Sunday, May 15, 2016

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke: Black Lives Matter ‘will join forces’ with Islamic State


Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr (AP file photo)
Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke: Black Lives Matter ‘will join forces’ with Islamic State

By Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 28, 2015

An outspoken black sheriff has made the harrowing claim that Black Lives Matter activists will eventually join forces with the Islamic State terror group to bring down the United States.
“Before long, Black Lies [sic] Matter will join forces with ISIS to [bring] down our legal constituted republic. You heard it first here,” Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarketweeted to his 96,400 followers on Tuesday.

“I have been right on every call I have made about these subversives. I will be right again,” he added.

Sheriff Clarke has been an outspoken critic against the Black Lives Matter movement, making him a hero among conservatives and a frequent guest on Fox News. He most recently sparked criticism from the movement after he claimed during a Fox interview that “there is no police brutality in America” and that “there is no racism in the hearts of police officers.”

New York Daily News columnist and Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King penned an op-ed calling the sheriff an “Uncle Tom” and a “sellout.”

“That crap doesn’t bother me,” Sheriff Clarketold The Daily Caller in response to the column. “It’s designed to get me off message.”

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