Wednesday, May 25, 2016


            For this year’s International Missing Children’s Day, we, the comrades of Unit 1012, will remember the 82 murdered children of Unit 1012, where we will not forget them. Let us remember Zoe Buttigieg (8 August 2004 to 25 October 2015), by thanking those people who marched in Wangaratta, Victoria in Australia:

Voices for action
1000-strong rally had loud, clear message for politicans, judiciary

Voices for action
CALLING FOR CHANGE: An estimated 1000 people marched in Wangaratta yesterday. Among those leading the march, with ‘Enough is enough’ in hand, were organisers Carol Roadknight (left) and Tania Maxwell (right), Ange Johnston, Bruce (red shirt) and Denise Morcombe, and Julie Harrison. PHOTO: Luke Plummer
THEY marched, young and old, around a 1000 in number, seeking to give voice to all victims of violence.

As the impassioned marchers paraded through Wangaratta’s central business district yesterday morning, slowly making their way towards the city square in Faithful Street, their chant was simple and pointedly targeted to the powers that be.

“Enough is enough” was the public outcry, a community much larger than Wangaratta standing united, calling for politicians and the judiciary to take action and restore faith in a justice system many see as broken, failing to protect its citizens.

Many were motivated to act following the shocking deaths of young Zoe Buttigieg, and Whorouly mother of two Karen Chetcuti.

Others were drawn by years of seeing instances across the state, and country, where convicted criminals, out on parole, have re-offended, even murdered.

The rally’s frustration at a continuation of violent crimes was palpable, with the sea of placards including calls to “Bring back the death penalty” and “Parole is not working for violent offenders”.

Hundreds yesterday signed the ‘Enough is enough’ petition, seeking to demand, of those that make the laws and those who apply them in Victoria, to:
• make community safety the number one priority;
• have harsher penalties for perpetrators of violent and sexual crimes;
• introduce mandatory extensive supervision for convicted criminals out on parole; and
• make the judiciary more accountable.

“We will not give up this fight,” Wangaratta mum Tania Maxwell repeatedly yelled, as she fronted the march with fellow organiser Carol Roadknight.

By their side were Bruce and Denise Morcombe, who’ve become some of the staunchest public advocates for more to be done to stop violent crimes, following the abduction and murder of their 13 year old old son Daniel back in 2003.

Zoe’s godmother Jenny Zahra, together with other family and friends, also marched, and she told the Wangaratta Chronicle the public support was appreciated, as the process to get justice for Zoe continued.

The 11-year-old schoolgirl has been remembered as a 'beautiful young lady' with a 'cheeky smile'
Zoe Buttigieg
(8 August 2004 to 25 October 2015)

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