Friday, April 22, 2016


            Let us not forget Leslie Shelley, every year on April 22. We made her one of The 82 murdered children of Unit 1012 where we will not forget her. Let us remember how she lived on this earth.

Leslie Shelley

Leslie Shelley was known as a kind and friendly person. She is deeply missed.

            On this date, May 13, 2005, a serial killer, Michael Ross was executed by lethal injection in Connecticut, U.S.A. We will post quotes from the families of his seventh victim, Leslie Shelley, she was murdered by him on April 22, 1984. The family members of Leslie Shelley are another great example of victims’ families who were satisfied years later after their loved ones’ killers were put to death. They felt that justice was served years later and the executions did help them move on. 

Please go to this previous blog post to remember Leslie Shelley.

QUOTE 1: Edwin Shelley, whose daughter Leslie Shelley was killed by Ross along with her best friend in 1984, said the convicted killer got what he deserved. "We have waited 21 years for justice, and I would like to thank the jury in Bridgeport, the jury in New London, and finally the state of Connecticut for finally giving us the justice that our children are due."

QUOTE 2: For two decades, Lera Shelley endured what seemed like endless court hearings as she waited for the execution of her daughter's murderer, serial killer Michael Ross.

It was all worth it, Shelley said, the moment she saw Ross die by lethal injection in the death chamber at Osborn Correctional Institution in May 2005.

Finally, she said, there was justice for 14-year-old Leslie and the seven other women whom Ross admitted killing in the early 1980s.

"When I saw Michael Ross take his last breath, I knew it was all over. No more appeals, no more 'Walking with Michael' on the Internet," Shelley said Wednesday April 3, 2012. Before his death, Ross' prison writings were posted on a Web page in a newsletter titled, "Walking with Michael."

QUOTE 3: But with the state's death penalty near repeal, Shelley said that other family members of murder victims might not get the chance to get the justice and closure she said she found in execution, a finality she said she needed to move on in life.

"It was like a big cloud that had been hanging over our head for years had finally been lifted and sunshine was coming in," said Shelley, 68, of Griswold.

AUTHOR: Family member of Leslie Shelley who was the 7th victim of serial killer, Michael Bruce Ross on April 22, 1984. He was executed by the state of Connecticut on May 13, 2005. 

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