murder. She filed for bankruptcy in 2013.

Dominic Casey claimed, in addition, that the defendant and her attorney were having sex because she couldn't pay him. "I arrived at Baez’s office unexpectedly one day and once again, witnessed a naked Casey. This time she ran from his private office, through the conference room to the hallway. That night I told her that she cannot allow him to continue engaging in this behavior. Casey told me she had to do what Jose said because she had no money for her defense."

There was no immediate response from Baez or the Anthony family.


Defense Attorney admits Casey Anthony killed her daughter, says PI in new court documents
9:41 AM, May 25, 2016
3:32 PM, May 25, 2016

A private investigator hired by Jose Baez, the defense attorney for Casey Anthony, claims Baez admitted that Casey Anthony killed and buried the body of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.

In an affidavit, Dominic Casey said Baez told him he "needed all the help he could get to find the body before somebody else did."

The investigator also said Casey Anthony wanted to implicate the man who ended up discovering Caylee’s body by suggesting her attorneys say he kidnapped her.

These documents come as public record from part of Casey Anthony’s bankruptcy case. See relevant excerpts below: 

A Florida jury acquitted Casey Anthony in 2011 in connection to the death of her daughter.

You can read the court documents in full by clicking here

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