Thursday, May 5, 2016


“UKIP accepts there are legitimate arguments about the death penalty, both for and against. However, UKIP feels that the decision to have or not have the death penalty is a decision that lies only with the individual nation state, and not the undemocratic EU. UKIP notes the attempts the EU has made to interfere with other countries’ policies in this area. It is not for the EU to bully any country into maintaining abolition or enacting abolition of the death penalty. UKIP also notes the way the EU has shut down any debate on this topic in the European context, despite public opinion on the subject. The maintenance or otherwise of the death penalty is, and should remain, a decision solely made at the nation state level via democratic means. Any state with the death penalty should ensure proper procedures of evidence collection, prisoner interrogation and fair trials.”

UKIP voted against the World Day Against The Death Penalty on 7 October 2010


Nigel Farage

Farage: I Do Not Support the Death Penalty, But Britain Should Debate the Issue

15 Aug 2014

UKIP leader Nigel Farage has said that he does not personally support the death penalty, but would be happy to see the UK debate whether to reintroduce it. His comments come after a UKIP Member of the European Parliament, Louise Bours, called for the restoration of capital punishment in Britain for child-killers.

Writing for the Independent newspaper, Mr Farage said that he has “reservations” about whether the state should have the power to end someone’s life, citing the case of a British man who was wrongly convicted and executed in the 1950s.

Mr Farage added, however, that UKIP believes in “letting the people decide” and said he would be open to restoring executions in Britain if that’s what the public wanted.

However, he points out the even if Parliament were to hold a debate on the issue, there is little it could actually do as Britain’s membership of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights prevents it from ever reintroducing the death penalty.

This Wednesday marked the 50th anniversary of the last hangings in Britain. Peter Allen and Gwynne Evans were executed on the morning of 13 August 1964 for the murder of John West just 18 weeks earlier. Britain abolished the death penalty the following year.

MEP Louise Bours said on the anniversary: “An innocent child has more of a right to life than the monster that took their life, so I see no ethical reason why we are obliged to keep him alive.

“Why should double cop-killer Dale Cregan be kept alive, after shooting them more than 8 times and using a hand-grenade. His crime wasn’t impulsive or emotional, he lured them in with a fake 999 call and he’d killed two other people prior to that.”

I’m against the death penalty, but I think we should be free to debate it

I believe in letting the people decide — after all, we live in a democracy don't we?
This week marked the 50th anniversary of the last time anyone in Britain was hanged. Surveys conducted ever since have shown that a majority of people in the UK are in favour of the death penalty for the most serious of crimes, although this number is decreasing each year.

That in itself is no surprise. To anyone under 60, the concept of someone facing their own execution at the end of a trial is alien. Our experience of capital punishment comes either from horror stories abroad (a stoning to death for adultery, a botched process in a US prison) or from school history lessons.

The most recent survey conducted for the anniversary by YouGov showed that 45 per cent of the public are in favour of capital punishment, with 39 per cent against. The numbers of those in favour are higher amongst the older voters. A similar poll four years ago found that 51 per cent of the public favoured the reintroduction of capital punishment.

Ukip MEP Louise Bours used the anniversary to call for the reintroduction of the death penalty, saying there was no “ethical reason” for child-killers or police-killers to be kept alive. “The death penalty won’t bring back a tortured and murdered child, but it seems natural justice that the family will know the killer has paid the ultimate price and isn’t still breathing when their child is not” she said.

Personally, I have my reservations about the state having the power to end someone’s life. The case of Derek Bentley highlights how the wrong decision can be made, even with a series of safety measures put in place to prevent this.

The judge presiding over his trial for murder in 1952, Lord Goddard, said in the 1970s that he thought Bentley, who had not fired the shot which killed the policeman he was charged with murdering, would have been reprieved. Bentley suffered from what we would now call learning difficulties and had a low IQ and probably suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder following the Blitz, when the house he was in collapsed around him.

Add to that the disputed words, “Let him have it, Chris” – which could be taken as an instruction for his weapon-possessing partner to hand over the gun, not shoot the policeman – and it looks, even to the untrained eye, like an unsafe conviction. With the death penalty, any pardons can only be posthumous. There can be no return to freedom and liberty of the kind that we have seen with overturned prison sentences.

But for me the issue doesn’t just end there. Ukip believes in direct democracy: that is, letting the people decide. Last year there was a petition led by the Guido Fawkes blog which got 26,350 signatures. The aim was to secure a debate in Parliament on restoring capital punishment. But the point it entirely missed was that this decision, as with so many of the important decisions over Justice and Home Affairs, has been taken away from Parliament and the British people.

For some people that is a reason why they support the European Court of Human Rights and our membership of the EU. These pieces of legislation stop the death penalty returning to our statute books. But even as someone who would vote against the reintroduction of capital punishment – not because I think everyone is fundamentally good but because I don’t want the state to decide life or death – it is a basic issue of sovereignty which I believe should be decided by the people and not bureaucrats.

I am no shoo-in for Thanet South

My phone was rather busy the other day when one of the members of Ukip’s Thanet South branch decided to tell a newspaper that I was standing in that constituency in 2015. The situation is that there will be a hustings in the constituency the week after next at which the branch will decide who they wish to represent them.

I have thrown my hat in the ring, but so have others, including a top-class barrister and friend of mine. It may seem silly to some that the leader of a party would have to go through the process of being approved and selected but, I assure you, rank means nothing in Ukip.

Just as I applied to stand again as a Ukip MEP and went through the same assessment as other candidates and faced the vote of the membership with everyone else, I believe that the power to select the person they will be pounding the streets in all weathers for lies with the members of the branch themselves.

Of course I think I stand a good chance of winning. I have fought the seat before and it is in my home county of Kent and an area I have represented in the European Parliament since 1999. But with Ukip members, nothing is ever for certain. And that’s just fine by me.

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